Криворізького національного університету

    Криворожского национального университета

    of Kryvyi Rih National University

    der Nationalen Universität Krywyj Rih

    de l’Universitè Nationale de Kryviї Rih

Issue 44

The collection presents the results of research in the field of Technical Sciences, the ways to increase the efficiency of industrial production, automation control and control of technological processes. Much information is devoted to the issues such as Energy conservation, Reliability of the occupational health, Labour safety and Protection of the environment.


  • UDC 622.271

    The aim of the work is to establish the optimal ratio between the volume of the body of a dump truck and the volume of a bucket of an excavator to ensure the correct organization of the shovel-truck complex and its effective use in time.
    Research methods. To achieve the stated goal of the work, methods of complex analysis were used – for generalization and analyze the achievements of theory and practice in the field of consistency of parameters of shovel-truck complexes and analytical – to establish the most effective ratio between the volume of the truck body and the volume of a bucket of the shovel.
    Scientific significance. The solution of the task is the relevance of the work. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the calculated formula has been obtained to determine the most effective ratio between the volume of the body of a dump truck and the volume of excavator bucket from the point of view of achieving shovel-truck complexes of the highest possible productivity.
    Practical significance. The resulting analytical and graphical dependencies link the parameters of the shovel-truck complex with the duration of the voyage of the dump truck. This allows you to plan mining operations in such a way as to maximize the use of excavation and loading equipment and vehicles in time that work in a career.
    Results. It is established that a rational ratio of the volume of the body of a dump truck to the volume of a bucket of an excavator is the most important condition ensuring high-performance use of excavators and truck at the minimum cost of mining operations. Among scientists, there is no unified view on the method of determining the most appropriate ratio of the parameters of the shovel-truck complex and its quantitative characteristics. The analytical dependence of the rational relationship between the volume of the dump truck body and the volume of the excavator bucket is obtained to achieve the maximum possible productivity of the shovel-truck complex when loading and transporting any types of rocks taking into account the duration of the voyage.

    Keywords: career, rock mass, shovel-truck complex, structure of complex mechanization, the volume of the body of a dump truck and the volume of a bucket of an excavator.


    1. Ржевский В.В. Технология и комплексная механизация открытых горных работ. Учебник, изд. 3, перераб. и доп. / В.В. Ржевский. – М.: Недра, 1980. – 631 с.
    2. Мариев П. Л. Карьерный автотранспорт: состояние и перспективы / П. Л. Мариев, А. А. Кулешов, А. Н. Егоров, И. В. Зырянов. СПб: Элмор, 2004. — 427 с.
    3. Кулешов А.А. Мощные экскаваторно-автомобильные комплексы карьеров / А.А. Кулешов. – М.: Недра, 1980. – 317 с.
    4. Васильев М.В. Автомобильный транспорт карьеров / М.В. Васильев, З.Л. Сироткин, В.П. Смирнов. – М.: Недра, 1973. – 280 с.
    5. Флаксенберг П. Погрузка и транспорт на карьерах. Перевод с англ./ П. Флаксенберг. – М.: Недра, 1967. – 160 с.
    6. Хорешок А.А. Определение оптимального соотношения сопряженных параметров карьерных экскаваторно-автомобильных комплексов / А.А. Хорешок, Д.В. Стенин. // Вестник Кузбасского государственного технического университета. КузГТУ. – 2007. – №5. – С. 3 – 4.
    7. Бишоп Т.М. Автомобильный транспорт. Перевод с англ. / Т.М. Бишоп. – М.: Недра, 1971. – 142 с.
    8. Томаков П. И. О формировании экскаваторно-автотранспортных комплексов карьеров / П. И. Томаков // Горный журнал. – 1970. – №12, с.20-23.
    9. Ржевский В.В. Открытые горные работы. часть II. Технология и комплексная механизация открытых горных работ. 4-е издание, перераб. и доп. / В.В. Ржевский. – М.: Недра, 1985. – 549 с.
    10. Томаков П.И. Технология, механизация и организация открытых горных работ / П.И. Томаков, И.К. Наумов. М.: Недра, 1986. -312 с.
    11. Научные основы проектирования карьеров / [Под общей редакцией В.В. Ржевского, М.Г. Новожилова, Б.П. Юматова и др.]. – М.: Недра, 1971. – 600 с.

    A manuscript entered release 12.04.17

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  • UDC 622.8: 331.452: 519.6

    Aim. Increase the safety of emergency work in mine workings with the threat of explosion of the mine atmosphere by taking into account the influence of the place of initiation of the explosion and the burning regime in the calculation of risk-free distances. Mathematical modeling of the ignition and combustion of the sealed section of mine atmosphere in the mine workings.
    Research methods. Analysis and generalization of theoretical studies, numerical simulation of gas-dynamic detonation combustion of a gas-air mixture, including a model of chemical combustion kinetics, which, on the whole, allows one to trace the dynamics of formation of shock air waves in conditions of mine workings. Ma-thematic processing of the results of the experiment by the method of least squares. When solving the nonlinear regression equations, linearization was used by the method of logarithm.
    Scientific novelty. As a result of numerical modeling of the ignition and combustion of the sealed section of the mine atmosphere, regularities in the formation and propagation of shock air waves, the dependence of their parameters on the combustion regime and the location of the initiation of the gas-air mixture were obtained.
    Practical value. The conducted researches allow to improve the method of calculation of safe distances and thus will increase the safety of mine rescuers’ work in the localization of emergency explosions of mine atmosphere and liquidation of the consequences of underground fires.
    Results. It is established that the combustion dynamics of the gas-air mixture has a decisive influence on the formation of UVB: in the deflagration combustion mode of the gas-air mixture, with the initiation at the edge of the cloud, the length of the blast wave is increased 3.6 times in the direction opposite to combustion, and the wave amplitude by 10% spread of flame. In the detonation mode, the effect of a directed explosion is observed, in which the amplitude of the shock air wave is opposite to the motion of the detonation wave 5 times less than in the direct shock air wave. The model of an instantaneous volumetric explosion, in comparison with combustion models, yields an underestimated amplitude value.

    Keywords: gas-air mixture, instantaneous explosion, shock wave, detonation, deflagration combustion, initiation point.


    1. Гурін, А.О. Дистанційний відбір проб повітря при проведенні виробок / А.О. Гурін, В.А. Шаповалов, А.В. Давидов // Вісник Криворізького національного университету.– 2012.– Вип. 31.– С. 126-128.
    2. Кудинов, Ю.В. Развитие систем взрывозащиты угольных шахт / Ю.В. Кудинов, О.И. Кашуба, Ю.В. Манжос // Уголь Украины. – 2007. – № 9. – С. 17 – 20.
    3. Методика визначення депресій вентиляційних дільниць шахтної мережі / І.Б. Ошмянський, О.Є. Лапшин, О.О. Лапшин, А.А. Немченко // Вісник Криворізького національного университету.– 2012.– Вип. 31.– С. 118-122.
    4. Способы оценки состава газов в шахтной атмосфере при тяжелых техногенных авариях / А.Г. Мнухин, А.М. Брюханов, В.Г. Агеев [и др.] // Уголь Украины. – 2012. – № 8. – С. 23 – 30.
    5. Сайт горноспасателей [Электронный ресурс] / РГКП «ЦШ ПВАСС» Республика Казахтан.– Режим доступа: http://www.gornospass.ru/vzryv-ms.html.– 18.03.2017 г. – Загл. с экрана.
    6. Математическое моделирование нестационарных процессов вентиляции сети выработок угольной шахты / И.М. Васенин, Э.Р. Шрагер, А.Ю. Крайнов [и др.] // Компьютерные исследования и моделирование.– 2011.– Т.3
    № 2.– С. 155-163.
    7. Агеев, В.Г. Математическая модель формирования ударных волн в горных выработках при взрывах метана// Горноспасательное дело.– 2010.– Вып. 47.– С. 5–10;
    8. Влияние места взрыва метановоздушной смеси на интенсивность ударной волны в горной выработке / И.М. Васенин, А.Ю. Крайнов, Д.Ю. Палеев [и др.] // Доклады VII Всероссийской научной конференции с участием иностранных ученых «Современные методы математического моделирования природных и антропогенных катастроф». Т.1. – Красноярск: Ин-т вычисл. моделир. СО РАН, 2003.– С. 64-65.
    9. Горев, В.А. Влияние формы облака и места инициирования взрыва на характер взрывной волны / В.А. Горев, Г.М. Медведев // Пожаровзрывобезопасность.– 2012.– № 6.– С. 29-33.
    10. Поландов, Ю.Х. Влияние места расположения источника воспламенения в помещении на развитие взрыва газа / Ю.Х. Поландов, В.А. Бабанков // Пожаровзрывобезопасность.– 2014.– № 3.– С. 68-74.
    11. Гельфанд, Б.Е. Объемные взрывы: монография / Б.Е. Гельфанд, М.В. Сильников.– СПб.: Астерион, 2008.– 374 с.
    12. Зельдович, Я.Б. Теория ударных волн и введение в газодинамику / Я.Б. Зельдович – Москва-Ижевск: НИЦ “Регулярная и хаотическая динамика”, 2004. – 188 с.
    13. Фролов, С.М. Быстрый переход горения в детонацию / С.М. Фролов // Химическая физика.– 2008.– Т. 27.– № 6.– С. 32-46.
    14. Физика взрыва / Под ред. Л.П. Орленко. – В 2 т. Т.1. – М.: Физматлит, 2002. – 832 с.
    15. Налисько, Н.Н. Численный анализ влияния объемов загазирования горных выработок на импульс ударной воздушной волны / Н.Н. Налисько // Вісник Криворізького національного університету.– 2015.– Вип. 39.– С. 73-77.

    A manuscript entered release 21.03.17

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  • UDC 622.235

    The aim of work is an improvement and simultaneously reduction of prices of drillings and blasting, by the primary explosing of the diminished (on 30-50%) charge of the explosives in the second row of mining holes, and through the expected interval of deceleration, near valuable charge in the first row. Such replacement of explosion order delays in space and time co – operating of the first line of explosive wave with represented from free – form of hay – crop and roof of ledge, eliminates formation of main cracks from such cooperation, continues time of action of explosive gases of charge in the second row, increases high efficiency explosion, provides, through doubleness of of explosive shots on the hay – crop of ledge, improvements of quality of ledge sole.
    Research methods. Establishment of distribution speed of waves in the investigated breeds, their durability, parameters of drilling and blasting operations and intervals of deceleration between compatible charges in the pair of rows, and also by the pair of rows.
    Scientific novelty consists in validity of breeding in space and time of cooperation of the first line of explosive wave with represented from free-form of hay-crop and roof of ledge, for avoidance of main cracks in it, continuation of germination of radial cracks round a charge in the second row, increases explosion efficiency.
    Practical value consists in the improved internals working of megascopic due to doubleness of wave explosive shots on a hay – crop, diminished specific expense of explosives.
    Results. Offered the drilling and blasting technology which foresees the initial explosing of the diminished (on 30-50%) charge in the second row of explosive block, and through the expected interval of deceleration, fellow creature with valuable mass, in the first row. In future, like, through deceleration, undermine the next pair of charges in these rows continue and so, while charges will not be finished in the first two rows. As far as their working off, deceleration accumulates, and after achievement of its values 120-180 мs, it is necessary to begin an explosing in the next pair of rows : fourth and third, by an analogical method, as in the second and first. All charges in pair rows will have the diminished mass, and in odd valuable. On this sign technology got the name of the differentiated satiation of array explosive energies. Amount of pair of rows, working like, is determined the by the technological terms of production. In parallel such positive displays turn out: diminishing of dust, gas through mining holes, diminishing of sizes of gas and dust cloud, diminishing of general amount of toxic gases in an explosive cloud.

    Keywords: explosive works in a career, pair of charges, pair of rows, direct explosive wave from the charge of the explosives, explosive waves removed from free-form of hay-crop and roof of ledge, toxic explosive gases.


    1. Друкованый М.Ф. Методы управления взрывом на карьерах. М.: Недра, 1973. – 416 с.
    2. Фролов О.О. Керування енергетичними потоками при вибуховому руйнуванні різноміцнісних масивів гірських порід на кар’єрах / Автореф. дис. на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора технічних наук. Київ. 2014.
    3. Ефремов Э.И. Подготовка горной масы на карьерах. – М.: Недра, 1980. – 272 с.
    4. Ефремов Э. И., Петренко В.Д., Пастухов А. И. Прогнозирование дроблення горных масеивов взрывом / Отв. ред. Комир В.М.; АН УССР // Ин-т геотехнической механики. – Киев: Наук. думка, 1990. – 120 с.
    5. Кузнецов В. М. Математические модели взрьівного дела. Академия наук СССР, Сибирское отделение, Ин-т горного дела,. Изд-во кНаука», Нозосибирск, 1977. – 280 с.
    6. Кутузов Б. Н., Рубцов Е К. Физика взрывного разрушения горных пород / М., Учебн. пособие. – МГИ, 1973 рад. 1. – 120 с.
    7. Кутузов Б. Н. Взрывные работы. – М.: Недра, 1988. – 392 с.
    8. Кук М. А. Наука с промышленных взрывчатых веществах. – М.: Недра, 1980. – 453 с.9.
    9. Будько А. В. и др. Совершенствование скважинной отбойки. – М.: Недра, 1981. – 159 с.
    10. Мельников Н. В. Краткий справочник по открьітьім горньїм работам. – М.: Недра, 1982. -414 с.

    A manuscript entered release 27.03.17

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  • UDC 57.044

    Aim. The article analyzes the existing approaches in Ukraine and abroad regarding the normalization of elementwise soil contamination of heavy metals, the concentration of the natural geochemical background, the integral indicator of the biological state, the Soil Screening Value, their advantages and disadvantages are shown. The relevance of this work concerns the search for indicators of the characteristics of environmental hazards and the development of a system for normalizing soil contamination as an abiotic component of any ecosystem that has experienced anthropogenic interference in technologically stressed regions of relatively heavy metals. The severity of the problem is highlighted against the backdrop of urboecosystems, where the functioning of industrial enterprises predetermines the creation of an urban geochemical background, which can exceed the natural one by several times.
    Methods of research. Provided requirements for environmental standards, which should be aimed at solving tasks of optimal functioning of ecological properties of soils, ensuring their permanence, renewing fertility, preserving land resources by minimizing the negative impact.
    Scientific novelty. On the example of the city of Dnipro, an ecological assessment of elemental soil contamination with urbo-copper braids was carried out according to the proposed system of rationing.
    It is substantiated reasonably to use for environmental regulation of elemental contamination by heavy metals of urboyosystems soil the concentration of their natural geochemical background, both for gross contents and for mobile forms.
    Practical significance. It is suggested, when establishing the degree of econobism, also to be considered with the contents of mobile forms of pollutants, as such, that due to their mobility are able to migrate by trophic chains in ecosystems. The intensity of contamination of Cu soils with Urbokosistem in the city of Dnepr over the gross content – both weak and behind mobile forms – is very strong.
    Result. It is established that the increase in mobile soil, through the loss of buffer capacity, reflects the discrepancy between the results of estimates for gross contents and mobile forms of heavy metals.

    Keywords: heavy metals, copper, soil, pollution, urboecosystem, rationing.


    1. Концепція екологічного нормування допустимого антропогенного навантаження на ґрунтовий покрив. – Харків, 2004. – 24 с.
    2. Колесников С. И. Разработка региональных экологических нормативов содержания загрязняющих веществ в почвах юга России [Электронный ресурс] / С. И. Колесников, К. Ш. Казеев, Т. В. Денисова, Е. В. Даденко // Политематический сетевой электронный научный журнал Кубанского государственного аграрного университета. – 2012. – № 82 (08). – Режим доступа к журналу: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/razrabotka-regionalnyh-ekologicheskih-normativov-soderzhaniya-zagryaznyayuschih-veschestv-v-pochvah-yuga-rossii.
    3. Мислива Т. М. Концептуальні засади здійснення екологічного нормування важких металів / Т. М. Мислива // Вісник Житомирського національного агроекологічного університету. – 2012. – № 1, Т. 1. – С. 76–90.
    4. Патика В. П. Агроекологічний моніторинг та паспортизація сільськогосподарських земель : метод.-норм. забезпечення / В. П. Патика, О. Г. Тараріко. – К.: Фітосоціоцентр, 2002. – С. 35–37.
    5. Околелова А. А. Достоверность оценки загрязнения почв тяжелыми металлами [Электронный ресурс] / А. А. Околелова, Т. М. Минкина, А. С. Мерзлякова, В. П. Кожевникова // Политематический сетевой электронный научный журнал Кубанского государственного аграрного университета. – 2014. – № 101 (07). – Режим доступа к журналу: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/dostovernost-otsenki-zagryazneniya-pochv-tyazhelymi-metallami.
    6. Чернова О. В. Допустимые и фоновые концентрации загрязняющих веществ в экологическом нормировании (тяжелые металлы и другие химические элементы) / О. В. Чернова, О. В. Бекецкая // Почвоведение. – 2011.
    – №9. – С. 1102-1113.
    7. Колесников С. И. Экологическое состояние и функции почв в условиях химического загрязнения / С. И. Колесников, К. Ш. Казеев, В. Ф.Вальков. – Ростов-на-Дону: Изд-во Ростиздат, 2006. – 385 с.
    8. Carlon C. Derivation method of soil screening values in Europe / C. Carlon // A review and evaluation of national procedures towards harmonization. – European Commission: Joins Research Centre, 2007. – 306 p.
    9. Swartjies F. A. Risk-based assessment of soil and ground-water quality in the Netherlands: standards and remediation urgency / F. A. Swartjies // Risk Analysis. – 1999. – V. 19. – №6. – Р. 1235-1249.
    10. Добровольский В. В. Ландшафтно-геохимические критерии оценки загрязнения почвенного покрова тяжелыми металлами / В. В. Добровольский // Почвоведение. – 1999. – № 5. – С. 639-645.
    11. Rahman S. H. Assessment of heavy metal contamination of agricultural soil around Dhaka Export Processing Zone (DEPZ), Bangladesh: implication of seasonal variation and indices / S. H. Rahman, D. Khanam, T. M. Adyel, M. S. Islam // Applied sciences. – 2012. – № 2. – P. 584-601.
    12. Балюк С. А. Ґрунтово-геохімічне обстеження урбанізованих територій / С. А. Балюк, А. І. Фатєєв, М. М. Мірошниченко. – Харків: ННЦ “ІҐА ім. О.Н. Соколовського” УААН, 2004. – 54 с.
    13. Яковишина Т. Ф. Екологічний моніторинг: контроль і детоксикація важких металів в ґрунтах урбоекосис- тем / Т. Ф. Яковишина. – Дніпропетровськ: Нова ідеологія, 2013. – 101 с.
    14. Методические указания по определению тяжелых металлов в почвах сельхозугодий и продукции растениеводства. – Москва: 1992. – 61 с.
    15. Методи аналізу ґрунту і рослин: методичний посібник / За заг. ред. С.Ю. Булигіна. – Харків: Інститут ґрунтознавства і агрохімії ім. О.Н. Соколовського, 1999. – 157 с.
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    A manuscript entered release 17.03.17

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  • UDC 622.733-52

    Aim. The problem of stabilizing the inverted pendulum attracts attention of many scholars involved in synthesizing the dynamic object control systems. The inverted pendulum is considered to be one of the models for testing the quality of control systems for various objects such as for ships with after propellers, rockets, missiles, towed transport, vertical elevating mechanisms, robotic devices. Available studies in this field are based on the linear concept. However, most objects being non-linear and non-stationary, such methods do not produce satisfactory results. Neural network regulators are cumbersome and require repetitive trainings of the network. The aim of this paper is to develop an algorithm of stabilizing the inverted pendulum in the unstable upright position and other positions with various initial deviation angles and with unknown parameters and a structure of the pendulum. Here, the pendulum is treated as a “blackbox”.
    Research methods. The research methods are based on the concept of dual non-parametric control. On the basis of observations, an expanded state matrix is created. It includes both control actions and responses to them. The matrix neither contains nor requires information of parameters or structure of the controlled object. Parameters of the matrix are renewed at every discrete interval. A special algorithm of matrix processing enables the action of control.
    Scientific novelty. Numerical modeling applying the dual non-parametric model concept proves the possibility of stabilizing the inverted pendulum in various positions (not only the upright one) and with unknown parameters.
    Practical value. The obtained results can be used when creating systems for controlling various objects – elements of robotic systems, aircraft, tow-boats, etc. At that, change of controlled object parameters does not require measurements and correction of the regulator parameters.
    Results. The obtained results prove correctness of the suggested method of creating the system for stabilizing the inverted pendulum. The most important achievement is stabilization of the pendulum horizontal position at the horizontal control force.

    Keywords: “blackbox”, expanded state matrix, superposition principle, neural network regulator, Lagrange equations, local model, global model.


    1. А.А. Жосан Непараметрический регулятор нелинейных процессов / Вісник Криворізького національного університету, 2016. – Кривий Ріг: КНУ. – Вип. 42, . –С. 226-231.
    2. С.С. Рюмкин, С.П. Круглов Вопросы управления робототехническими комплексами в условиях текущей неопределенности. / Научное творчество XXI века: Сборник трудов Ежегодной Всероссийской научной конференции учащихся, студентов и молодых ученых (2009). Т. 1. // Інтернет-ресурс: http://nkras.ru/nt/2009/Ryumkin.pdf.
    3.Жосан А.А. Концепція моделі динамічного об’єкта керування як потоку вхідних і вихідних даних / Вісник Криворізького технічного університету, 2008 // Кривий Ріг. – Вип. 22. – С. 154-157.
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    A manuscript entered release 11.04.17

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  • UDC 622.236-047.44:622.232.72

    The aim of the work is to study the non-blasting mining technology in the iron ore quarries. Mining enterprises in difficult technical geological and mining conditions require increasing production at significant depths, searching, researching and implementing new, more productive technological production schemes.
    Research methods. The analysis of the condition and prospects for the use of milling combines for working out the rock massifs in open-pits by processing statistical data on the experience of using milling combines at mining enterprises with the purpose of determining their effectiveness in the mining rocks is reflected. The analysis of the state of theoretical and practical effectiveness of the prospects of using a non-blasting method for working out a deposit of rocks by using mountain milling combines is carried out. The features of the destruction of rocks depending on the physical and mechanical properties are considered.
    Scientific novelty. Efficiency of the milling combines used in rock mining was justified. This makes it possible to increase the technical and economic performance of the pit. With the adaptation of the non-blasting mining rock massifs to the existing field development technology in mining steeply falling deposits, which significantly improves the efficiency of open mining.
    Practical significance. The efficiency of using the proposed technology for the mining rock massifs in pits depends on the criteria for assessing the choice and application under appropriate conditions, the optimal operation of milling type mowing-type mowers on iron ore pits and the improvement of mining technology. Mining combines of a milling type for today can efficiently work out an iron ore massif with strength of uniaxial compression up to 80 MPa. In the future, this indicator tends to increase.
    Results. The use of milling combines in iron ore pits makes it possible to effectively work hard rock without preliminary preparation of rocks for excavation by explosion. In the long term, the priority is to evaluate the mechanical method of mining rocks, improve the efficiency of its use, and develop technology for mining iron ore deposits by milling combines. This method allows increasing the technical and economic performance of the pit during the adaptation of the non-blasting mining of rock massifs in the conditions of working off steeply declining deposits, substantially increasing the efficiency of conducting open mining.

    Keywords: massif, mining, non-blasting method, milling combine.


    1. Вусик О.О. Аналіз теоретичних основ застосування механічного способу розпушення гірських порід, котрий підвищує ефективність розробки залізорудних родовищ / О.О. Вусик, А.М. Пижик // Інноваційний розвиток гірничодобувної галузі: міжн. наук.-техн. інтер.-конф. – Кривий Ріг, 2016 – С. 81.
    2. Мельников Н.В. Развитие горной науки в области открытой разработки месторождений / Н.В. Мельников. – М.: Углетехиздат, 1957. – 92 с.
    3. Гірнича справа / В.Г. Блізнюков, С.О. Луценко, А.М. Пижик – 3-є вид., перероб. і доп. – Кривий Ріг: Видавець ФО-П Чернявський Д.О. – 2014. – 424 с., з іл.
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    5. Ступник Н.И. Технология разработки рудных месторождений открыто-подземным способом / Н.И. Ступник, Б.Н. Андреев, С.В. // Вісник Криворізького національного університету. – Кривий Ріг, КНУ, 2012. – Вип. 33. – С.3-8.
    6. Колосов В.А. Методы учета фактических величин показателей извлечения руды / В.А. Колосов // Вісник Криворізького національного університету. – Кривий Ріг, КНУ, 2012. – Вип. 33. – С.12-15.
    7. Темченко О.А., Вусик О.О. Обґрунтування доцільності переходу від відкритого до підземного способу розробки родовищ корисних копалин / О.А. Темченко, О.О. Вусик // Вісник Криворізького національного університету. – Кривий Ріг, КНУ, 2012. – Вип. 33. – С. 294-297 .
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    A manuscript entered release 17.03.17

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  • UDC 621.22 (6.04)

    Aim. The initial data for the design and subsequent operation of ventilation systems, aspiration, pressure and non-pressure hydrotransport of granular particles is determined by the gravitational velocity of subsidence (speed of flow) in traffic flows. Because of the complex dependence of the coefficient of drag of particles on the Reynolds number, which is determined experimentally and is supplied in tabular or graphical form, it becomes necessary to perform approximate calculations. This creates certain inconveniences and requires a considerable period of time. The aim of the work is to develop a convenient method for calculating the gravitational sedimentation rate of solid particles.
    Research methods. The analytical method of investigation is used in the work, with the help of which a mathematical relationship between the coefficient of the particles motion resistance in a liquid, the Reynolds number and the gravitational sediment velocity is established.
    Scientific novelty. Replacing tabular and graphical form of representation of experimental data by empirical dependence with subsequent use of design parameters with continuous change in particle size and material density.
    Practical significance. Based on the conducted studies, it is recommended to tabulate or graphical forms of experimental data of the drag coefficient to illustrate the empirical dependence on Reynolds numbers. The general form of the empirical dependence, which can be applied to various forms of particles of crushed material, is indicated. The use of empirical dependence in further calculations allows us to analytically calculate the gravitational sedimentation rate of particles.
    Results. The recommended empirical-analytical method of calculation makes it possible to reduce the calculation time for a wider range of changes in the output parameters of the calculations.

    Keywords: engineering hydraulics, gravitational settling of particles, calculation method.


    1. Деньгуб В.І. Алгоритм наближених розрахунків гідравлічної крупності зернистих зависів гідротранспорту // Науковий вісник будівництва. Х.: ХНУБА, ХОТВ АБУ, 2016. – № 3(85). – С. 171-173.
    2. Коузов П.А. Основы анализа дисперсного состава промышленных пылей и измельченных материалов – 3-е изд., перераб. – Л.: Химия, 1987. – 263 с.
    3. Гордон Г.М. Пылеулавливание и очистка газов / Г.М. Гордон, И.Л. Пейсахов. – М. : Металлургия, 1968. – 499 с.
    4. Криль С.И. Напорные взвесенесущие потоки. – К. : Наукова думка, 1990 . – 160 с.
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    7. Константінов Ю.М. Інженерна гідравліка / Ю.М. Константінов, О.О. Гіжа. Підручник для студентів ВНЗ – К.: Видавничий дім “Слово”, 2006. – 432 с.
    8. Альтшуль А.Д. Гидравлика и аэродинамика / А.Д. Альтшуль, П.Г. Киселев. Учебное пособие для вузов. 2-е изд., перераб и доп. – М.: Стройиздат, 1975. – 323 с.
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    11. Валєєв К.Г. Вища математика / К.Г. Валєєв, І.А. Джалладова: У 2 ч.– Ч.2. – К.: КНЕУ, 2002. – 451 с.
    12. Великанов М.А. Динамика русловых потоков. 3 изд., т.1-2 – М.: Гостехиздат, 1954-1955г. – 646 с.
    13. Бызова Н.Л. Экспериментальное исследования атмосферной диффузии и расчёты рассеивания примеси / Н.Л. Бызова, Е.К. Гаргер, В.И. Иванов. – Л.: Гидрометеоиздат, 1991. – 280 с.
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    A manuscript entered release 27.03.17

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  • UDC 622.063.8

    Aim. Establishment of a system for operational and production control of the technical condition of mining equipment of mines and quarries to improve its adaptive capacity in difficult operating conditions.
    Methods of research. Analysis and evaluation of reliability indicators of the main aggregates and nodes of loading and delivery machines according to the frequency of their failure and the need for spare parts for liquidation of malfunctions. Formation of a data bank on operating conditions and indicators of the serviceable condition and normal functioning of units and units.
    Scientific novelty. Coordination of preventive replacement of parts and prevention of major breakdowns in units and aggregates is achieved by rapid diagnosis and, having a sufficient amount of statistical data on failures of units and aggregates of the loading and delivery machine, determines the dependence of the need for spare parts on the complexity of their elimination with the planned lengthening of overhauls. Indicators assessing the reliability of the new generation loading and transporting machine should be considered coefficients of technical use and reduced efficiency of the machine.
    Practical significance. Adaptation of self-propelled equipment of high technical level in the specific conditions of the Novokonstantinovsky deposit mine and non-metallic open-cast mines in Ukraine, subject to maintenance schedules, will allow to provide an operative and production definition of the technical condition of the new generation loading and delivery machines and to predict the optimal functioning of the technological processes of mining operations in difficult mining conditions operation.
    Results. It is established that the reliability indexes of units and aggregates of loading and delivery machines of a new generation are determined by the conditions of their interaction with the characteristics of the road surface and elements of mine workings. In this connection, research aimed at establishing rational parameters of interacting elements of the system is a priority task.

    Keywords: coefficients of technical use and decrease of machine efficiency, transport-technological scheme, maintenance, adaptation of self-propelled equipment.


    1. Ширін Л.Н, Інюткін І.В. «Особенности формирования транспортно-технологических систем подземных рудников с учетом адаптационных возможностей самоходного оборудования// Науковий вісник. – 2009. – №9. –С. 66
    2. Ширин А.Л. Транспортные проблемы производительной работы подготовительных забоев и перспективы их решения / А.Л. Ширин, Л.Н. Посунько, В.А. Расцветаев // Materiały Krakowskiej konferencji młodych uczonych. – Kraków: PATRIA, 2011. – P. 505 – 512.
    3. Artem Shyrin. Informatywne wskaźniki niezawodności pracy schematów technologicznych transportu wspomagającego podczas drążenia wyrobisk przygotowawczych// Conference proceedings Krakow conference of young scientists, September 26–28, 2013, Grupa Naukowa Pro Futuro, Krakow: PATRIA. P. 83–87.
    4. А.В. Денищенко, О.О. Юрченко «Совершенствование транспортных комплексов гранитных карьеров» [Електронний ресурс]: irNMUU Institutional Repository National Mining University of Ukraine // Персональні колекції підрозділів та співробітників. – 2013. – Режим доступу:http://ir.nmu.org.ua/handle/123456789/1580.
    5. Положение о техническом обслуживании и ремонте карьерных автомобилей БелАЗ грузоподъемностью 75 т и более. – ИГД им. А.А.Скочинского, 1985.
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    7. J. Farrell, T. Givargis, Differential GPS reference station algorithm – Design and analysis. Ieee Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2000. 8(3): p. 519-531.
    8. К.Ч.Кожогулов, Н.А. Калдыбаев «Проблемы освоения малых месторождений нерудных строительных материалов КЫРГЫЗСТАНА» // Современные проблемы механики сплошных сред – 2010 г. – Вып.№12, стр.27-32.
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    10. К.Р.Монсини Фирма «Катерпиллар» – концепция технического обслуживания горных машин// Горный журнал, – 1998. – № 11-12, С. 66-69.

    A manuscript entered release 04.04.17

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  • UDC 622.834:622.862.3

    The aim of this work is to study the movement of the lateral rocks under the action of dynamic loads, manifested as a result of the collapse of the roof of the developed coal seam, taking into account the peculiarities of the manifestation of rock pressure in the coal-bearing rock massif containing the mining workings.
    Methods of research. To study the peculiarities of dangerous manifestations of rock pressure in a coal-bearing rock massif containing rock mines, laboratory experiments were conducted on models of optically sensitive materials and analytical studies, involving the main provisions of applied mechanics, the theory of elasticity, and the theory of oscillations.
    Оriginality. As a result of the conducted studies, it was established for the first time that when the lateral rocks collide into the mine workings and collide with the rocks of the immediate roof, represented as a long beam, the magnitude of the shock pulse does not depend on the mass of the impacted body and does not change at constant values of the velocity and mass of the collapsed rocks. In such conditions, when calculating the stability of the rocks of the immediate roof, the critical load is always similar to the bending beam that is destructive when calculating the beams.
    Practical value. It is recommended, when working out coal seams in difficult mining and geological conditions, to prevent emergencies from the effect of dynamic loads and improving the safety of miners, to focus on the method of managing the roof – laying the worked out space.

    Keywords: оptical materials, dynamic stress, oscillations, impact pulse, critical load, roof control


    1. Николин В.И. Снижение травматизма от проявлений горного давления / В.И. Николин, С.В. Подкопаев, А.В. Агафонов, Н.В. Малеев. – Донецк: Норд-Пресс, 2005. – 232 с.
    2. Селезень А.Л. Поддержание подготовительных выработок при разработке крутых угольных пластов / А.Л.Селезень, А.Г.Томасов, В.Ф.Андрушко – М.: Недра, 1977. – 205с.
    3. Тимошенко С.П. Колебания в инженерном деле / С.П. Тимошенко, Д.Х. Янг, У. Унвер – М.: Машиностроение, 1985. – 472с.
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    13. Ильин М.М. Теория колебаний / М.М. Ильин, К.С. Колесников, Ю.С. Саратов – М.: Изд-во МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2003. – 271 с.
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    19. Bottega W.I. Engineering Vibrations. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2006. – 727 p. – ISBN: 0849334209

    A manuscript entered release 17.04.17

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  • UDC 624.012.45

    The aim of the work is a comparison of the experimental and calculation values of the crack opening width for the strengthened ferroconcrete beams in the tensile zone at low cycle loads. The beams were made from the wastes of ore dressing.
    Research methods. Five sets of the ferroconcrete beams were made from the concrete which contained the wastes of ore dressing. All beams’ sets accept the first one were pre-stressed with the load 0,7…0,8 from destructive load of the first set. Afterwards the beams were unloaded and strengthened by plating in the tensile zone with a concrete layer. The beams were strengthened by plating in the tensile zone with a layer of concrete made from the wastes of ore dressing.
    Scientific novelty. For the first time ever, the experimental crack resistance data for the strengthened in the tensile zone bending ferroconcrete elements are obtained. The concrete contained aggregates which were made from the wastes of ore dressing. The concrete elements were loaded at low cycles of the high levels. The mechanism of creating and opening the cracks was determined. The behavior of the cracks was studied from primary level of the monotonous increasing load to destruction. The beams manufactured and strengthened with concrete made from the wastes of ore dressing when low cycle loaded at high levels.
    Practical value. The effectiveness of using concretes with aggregates which were made from the wastes of magnetic separation dressing at the strengthening of the ferroconcrete structures in the tensile zone is determined.
    Experimentally proved, that possibility of existing calculation methods’ using is acceptable for calculation and practical application of the durability for non-strengthened and strengthened bending elements made from the wastes of ore dressing.
    Results.The research data display the calculation results of the opening width for the normal cracks in the non-strengthened and strengthened beams. Moreover, theoretical width of the normal cracks is more than the experimental one. This results in the strength and safety of the calculation formulae. The existing regulations with coefficients ϕ1 and ψb provide the necessary durability content when opening width calculating. These elements have been loaded by low cycle loads but they do not display the dependence between the increasing of the width for the crack opening and the level of the maximal load and cycles’ quantity. Experimentally proved, that the using of the concrete made from the wastes in the non-strengthened and strengthened beams indicates that the factor of the crack originating is 16 and 3% more than the calculation one.

    Keywords: concrete, tests, loads, wastes, crack resistance and strengthening.


    1. Шевченко Б.Н. Исследование прочности и деформативности предварительно напряженных железобетонных элементов, изготовленных из бетонов на мелких заполнителях – отходах горно-обогатительных комбинатов автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. техн. наук : спец. 05.23.01 “Будівельні конструкції, будівлі та споруди”/ Б.Н. Шевченко. – Киев, 1980. – 20 с.
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    4, Стороженко Г.Т. Исследование напряженно-деформированного состояния железобетонных элементов из бетонов на местных материалах Кривбасса : автореф. дис. на соискание уч. степени канд. техн. наук: спец. 05.23.01
    «Строительные конструкции, здания и сооружения» / Г.Т. Сторожеико –Кривой Рог, 1971. – 19 с.
    5. Стороженко Г.Т. Конструктивные элементы на местных материалах / Стороженко Г.Т. // Будівельні матеріали і конструкції. – 1971. № 1. – С.12.
    6. Бондаренко Г.Н. Обычные и высокопрочные бетоны на заполнителях из отходов ГОК / Г.Н. Бондаренко // Бетон и железобетон. – 1975. – № 3. – С.10-12.
    7. Бондаренко С.В. Усиление железобетонных конструкций при реконструкции зданий / С.В. Бондаренко, Р.С. Санжаровский. – М.: Стройиздат, 1990. – 352 с.
    8. Боярчук Б.А. Експериментальні дослідження прогинів згинальних елементів підсилених різними способами / Боярчук Б.А. // Ресурсоекономні матеріали, конструкції та споруди : Зб. наук. праць. – Рівне: УДУВГП, 2000. – Вип. 8. – С.64-67.
    9. Гурківський О.Б. Міцність, жорсткість та тріщиностійкість згинаних залізобетонних елементів при режимних навантаженнях: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. техн. наук : спец. 05.23.01 “Будівельні конструкції, будівлі та споруди” / О.Б. Гурківський. – К., 2004. – 20 с.
    10. Залесов А.С. Расчет деформаций железобетонных конструкций по новым нормативным документам / А.С. Залесов, Т.А. Мухамедиев, Е.А. Чистяков // Бетон и железобетон. – 2002. – №5. – С. 15-19.
    11. Заречанський О.О. Особливості роботи стиснуто-зігнутих залізобетонних елементів при одноразових і повторних малоциклових навантаженнях: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. техн. наук : спец. 05.23.01 “Будівельні конструкції, будівлі та споруди” / О.О. Заречанський. – Львів, 2008. – 20 с.
    12. Валовой А.И. Влияние кратковременных переменных нагрузок на прочность, деформативность и трещиностойкость железобетонных элементов из бетоном на отходах обогащения железных руд. Автореф. дис. на соиск. уч. степ. канд. техн. наук. Киев: КИСИ, 1980. – 20 с.
    13. Московитин В.В. Циклическое нагружение элементов конструкций. – М.: Наука, 1981.
    14. Гордеева Т.Ф. Исследование изгибаемых железобетонных элементов при повторных статических нагрузках. Автореф. дис. канд. техн. наук. – Киев, 1970, – 20 с.
    15. Герб П. И. Задачи и методика экспериментальных исследований железобетонных балок, усиленных наращиванием в растянутой зоне бетоном из отходов обогащения железных руд / П. И. Герб // Ресурсоекономні матеріали, конструкції, будівлі та споруди : зб. наук. пр. – Рівне : НУВГП, 2009. – Вип. 18. – С. 477–482.

    A manuscript entered release 17.03.17

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  • UDC 621.879

    The aim of this paper is to develop the experimental research methods of excavators walking four outriggers movement mechanism efficiency and to find the ways of its improvement. Walking movement mechanisms are widely used in mining, especially in machines with low speed movement. Walking mechanisms are typically used in giant dragline with a 4 m3 and more bucket capacity.
    Methods. The experimental researches of mechanical systems are used in the paper including physical modeling of the movement mechanism and experimental research in different movement modes. The design of the physical model of four outriggers walking bogie allows undertake an experimental study in conditions that simulate the movement of such mechanism in driftage’s. The pilot study was planned in such a way that almost managed to eliminate the influence of factors not subject to control and accounting. The method of experimental studies using physical models allows obtaining required data to assess the reliability of the mechanism and its structural elements and with a sufficient degree of certainty to estimate the performance of the object.
    Scientific novelty. Walking four outriggers movement mechanism applies to new excavator’s designs chassis, and research the parameters value and nature for such arrangements have outstanding meaning for their further use.
    Practical value. The results of experimental studies can determine the actual power and kinematic parameters of movement of the walking movement mechanism. Constraining factor in its actual use is absence of the grounded recommendations for estimation of rational parameters based design features of the machine, which conducted a series of experimental studies on physical model of four outriggers mechanism of movement in order to enhance its using.
    Results. The rational parameters of the eccentric and character changes of the kinematics and power parameters for one complete rotation and changes of pressure on soil and ways to decrease it in the operating excavators are established.

    Keywords: mining excavation, dragline, walking movement mechanism, physical model, eccentric, experimental studies.


    1. Марченко А. І., Буренко О. Г., Калашников О. Ю., Литвинов Л. І. Крокуючий хід важких кар’єрних екскаваторів – лопат. Патент України №46019 кл. E02F9/04 опублікований 15.05.2002 бюл. №5.
    2. Машины для земляных работ: учебник для вузов / Ю.А. Ветров, А.А. Кархов, А.С. Кондра, В.П. Станевский; под общ. ред. Ю.А. Ветрова. – 2-е изд., дораб. и доп. – К.: Вища шк., 1981. – 384с.
    3. Домбровский, Н.Г. Экскаваторы. Общие вопросы теории, проектирования, исследования и применения / Н.Г. Домбровский. – М.: Машиностроение, 1969. – 318 с.
    4. Гальперин, М.И. Строительные машины: учебник для вузов / М.И. Гальперин, Н.Г. Домбровский. – 3-е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Высш. шк., 1980. – 344с.: ил. – ISBN 000-000-000-000-0.
    5. Подэрни, Р.Ю. Горные машины и комплексы для открытых работ: учеб. пособие: В 2 т. Т. 1. – 4-е изд., стер. – М.: Изд-во МГГУ, 2001. – 422 с.
    6. Проектирование машин для земляных работ: учеб. пособие для вузов / под ред. А.М. Холодова. – Харьков: Вища шк., 1986. – 271с.:
    7. Шеффлер, М. Основы расчета и конструирования подъемно-транспортных машин / М. Шеффлер, Г. Пайер, Ф. Курт; сокр. пер. с нем. – М.: Машиностроение, 1980. – 255с.: ил. – ISBN 000-000-000-000-0.
    8. Баловнев, В.И. Моделирование процессов взаимодействия со средой рабочих органов дорожностроительных машин: учеб. пособие для вузов / В.И. Баловнев. – М.: Высш. школа, 1981 – 335с.9. Крупко І. В. Експериментальні дослідження чотирьохопорного ексцентрикового крокуючого механізму. Підйомно-транспортна техніка. – Дніпропетровськ: 2009-№4 (32)-с. 75-81.

    A manuscript entered release 21.03.17

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  • UDC 681.513.6

    The aim of this paper is to perform an analysis of the control problem in automatic control systems containing transport lines that cause delays. The analysis was carried out on the example of identification of the object with delay for further adjustment of a typical industrial regulator. The result of this study is to obtain comparative characteristics, rather than absolute values, and an assessment of the quality of process control using this method and the types of industrial regulators presented.
    Research methods. When performing theoretical studies, a method of mathematical modeling of second-order control objects was adopted. Mathematical models of regulatory objects have been developed and improved, and the main and minor parameters that affect their operation have been substantiated.
    Scientific novelty. The question of the theory of managing complex objects has been studied in detail, conclusions have been drawn and practical recommendations have been made on the choice of control systems for objects with a clean delay.
    Practical significance. Interest in control systems with delay has always been and remains at a fairly high level. This fact is due to a number of reasons. Most production processes have delays, the impact of which on the dynamic properties of the system is very large. A number of objects have latent lags, which are not large compared to the speed of processes at the object. Such delays are most often neglected. But in a number of cases they are important properties of the object, requiring their consideration in the analysis of the dynamic properties of the object.
    Results. For some processes, the dynamic characteristics of the object have properties for which the best (in terms of the transients quality) control method will be uneconomical, therefore, in an almost static mode, the regulating action must either be absent or have the smallest possible value. However, in some cases, the economic feasibility of obtaining even a small increase in the quality criterion can be the basis for the use of complex control systems, especially for complex objects with delay.

    Keywords: second-order control object, delay, latent lags, static mode.


    1. Гурецкий Х. Анализ и синтез систем управления с запаздыванием. Пер. с польского. – М.: Машиностроение,1974;
    2. Ашимов А.А. Системы автоматического управления с изменяющейся конфигурацией для объектов с запаздыванием – Алматы: Галым, 1995г.-628с.;
    3. Рей У. Методы управления технологическими процессами. Пер. с англ.-М. Мир. 1983 – 368С.;
    4. Ротач В.Я. Автоматизация настройки систем управления. –М.: Энергоатомиздат. 1984;
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    6. Пат. 1270350/18-24 Способ компенсации запаздывания в системах автоматического регулирования / А. Боровиков, А.П. Инешин, Г.В. Логинов, Заявлено 13.10.1968: Опубликовано 04.11.1970. Бюллетень №7;
    7. Асанов А.З., Каримов В.С. Синтез САУ для многосвязного объекта с запаздываниями на основе закона управления состоянием // Мехатроника, автоматизация, управление – 2008 – С.3336;
    8. Копысов О.Ю., Прокопов Б.И. Построение алгоритма перестройки параметров и запаздывания в методе настраиваемой модели. М.: МГИЭМ, 1999;
    9. Осадчий С.И. Федотова М.А. Скрынннк И.А. Упредитель Смита как средство компенсации запаздываний зерносушилки каскадного типа с кипящим слоем // Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація. – 2014. – №27;
    10. Осадчий С.І. Калита М.О. Скриннік І.О. Визначення структури і параметрів математичної моделі зерносушильної установки з киплячим шаром в реальних експлуатаційних умовах // Збірник наукових праць КНТУ.- Кіровоград: КНТУ, 2008 – С. 345-349;
    11 Азарсков В.Н. Блохин JI.H. Житецкий Л.C. Методология конструирования оптимальных систем стохастической стабилизации – Киев: Книжное издательство Национального авиационного университета, 2006 – 438 с.
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    13. Щокін В.П., Щокіна О.В., Кузьменко А.С. Метод параметричного синтезу асимптотично-стійких, інтелектуальних систем курування динамічними об’єктами // Матеріали VIII міжнародної науково-практичної конференції
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    14. Щокін В.П., Кузьменко А.С., Результати розробки алгоритму нечіткого логічного виводу ModifyMamdani
    // Вісник КТУ. – Кривий Ріг. -2007.- №17. – С.129-132;
    15 Кузьменко А.С., Коломіц Г.В., Сушенцев О.О. Результати розробки методу еквівалентування функціональних особливостей fuzzy-контролерів // Автоматика. Автоматизация. Электротехнические комплексы и системы. – Херсон. -2008. – №1(21). –С.111-117;
    16 Кузьменко А.С., Щокин В.П. Синтез нейронной сети для имитации и управления сложными объектами с распределенными во времени параметрами // Материалі конеренции «Topical Issues of Rational Use of Natural Resources» April 20 – 22, 2011;
    17 Щокін В.П., Кузьменко А.С. Компенсація запізнювання обєкта керування в ARMABiS-системах // Матеріали конференції «Сталий розвиток промисловості та суспільства» – № 30 – 2012.

    A manuscript entered release 17.04.17

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  • UDC 004.942

    Aim. One of the topical issues in mining is the optimal use of existing equipment and mechanisms with minimal costs for its repair and maintenance. The article presents the results of a study of the operation of the traction electric drive model of a mining dump truck, taking into account the nature of the technological road in order to identify possible overheating of the electric drive and optimize the operation of the dump truck or the career track. The main task in creating the model was to identify possible overloads of the dump truck electric drive and, therefore, overheating of the synchronous generator or drive motors while working on the technological route.
    Methods of research. The basic components of the model are an uncontrolled diode bridge and DC motors, a synchronous generator, a load model on motor shafts. Calculation of the parameters of the electric drive model. The development of the electric drive for quarry dump trucks does not stand still, more modern and efficient electric drives are introduced. The model allows monitoring the electrical and temperature overloads in the operation of the electric drive, depending on the nature of the technological route.
    Scientific novelty. The article gives examples of BelAZ motion simulation under different conditions of the route.
    Practical value. Modeling the operation of a modern electric drive of a dumper makes it possible to identify overloads and its non-optimal use on the technological route. This allows you to optimize the very path of a career or dump, determine the optimal routes of traffic that will save fuel and reduce the cost of working off a career. The creation of the model and its subsequent analysis was carried out in the mathematical package MatLab.
    Results. A series of works, including this one, is devoted to the creation of the traction drive electric drive model of a mining dump truck.

    Keywords: mine dump truck, electric drive, model, technological route.


    1. О.П. Хорольський, А.С.Кузьменко, Г.В.Коломіц Дослідження та моделювання тягового електроприводу кар’єрного самоскиду Білаз-75131 з урахуванням характеру технологічної траси Вісник Криворізького технічного університету. Збірник наукових праць. Випуск 28. Кривий Ріг-2011. С.30
    2. П.А. Морнев, А.А. Кулешов, А.Н. Егоров, И.В. Зырянов. Карьерный автотранспорт. СПб, «Наука», 2004;
    3. Єфремов И.С. Теория и расчет тягового привода електромобилей., Москва: Высшая школа, 1984;
    4. Герман-Галкин С. Г. Компьютерное моделирование полупроводниковых систем в MatLab 6.0: Учебное пособие. – СПб.: Корона принт, 2001.
    5. http://www.mining-media.ru/ru/article/transport/1629-130-tonnye-samosvaly-belaz-v-karerakh-rossii
    6. М.Г. Потапов, В.И. Белозеров. Направления развития карьерного автотранспорта. Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень. Том 10, 2000 г., с. 288
    7. О.Н. Вуейкова, О.Н. Ларин. Вопросы повышения эффективности работы карьерного автотранспорта. Вестник Оренбургского государственного университета. Том 10, 2011 г., с.20;
    8. Ларин О.Н. Факторный анализ производитеьности карьерного автотранспорта // Транспорт: наука, техника, управление. – 2011. – №1. –С.29.
    9. Мариев П.Л. Карьерный автотранспорт: состояние и перспективы / П.Л. Мариев, А.А. Кулешов, А.Н. Егоров. – СПб.: Наука, 2004. – 429с.
    10. Васильев М.В. Транспорт глубоких карьеров – М.: Недра, 1981. – 295с.
    11. Резниченко С.С. Математические методы и моделирование в горной промышлености – М.: МГГУ. 2001. – 400 с.

    A manuscript entered release 17.04.17

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  • UDC 519.218.2: 616.98
    The authors, sharing their practical experience in organizing practical surveillance of enterovirus infections, provide data on the frequency of positive laboratory virological studies on enteroviruses in humans, the external environment.
    Basic provisions on poliomyelitis, certain preventive measures have been disclosed, which are implemented to prevent the disease. Data on the cases of infection of children with the polio virus in the Transcarpathian region and monitoring of circulation of polio and other enteroviruses in the environment are given. The state program to protect children from disease, death, disability through routine immunization is considered.
    The aim of epidemiological surveillance of enterovirus infections is to prevent an increased risk of poliomyelitis outbreak in Ukraine and eliminate the virus in the state by creating a collective immunity that will stop the circulation of the virus.
    The main method of achieving the goal is to carry out routine immunization – a program that is carried out for the entire population, in particular for all children, to provide protection against death, diseases, and diseases that can cause infections. Conducting a round of immunizations (or additional immunization activities, a supplementary immunization campaign) involves the introduction of additional doses of the vaccine for a large number of people for a short period.
    The scientific novelty is in introduction of the information subsystem as the main element of the epidemiological watch, which provides data on the epidemic situation and is based on the results of virological studies.
    Implementation of epidemiological surveillance of enterovirus infections is not possible without proper virological laboratory support. Virological monitoring of enterovirus infections is the leading component of the information subsystem of epidemiological surveillance of these diseases. From its effectiveness depends the effectiveness of its functioning of the analytical-diagnostic and organizational-executive subsystems.
    Results. Of great importance is the creation of the collection of enteroviruses, its proper storage, which is a pledge for the development of molecular epidemiology of enteroviral infections, predicting the course of their epidemic process.

    Keywords: enterovirus infections, poliovirus, poliomyelitis elimination, immunoprophylaxis


    1. К.М. Синяк «Епідеміологія вірусних інфекцій», С. 80-94.
    2. В.Є.Джавець, Л.Мельнік, Є.А. Ейдельберг «Руководство по медицинской микробиологии». – Том 3. – С. 162–183.
    3. Наказ МОЗ України від 18.02.2008р. №86 «Про затвердження методичних вказівок «Вірусологічний моніторинг у системі епідеміологічного нагляду за ентеровірусними інфекціями та шляхи його удосконалення».
    4. К.М. Синяк «Епідеміологія вірусних інфекцій», стор. 80-94
    5. В.Є.Джавець, Л.Мельнік, Є.А. Ейдельберг «Руководство по медицинской микробиологии», том 3, стор. 162 – 183.
    6. Наказ МОЗ України від 18.02.2008р. №86 «Про затвердження методичних вказівок «Вірусологічний моніторинг у системі епідеміологічного нагляду за ентеровірусними інфекціями та шляхи його удосконалення».
    7. Задорожна В.І. «Сучасний нагляд на ентеровіруси та фактори їх передачі» / журнал «Довкілля та здоров’я» – 2012, №2, стор.49-54
    8. В.І.Задорожна, В.І.Бондаренко, С.І.Дран «Роль ентеровірусної інфекції в розвитку патології людини»» /Журнал Академії медичних наук України, 2006 -11, №3, стор. 511-514).
    9. В.А.Сергеєв «Вірусні вакцини» (Київ, журнал «Урожай», 1993р., стор.315-316).
    10. Доан С.І. «Ентеровірусні інфекції» (Київ, ДІА, 2010, стор.9-10).
    11. С.Г.Юрков «Каталог колекції клітинних культур» (м.Покров, ВНДІВВІМ, 2000, стор.59-60).
    12. Воробьева А.А. «Атлас по медицинской микробиологии, эпидемиологии и иммунологии», (Москва, «Медицинское информационное агенство», 2003, стор.117-118.
    13. А.В.Дьоміна, В.А.Терновой, Н.І.Шульгіна, С.В.Нетесов «Ентеровіруси. Лабораторна діагностика, лікування, імунопрофілактика, профілактичні заходи у вогнищі», частина 3, / Бюлетень СОРАМН – 2011, стор.111-114)..

    A manuscript entered release 19.04.17

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  • UDC 622.271

    The aim of this work is to develop a methodology to determine the Fermat-Torricelli point for more than three excavation faces in terms of impact of difference in productivity of excavation faces on an optimum point for run-of-mine stock location.
    Methods of research. This article represents an overview of current researches, where algorithms of the Fermat-Torricelli-Steiner point are used in order to minimize the logistic processes. We applied the mathematical methods of optimization. Given the complexity of the mathematical problem to be solved, the coordinates of an optimal point for RoM stock location are efficiently detected by net or gradient method.
    Scientific novelty. Mining technology with use of reloading stations is rather common at the deep iron ore pits.  In most cases, when deciding on location of RoM stock, its high-altitude position in space of the pit is primarily taken into account. However, the location of the reloading station in a layout also has a significant influence on technical and economic parameters of open-pit mining operations. The traditional approach, which considers a point of the center of gravity as an optimal point for RoM stock location, does not guarantee the minimum haulage. In mathematics, the Fermat-Torricelli point that provides a minimum distance to the vertices of the triangle is known. It is shown that the area where mining operations cannot be approximated by regular geometric figure, the point of center of gravity is not such as to ensure the minimum haulage. In this case, the minimum haulage is provided when the point of RoM stock location and Fermat-Torricelli point coincide.
    Practical relevance. In terms of open pit mining operations, the development of a method that will determine an optimal point of RoM stock location for a working area with respect to the known coordinates of distinguished points on the basis of new weight factors is of particular practical importance. A solution to the problem of determining the rational point of RoM stock location to be divided into several stages is proposed. At the first stage, we determine the coordinates of the center of gravity of this area. At the second stage, we determine the coordinates of the Fermat-Torricelli point by net or gradient method, taking the center of gravity as the beginning of a conditional coordinate system.
    Results. The proposed method allows us to determine an optimum point for RoM stock location (minimum haulage) for any number of excavation faces with both the equal and different productivity. Determining an optimal point for RoM stock location reduces the haulage by 20-30%.

    Keywords: reloading station, temporary dump, Fermat-Torricelli point, minimum haulage.


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    A manuscript entered release 13.04.17

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  • UDC 622.8: 614.8: 331.452

    The aim of the article is to establish influence of energy intensity of works on the traumatism within the framework of productive process.
    A scientific novelty consists in development of scientific bases on optimization of charts of organization of works taking into account physical possibilities of miners. With the use of results of calculation of power expenses of miners on the basis of the set dependences and measuring of frequency of heart-throbs for miners at implementation of suboperations total энергозатраты were certain at implementation of complex of works which was preceded to injuring of their performers.
    The practical value of the conducted researches consists in that on a concrete example a ground is executed of necessity of account of psychophysiological terms of labour at planning of safe flowsheets of conduct of mountain works which would take into account mode of labour-rest of workers.
    The basic result of the article is that intercommunication between the indexes of weight of labour was set and by the level of productive traumatism, that is basis for the further study of physiology of labour of miners and providing of more comfort and safe terms of labour.

    Keywords: traumatism, working conditions, energy expenditure, work schedule, working efficiency, compensatory rest.


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    2. Шевченко, В.Г. Разработка научно-методических принципов повышения готовности систем „горнорабо-чие – очистной комплекс“ к высокопроизводительной и безопасной работе /В.Г. Шевченко // Науковий вісник НГУ, 2010, № 9.– С. 88-93.
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    A manuscript entered release 15.04.17

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  • UDC 621.01:681.3: 658.5

    The aim of the research is to develop a system of automated microstructural analysis for solving specific problems. The creation is planned in the format of separate modules for the specific tasks of materials science, which will allow young scientists, who lacked the funding, to solve tasks related to their professional aspiration.
    An element of scientific novelty is the development of a modern domestic system for automated microstructural analysis at the stage of graphite inclusions analysis in cast iron. The results of microstructural analysis and processing of the results obtained, as well as a list of used equipment, are described.
    The work outlines the urgency of the problem associated with the need to move from standard microstructure analysis methods to modern ones, which are more accurate and require minimum human intervention. The investigations were carried out on cylindrical specimens. Material KCh35- 10. In the process of digital processing of the images obtained, the Wavelet analysis method is used. For the analysis of graphite inclusions, to determine the ratio of Ferrite-perlite, the threshold grades of gray are set so that graphite can be detected on the unoriented sample. The graphite fraction is used to distinguish between graphite and perlite, because their similarities in grayscale make them virtually indistinguishable from each other. Upon completion of the analysis, the program automatically calculates the percentage of the graphite fraction that is stored in the interim report.
    The practical significance lies in the fact that the program developed in combination with the capabilities of modern digital technology for microstructural analysis makes it possible to determine the parameters of graphite accurately and repeatedly. The software package is dismantled in accordance with the international standard ISO 945-1: 2008. The foreseen possibility of automatic report generation based on analysis data.
    The results of the research showed that the developed system is universal and can interact with any optical equipment (compact digital metallographic microscopes, analog microscopes with a digital eyepiece, professional digital metallographic microscopes), but which in turn satisfies the requirements that are put forward in microstructural analysis.

    Keywords: microstructure analysis, graphite, cast-iron, system of recognition, material science, spheroidization.


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    10. Гонтовой С.В., Емельянов В.А. Автоматизированная компьютерная система 153 металлографического контроля качества металлов / С. В. Гонтовой, В. А. Емельянов // Радіоелектронні і комп’ютерні системи. – 2010. – № 5(46). – С. 197 – 202.
    11. Стась О.М., Гаврилюк В.П. Комп’ютерні методи дослідження в металографічному аналізі / О.М. Стась, В.П. Гаврилюк // Методи дослідження та контролю якості металів. — 2000. — №1—2. — C.48—52.
    12. Повстяной О.Ю., Заболотний О.В., Чміль І.І. Комп’ютерні методи дослідження в металографічному аналізі за допомогою прикладних програм / О.Ю. Повстяной, О.В. Заболотний, І.І. Чміль // Наукові нотатки. – Луцьк: ЛДТУ, 2004. − Випуск 15. – С.244-251
    13. ГОСТ 1778-70 Сталь. Металлографические методы определения неметаллических включений.
    14. ГОСТР ИСО 4967-2009 Сталь. Определение содержания неметаллических включений. Металлографический метод с использованием эталонных шкал.
    15. ГОСТ 3443-87 Отливки из чугуна с различной формой графита. Методы определения структуры.

    A manuscript entered release 19.03.17

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  • UDC 622. 274. 53:622. 063. 44:622. 234. 5

    Aim. Research and development of resource-saving geotechnologies for the stoped excavation of natural rich iron ores on the basis of borehole hydro technology and self-propelled equipment, which improve the quality of commercial products and the efficiency of mining operations.
    Research methods. Structural and functional analysis of the sublevel caving development system, numerical analysis and evaluation of outcrop parameters of the chambers to stope, modeling of the ore production process on equivalent materials, technological design of stoped excavation of the rich ore, technical and economic evaluation of the development system options.
    Scientific novelty. It is established that in the conditions of the development of deep horizons of iron ore mines, the rational technological parameters of the processes of geotechnologies of the processes of stoped excavation are determined by the geomechanical conditions and the complexes of geotechnics used. Further developed the relationship: the transformation of the stress-strain state around the worked-out areas, and mining in the development of iron ore deposits; Rational regimes for high-intensity ore mass production; Optimization of schemes of complex mechanization of the ore mass delivery process.
    Practical significance. For the inclined-falling average thickness of iron ore deposits, represented by zoned-distributed massifs of various rich natural and rich ores of medium and lower average strength and stability, rational resource-saving technological schemes of the processes of stoped excavation have been developed, providing separate extraction of ore super concentrate, high-grade pure ore and ordinary ore mass increase in production costs.
    Results. For the first time resource-saving variants of the combined development system have been developed by sublevel caving with the formation of stable ones according to falling compensating spaces by outrunning the most rich part of the ore massifs by down-hole hydrological technology and subsequent processing of the second stage’s second-stage technology by cutting the ore by fans of deep wells of optimal length and orientation and intensive linear- release of ore on the basis of high-performance combined haul complex scraper systems and self-propelled scoop trams. Combined geotechnology purification recess provides: simplicity of design; high safety and hygienic conditions; productivity long-wall – 70-110 thousand tons. Desktop productivity of the system – 60-80 tons/person shift; losses – 10-15%; dilution – 3-7%; prime cost – 65-75% of the traditional.

    Keywords: rich multi-grade iron ores, resource-saving technologies, deep horizons, sublevel caving, separate excavation, technological scheme, self-propelled machines and installations, borehole hydro technology, processes of stoped excavation, technical and economic indicators.


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    14. Тарасютин В.М. Экспериментальные исследования процессов скважиннойгидротехнологии в шахтных условиях / Тарасютин В. М., Гирин В. С., Монастырский Ю. А. // Разработка рудных месторождений. – 1998 – Вып. 63.– С. 16-20.
    15. Курленя М. В. Техногенные геомеханические поля напряжений / М. В. Курленя, В. М. Серяков, А. А. Ерёменко. – Новосебирск: Наука, 2005. – 264 с.
    16. Савич И. Н. Современные тенденции в развитии технологии с обрушением и их совершенствование при подземной разработке апатитовых месторождений Хибин / И. Н. Савич, А. С. Кузьменко // Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень (Научно-технический журнал). – 2005. – №13. – С. 218-220.

    A manuscript entered release 18.04.17

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  • UDC 539.3: 622.233

    Aim. Measuring of duration of shock and velocity of propagation of acoustic waves through the metallic rods of variable cross-section, and also determination of dependence of velocity on geometrical and physical properties of rod.
    Research methods are based on the use of the well-known theses of the theory of shock, decisions of tasks about the longitudinal collision of rods. For realization of measuring modern digital devices were used. The experimental processing of data was executed, mainly, by a least-squares method. Calculations and analysis of experimental data were executed with the use of the modern computing engineering and software.
    Scientific novelty. Sinusoidal functional dependence of velocity of propagation of acoustic wave is first obtained from the caliber of step rod, id est from the form of the lateral surface of the rod.
    Practical meaningfulness. The method of obtaining of the value of maximum velocity of longitudinal wave in rock samples has been developed. These data can be used for the analysis of the tensely-deformed state of mountain massif and other objects at their shock load.
    Results. Upon impact, there are waves of several types with different velocities, propagate in the rod, as in a solid. The analysis of the propagation of acoustic waves in round rods has shown that the value of the average velocity of wave propagation in short rods differs from the wave velocity, which is determined in a one-dimensional theory.
    For measuring of velocity of acoustic waves two methods were used: a) by the time of propagations of acoustic wave in a rod (recorder is piezoelectric sensor), b) by the collision time of two rods (electrical contact technique). Stepped rods 100 mm long and 10 mm in diameter were researched The length of the step with a diameter of 5 mm varied in the range 0-100 mm. Theoretical and experimental researches on developed and manufactured installation proved, that there are two characteristic areas, in which the velocity of propagation of acoustic wave in a three-dimensional rod of finite length differs from the value of velocity of wave in a one-dimensional rod. The maximum velocity a wave is reached, when the length of the step is 0,2 of the length of the rod. For iron, this velocity was 5958 m/s, aluminum – 6098 m/s, brass – 4065 m/s. It proves the fallaciousness of calculation of the tensely-deformed state of the rod in the one-dimensional approximation.

    Keywords: velocity of propagation of acoustic wave, duration of shock, one-dimensional, two-dimensional rods


    1. Баклашов И.В. Геомеханика: Учебн. для вузов. В 2 т. // М.: Изд-во Московского государственного горного университета, 2004. – Т. 2. Геомеханические процессы. – 249 с.
    2. Гуливец А.А. Моделирование ударных импульсов в стержневых системах / А.А. Гуливец. // Гірничий вісник. Кривой Рог: КНУ, 2013. – Т. 1. -№96. -С. 241-244.
    3. Станюкович К. П. Физика взрыва. //М., Наука.- 1975.
    4. Уилкинс М. Л. Удар цилиндра по жесткой преграде / М.Л. Уилкинс, М.У. Гуинан // Сб. пер. Механика.- 1973.- № 3.
    5. Wilkins, M.L. Computer simulation of dynamic phenomena/ M.L. Wilkins. // Berlin-Heidelberg-N.Y.: Springer, 1999. – 246 p.
    6. Коротких Ю. Г. Некоторые результати численного исследования процесса соударения стержня с жесткой преградой / Ю.Г. Коротких, С.М. Белевич // В кн.: Методы решения задач упругостп п пластичности. Горький.- 1972.
    7. Веклич Н. А. O распространении и взаэмодействии упругопластических волн в стержне при ударе о преграду. / Н.А. Веклич // Изв. AH СССР. МТТ.- 1970.- № 4.
    8. Веклич Н. А. Продолжительность удара упругопластического стержня. / Н.А. Веклич, Б.М. Малышев // Изв. AH СССР. МТТ. – 1976.- № 2.
    9. Гулидов А.И. Численное моделирование отскока осесимметричных стержней от твердой преграды / А.И. Гулидов, В.М. Фомин. // ПМТФ. 1980. №3. С. 126-132.
    10. Фомин В.М. Высокоскоростное взаимодействие тел / В.М. Фомин, А.И. Гулидов, Г.А. Сапожников и др.// Новосибирск: Изд-во СО РАН. – 1999.
    11. Баянов Е.В. Распространение упругих волн в однородных по сечению круглых стержнях / Е.В. Баянов, А.И. Гулидов // ПМТФ. – 2011. -Т. 52. – №5. – С. 155-162.
    12. Тимошенко С.П. Курс теории упру гости // Киев: Наукова думка.- 1972. – 508с.
    13. Санкин Ю.Н. Нестационарные колебания стержневых систем при соударении с препятствием / Ю. Н. Санкин, Н. А. Юганова; под общ. ред . Ю. Н. Санкина // Ульяновск: УлГТУ, 2010. – 174 с .
    14. Жуков И. А. Разработка научно-методических основ исследования и совершенствования ударных систем (на примере машин, применяемых при разрушении хрупких сред). – дис. на соиск. уч. ст. докт. техн. наук. 2010. 201с.
    15. Слепухин В.В. Моделирование движения и восстановления скорости ступенчатого стержня при ударе о жесткую преграду // Информационные системы и технологии. – 2009. – №5. – С. 48-55.

    A manuscript entered release 12.04.17

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  • UDC 622.235.62:622.271

    The aim of this work is to develop a method for reducing ore losses on the bottom layer by using the VCC and HCC. The breaking-out of ore in the chamber with the help of blasthole charge shows that the losses of pure ore on the bottom layer of the ore body are approximately up to 20%, since the taking-down ellipsoid is approximately 90°, and the angle of incidence of the Kryvyi Rih iron ore deposits is 35-70°.
    Methods of research. The technology of explosive delivery of ore with breaking in two stages was considered, at the first stage the ore is associate to the hanging layer, and after the ore is discharged to the so formed compensatory space, the ore that associate to the bottom layer, using the explosive delivery, will be thrown under draw-point hanging layer.
    Scientific novelty. The solution of this task is the relevance of the works. Its purpose is the mathematical justification of the movement of the broken rock for its explosion and delivery from the bottom layer to the hanging layer.
    Practical significance. Drilling and blasting technology for breaking the crown is carried out in two stages: the first charge is repelled by the HCC, and then with a slowdown – the charge of the VCC. An burrow rock above the crown will not have time to fall earlier on the hawk due to the fact that the speed of the blast delivery is higher than the speed of free fall.
    Results. The results obtained between the busting of blasthole charge and the breaking of the VCC show that, in the first variant, 36% of the total energy of the explosive goes to the formation of the reciprocating, and in the second variant the energy of the explosive will be sufficient to break the ore in the crown from the bottom layer to the hanging layer on the draw-points.

    Keywords: VCC, HCC, breakage of the crown.


    1. Дробин Г.Ф., Римарчук Б.И., Андрющенко А.В. и др. О путях вихода из кризисна железорудной промышленности Украины / Сб. научн. труд. Основные поправки развития горнопромышленного комплекса (ГПК)
    2. Борисенко С.Г. Технология подземной разработки рудных месторождений.- К.: Вища шк., 1987. -264 с.
    3. Борисенко С.Г. Вскрытие и системы разработки рудных месторождений. – К.: Вища шк., 1977. -295 с.
    4. Законы и формулы физики / В.Е. Кузьмичев справочник изд. Наукова думка. 1989 – С. 32-33.
    5. Станюкович К.П. Неустановившееся движение сплошной среды. – М.: Наука, 1971. – 855с.
    6. Отбойка руд вертикальными концентрационными зарядами. Римарчук Б.И. Металлургическая и горнорудная промышленность, 1998 №1 с. 71-75.
    7. Энергетический критерий оценки промышленных ВВ. «Проблемы разрушения горных пород взрывом»/ Г. П. Демидюк. – в сб. н. т. изд. М: «Недра», 1967 – С. 126-136.
    8. Использование концентрированных зарядов ВВ при отбойке руды на подземных рудниках Криворожского бассейна. Римарчук Б.И., Дядечкин М.И. и др. Горный журнал 2009 №10 с. 67-70.
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    10. Фактические параметры ударных воздушных волн при взрывах в подземных выработках. / А.А. Гурин, П.С.
    Малый, И.В. Клевцов и др. – Горный журнал вип. 6, 1975. – С. 37-38.

    A manuscript entered release 12.04.17

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  • UDC 69.059:69.003

    Aim. Increasing of efficiency, the investigations works for steel trusses technical conditions estimation by the costs engineering of vibration testing process.
    Research methods. Time costs engineering were carried out on the basis of standard examinations by the mixed photos registration method with accordance of national recommendations. Accuracy of records were one minute. Vibration testing has been done by the group of men in 3 persons. Final data’s processing had three stages: initial data’s processing, calculation of average mean observations for one unit of initial production (one point for gauge placement, one truss, number of trusses) and average mean observations calculations for operation works labour input on one unit of working process in general (10 trusses).
    Scientific novelty. Legal standards do not have a methodic and standard costs engineering for vibration testing procedure for steel roof trusses for technical buildings’ testing. When non-direct costs applied all work expenses could not take into consideration. The methods of technical conditions assessment for steel trusses by the dynamic parameters definitions is firstly offer. The real time costs engineering calculation for vibration testing is proposed.
    Practical value. The proposed results of costs engineering investigations for the vibration tests process had been used by the special organization for real estimation of technical building state.
    Results. Proposed methodic is established by the real experimental ways for vibration tests and offer to achieve not only precise results of real building’s condition state, but also technical state of steel trusses.

    Keywords: investigations, vibration testing, unit labour in man-hours, steel trusses, labour costs.


    1. Бугаевский Г. Н. Параметры динамической паспортизации/Г. Н. Бугаевский// Будівельні конструкції: зб. наук. праць. – К.: НДІБК, 2008. – Вип.69. – С. 201-207.
    2. ДСТУ Б Д.1.1-7:2013 Правила визначення вартості проектно-вишукувальних робіт та експертизи проектної документації на будівництво – – Офіц. Вид. – К.: Мінрегіон України, 2013. – 50 с.
    3. Ерёмин К.И. Анализ повреждаемости и обрушаемости блоков покрытий промышленных зданий/ К.И. Ерёмин, С.А. Матвеюшкин, Г.А. Арутюнян// Наука и Безопасность. – 2015. – №1 (14). – С. 36-46.
    4. Ерёмин К.И. Особенности экспертизы и НК металлических конструкций эксплуатируемых сооружений/ К.И. Еремин, С.А. Матвеюшкин // В мире неразрушающего контроля. – 2008. – № 4 (42). – С. 4-7.
    5. Завалишин С.И. Нормативные проблемы динамических обследований зданий и сооружений/ С.И. Завалишин, М.С. Хлыстунов, Ж.Г. Могилюк // Известия Юго-Западного государственного университе- та – 2013. – № 5 (50). -С. 156-159
    6. Збірник нормативів для визначення вартості робіт з оцінки технічного стану та експлуатаційної придатності конструкцій будівель і споруд – Офіц. Вид. – К.: Державний науково-дослідний інститут будівельних конструкцій, 2003.- 37 с.
    7. Матвеюшкин С.А. Проблемы оценки и прогнозирования технического состояния строительных конструкций промышленных зданий/ С.А.Матвеюшкин// Предотвращение аварий зданий и сооружений: Сборник научных трудов // Под ред. К.И. Еремина. – М.: ООО «ВЕЛД», 2009. – С.297-303.
    8. Методичні рекомендації визначення вартості робіт з обстеження, оцінки технічного стану і паспортизації будівель і споруд – Офіц. Вид. – К.:, Науково-дослідний інститут будівельного виробництва, 1999.- 24 с.
    9. Методичних рекомендацій з проектування та перегляду норм часу на будівельно-монтажні роботи [Текст]/ Держбуд України – Офіц. Вид. – К.: Укрархбудінформ, 2004.- 40с.
    10. Патрикеев А.В. Основы методики динамического мониторинга деформационных характеристик зданий и сооружений/ А.В. Патрикеев, Е.К. Салатов // Вестник МГСУ. – 2013.- № 1. – С. 133-138.
    11. Перельмутер А.В. Стан та залишковий ресурс фонду будівельних металевих конструкцій в Україні./А.В. Перельмутер, В.М. Гордеєв, Є.В. Горохов та ін. //– К.: УІНСіЗР, 2002. – 92 с.
    12. СОУ Д.1.2 – 02495431 – 001: 2008. Нормативи витрат труда для визначення вартості робіт з оцінки технічного стану та експлуатаційної придатності конструкцій будівель і споруд – Офіц. Вид. – К.: Державний науководослідний інститут будівельних конструкцій, 2008. – 46 с.
    13. СБЦП 81 – 2001 – 25 Справочник базовых цен на обмерные работы и обследования зданий и сооружений [Текст]/ Министерство строительства и жилищно-коммунального хозяйства Российской Федерации – Офіц. Вид. – М.: ЦЕНТРИНВЕСТпроект, 2016. – 29 с.
    14. Улыбин А.В. Качество визуального обследования зданий и сооружений и методика его выполнения/ А.В. Улыбин, Н.И. Ватин// Строительство уникальных зданий и сооружений. – 2014. – № 10 (25) – С. 134-146.
    15. Улыбин А.В. Проблемы ценообразования на рынке обследования зданий и сооружений/ А.В. Улыбин, С.В. Зубков// Инженерно-строительный журнал. – 2010. – №7 (17) – С.53-56.
    16. Штенгель В.Г. Общие проблемы технического обследования неметаллических строительных конструкций эксплуатируемых зданий и сооружений/ В.Г. Штенгель// Инженерно-строительный журнал. – 2010. – №7 – С. 4 – 9.

    A manuscript entered release 25.03.17

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  • UDC 622.272: 624.191.5

    The aim of this work is to develop software and study the impact of a number of parameters of drilling and blasting operations on the intensity of tunneling work. It is also necessary to perform an analysis of the results obtained in the course of the study, establish the patterns of changes in the relevant parameters, and develop recommendations for the rational conduct of tunneling work.
    Methods of research. We used a comprehensive approach including compilation and analysis of the literature and research in the field of construction of mines, theoretical studies, based on the mathematical modeling methods
    Scientific novelty. Dependences ROP extended horizontal workings of the influence of a number of PLS factors and applying contour blasting.
    Practical significance. This category is to find the optimal design solutions for the construction of the complex horizons workings at great depths for the operating mines of Krivoy Rog basin, allowing to provide timely input horizons into operation.
    Results. Thus, as a result of the development of software in the Java language, which acted as a tool for research on the organization of mine workings and the study of the impact in various conditions that the conventional and contour blasting has on the speed of building long horizons, it became possible to establish such results: application Contour blasting causes the need to place additional holes in the face, the number of which can be measured in size 20-30% for a drift with a cross-sectional area of 10 m2 and a value of 18-25% for a cross-section of 20 m2; It is also characteristic that as the value of f increases, the relative increase in the number of contour holes is relatively reduced; intensity roadway structures with contour blasting decrease approximately 1.15 times when the fortress 10 and 1.2 times at 20 fortress; For the cross-cut with the indicated values will be respectively about 1.1 and 1.25.

    Keywords: speed, production, crosscut, contour blasting, construction, software, Java language.


    1. Калякин С.А., Шкуматов А.Н., Лабинский К.Н. Управление разрушающим действием взрыва уклиненого шпурового заряда взрывчатого вещества // Вісник КрНУ. – Кременчук: КДПУ, 2013. – Вип. 2/2013 (79). – C. 78-82.
    2. Терентьєв О.М., Стрельцова І.М. Математична модель управління питомою поверхневою енергією руйнування гірських порід // Вісник КрНУ. – Кременчук: КДПУ, 2013. – Вип. 3/2013 (80). – C. 153–157.
    3. Использование многоточечного инициирования скважинного заряда для улучшения проработки подошвы уступа / В.В. Воробьев, В.Т. Щетинин, А.М. Пеев // Вісник Національного технічного університету України “Київський політехнічний інститут”. Серія “Гірництво”: збірн. наук. праць. – Київ: НТУУ “КПІ”, 2003. – Вип. 9. – С. 63- 65.
    4. Исследование влияния формы заряда в донной части шпура на изменение прочностных свойств среды при взрыве / В.В. Воробьев, А.М. Пеев // Сучасні ресурсоенергозберігаючі технології гірничого виробництва: наукововиробничий збірник. – Кременчук: КДУ, 2009. –Вип. 2/2009(4). –С. 35–39.
    5. Бротанек И., Вода Й. Контурное взрывание в горном деле и строительстве. Перев. с чешск. под ред. Б.Н. Кутузова. − М.: Недра, 1983. − 144 с.
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    8. Лонг Ф., Мохиндра Д., Сикорд Р., Сазерленд Д., Свобода Д. Руководство для программиста на Java: 75 рекомендаций по написанию надежных и защищенных программ. Пер. с англ. − М.: Вильямс, 2014. − 256 с.
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    A manuscript entered release 15.04.17

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  • UDC 691.32

    Aim. The building structures of industrial buildings and structures, in particular the mining and metallurgical complex, in particular those located near heat devices, are affected by the temperature environment, changing the physical and mechanical properties of the materials from which these structures are made, and, as a consequence, influences on their durability. This leads to the need to provide, in the reconstruction of buildings and structures, measures to increase their longevity by reducing the temperature influence of the environment.
    In addition, one of the most important factors that determine the cost of operating houses and structures is the amount of costs to maintain the necessary temperature regime in them. Over the years of operation, the design of existing buildings and structures has been repeatedly exposed to the environment, which has reduced the operational properties of materials from which construction structures and, as a result, the buildings themselves are made.
    Research methods, the results of which are presented in the work, is the production of porous reactive concrete with increased strength and reduced shrinkage due to modification of its composition with a complex additive, which consists of a polyalcohol and iron-containing substance, as well as the use of porous fillers based on iron-containing substance.
    Scientific novelty. Experiments have established the effect of a complex additive on the strength of porous concrete, the volume water absorption of the concrete under study and their water absorption by the capillary suction method for concretes prepared without the use of a complex additive and with the use of an additive.
    Practical significance. The time variation in the mass of concrete with and without additives has been studied. The shrinkage of porous concrete was also studied with the use of a complex additive and without it.
    Results. As a result, it was found that the simultaneous introduction into porous concretes of a mineral complex containing iron and polyalcohol leads to an increase in the compressive strength, a reduction in the shrinkage of these concretes. It is shown that the content of the mineral ferruginous complex (powder) and the organic component in porous concretes is extreme, i.e. there is their content, ensuring the greatest strength of such concretes and their smallest water absorption.

    Keywords: porous concretes, complex additive, iron-containing substance, surfactant.


    1. Баженов Ю.М. Бетоны: технологии будущего / Ю.М. Баженов. // Современные стройматериалы. 2005. июль-август. С. 50-52.
    2. Красовский П. С. Физико-химические основы формирования структуры цементных бетонов / Красовский П. // Учебн. пособ. Хабаровск: Издательство ДВГУПС, 2013. 204 с.
    3. Шишкина А. А. Свойства и технология пенобетона, модифицированного оксидами железа: Дисс…канд. техн. наук: 05.23.05. – Кривой Рог, 2010. – 178 с.
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    A manuscript entered release 21.03.17

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  • UDC 622.272.012.2

    The aim of this work is to develop a methodology for determining the geometric parameters of the floor collapse system, taking into account the admissible explosive explosives. This is due to the specifics of the conditions for mining the magnetite quartzite mine them. Ordzhonikidze, consisting in carrying out mass explosions of explosives with a total mass of 30 to 170 tons with multi-storey apartment buildings and industrial structures close to the mine field. In connection with the huge masses of explosive explosives, fluctuations in the earth’s surface reach 6 … 7 points, which adversely affects the condition of residential buildings and industrial structures.
    Methods of research. The reason for this is the availability of a variety of methods for determining the geometric parameters of development systems from the conditions of their stability and the absence of studies on the dependence of the intensity of seismic vibrations of the earth’s surface on the volumes of simultaneously exploded explosives at various boundary conditions for the location of the massaged mass. In carrying out this work, methods of in-situ observations of the seismic effect of blasting operations on the earth’s surface were used.
    Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of this article is to establish, on the basis of instrumental measurements of the seismic intensity of earth surface fluctuations, when mass explosions in various mining conditions are carried out for the processing of magnetite quartzites of the Ordzhonikidze mine, the interrelations between the conditions for the production of explosions, the volume of detonated explosives in one deceleration and the intensity of earth surface fluctuations and studying the effect on the intensity of seismic vibrations of the earth’s surface, the amount of nudity the presence and orientation of collapsed rocks in the massif to be repelled, and it is also established that reserves can be used to control the intensity of seismic fluctuations in the earth’s surface.
    Practical significance. Based on the results of the conducted studies, a method was developed that provides for the determination of the geometric parameters of the structural elements of a floor collapse system both from the conditions of their stability and taking into account the permissible volumes of simultaneously explosive explosives.
    Results. The developed technique allows choosing the schemes and orders of stock breaking, ensuring the stability of the structural elements of development systems and the preservation of surface structures.

    Keywords: explosives, seismic oscillation, earth surface, building, structure.


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    9. Фаустов Г.Т. К вопросу о расчете целиков в упругопластичном состоянии / Г.Т.Фаустов, П.А.Абашин // Физико-технические проблемы разработки полезных ископаемых. – 1974. – №3. – С.27-36.
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    A manuscript entered release 15.03.17

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  • UDC 622.647.2

    The aim of this work is to create an integrated system for automation and control of the conveyor line for its uninterrupted, reliable and economical operation, in addition, the system will be more protected from serious damage and long downtime, which in turn will affect the monetary costs that the enterprise carries for the maintenance of the system. Therefore, the development of an integrated system for automation and management and analysis of the operating modes of the automated conveyor line is an important and urgent task for the development of the mining industry.
    Research methods. To solve this problem, methods are used to diagnose the main nodes and aggregates of the conveyor line, characterizing its technical condition, and also use the general methods of the theory of automatic control systems, as well as the method of passive experiment.
    The scientific novelty lies in the creation of an integrated conveyor line automation system, in contrast to existing ones, includes a subsystem for monitoring and controlling the operation of the line, a subsystem for technical diagnostics, a subsystem for forecasting and analyzing the state of the equipment of the system, a subsystem of data archiving that can be used for calculations in other departments of the enterprise and the fire alarm subsystem.
    Practical value. The creation of an integrated automation system will give full control and the widest range of conveyor line parameters that characterize its operation, which are collected in one place. When implementing a comprehensive automation system for the conveyor line, you can achieve significant economic benefits by reducing line downtimes, safeguarding the equipment against significant damage and the speed of response to emergencies.
    Results. Formed the principles of interaction of the main subsystems of the object for the collection and archiving of data, which in the future can be used for analysis and prediction of the system or for calculations in other departments of the system. When analyzing the operation of conveyor lines, the main types of costs associated with the operation of the facility were listed. Defined the main diagnostic types of signals that carry information about the technical condition of the main units and aggregates.

    Keywords: conveyor line, complex control system, diagnostics of technical condition, archiving of current data.


    1. Новиков Е.Е., Смирнов В.К. Теория ленточных конвейеров для крупнокусковых горных пород. – Киев: Наукова думка, 1983. – 184 с.
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    15. Воробйов В.А. Стан і перспективи вдосконалювання температурного захисту електродвигунів. / В.А. Воробйов, А.Б. Тубис, И.В. Нікітіна // Електротех. пр-сть. Сірий.07. Електр. апарати й пристрої низької напруги: Оглядінформ. – 1990. – Вип.15. – 36 с.

    A manuscript entered release 04.04.17

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  • UDC 681.2.084

    The aim of this publication is to present the experience of developing and implementing an automatic non-contact measurement system and wireless transmission of information about the torque on the motor shaft under operating con-ditions over a wide range of static and dynamic loading.
    Methods of research. A comparative analysis of existing and prospective systems for direct measurement of torque on rotating shafts of electric machines was performed. The main attention is paid to the most widespread strain-gauge systems for measuring elastic deformations of a shaft of the engine. Practical work on the construction of a non-contact torque measurement system is related to the selection of parameters and the formation of a tensor bridge, the realization of remote transmission of information from load cells. After digitizing the information, it is transmitted to the external receiver and by means of a module Bluetooth. The hardware and software platform Arduino is used to program the microcontroller. The programming language of Arduino devices is based on C / C ++. To work with ADC codes, a development environment and a platform for executing LabVIEW programs are used, based on the graphical programming language “G” of National Instruments. To filter high-frequency noise, a medial filtering filter is used.
    Scientific novelty. It is proved that on the basis of modern advances in the field of integrated electronics, non-contact and wireless systems for measuring torque and other characteristics of motors can be created, the cost of which can be significantly less than those present in the current market analogues.
    Practical value. The use of the results of the work makes it possible in the laboratory to perform laboratory and practical studies and scientific research on one of the important problems of electromechanics – effective torque monitoring on rotating shafts of engines.
    Results. A functionally complete device for direct measurement of torque has been developed and imple-mented. Practical implementation of the system has shown that strain gages as sensitive to elastic deformation elements remain one of the cheapest, accurate and reliable components in systems of automatic measurement of forces and moments.

    Keywords: torque, measurements, strain gauges, Bluetooth, Arduino, LabVIEW


    1. Фролов Л. Б. Измерение крутящего момента / Л. Б. Фролов // – М.: Энергия, 1967. – 120 с.
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    3. Умурзакова А. Д. Алгоритм и способ измерения крутящего момента двигателя в асинхронном электроприводе/ А. Д. Умурзакова, Ю.Н. Дементьев // XIX Международная научно-практическая конференция «Современные техника и технологии». – С. 355-356.
    4. Москаленко В.В. Измерение динамических моментов в электроприводах переменного тока / В.В. Москаленко, Л.С. Масандилов // – М.: Энергия, 1975. – 184 с.
    5. Потапов Л.А. Измерение вращающихся моментов и скоростей вращения микроэлектродвигателей / Л.А. Потапов, Ф.М. Юферов // – М.: Энергия, 1976. – 121 с.
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    19. Федосов В. П. Цифровая обработка сигналов в LabVIEW: учеб. пособие / В. П. Федосов, А. К Нестеренко // под ред. В. П. Федосова. – М.: ДМК Пресс, 2007. – 456 с.

    A manuscript entered release 19.04.17

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  • UDC 622.53:681.518.52

    The aim of this publication is development of a method of optimization of operating modes of the principal water-removing systems of mining mines by criterion of a minimum of specific cost of the electric power.
    Research methods. The main attention is paid to the choice of operating modes of the pumping systems of the main water-removing system   that meet the specifications of the system “pump – pipe system”, the daily diagram of inflow of water from the lower horizons, to technical restrictions (catchment basin volume, the maximum number of pumping systems which can work at the same time, the horizon of the principal water low tide). Search of an optimal variant of system operation of the principal water low tide is implemented by hourly sampling of a zone of effective operation of pumping systems, formation of an array potentially of possible operating modes and search of combinations of different options taking into account temporal zones of electricity consumption. Analysis of operation modes of system of the principal water low tide. is considered on the example of mine “Guards” and “Rodina”.
    Scientific novelty. The solution was realized on specially developed algorithm realized in the form of the computer program. The program automatically creates the daily diagram of operation of the principal water-removing systems taking into account the current volume of water in a catchment basin, dynamics of influx of water and priority operation of pumps depending on the minimum cost of the electric power. Calculation of the daily diagram of operation of pumping systems is executed with use of system of visual programming of LABVIEW.
    Practical value. Results of operation can be used for mines. Results allow to create daily diagrams of system operation of the principal water low tide which taking into account the actual technical parameters and technological limits, provide the minimum cost of the electric power by operation of pumping systems, and also a possibility of an assessment of potential of energy saving and determination of ways of its implementation.
    Results. The main results of operation are: a method of optimization of operation modes of pumping systems of the principal water low tide of mines by criterion of a minimum of specific cost of the electric power, an algorithm of determination of the hourly diagram of operation of pumps, the computer program for implementation of this algorithm, practical calculations for optimization of system operation of the principal water low tide.

    Keywords: water-removing systems, pumping systems, energy efficiency, daily diagram of operation, optimization, electric power cost.


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    7. Холоменюк М. В. Насосні та вентиляторні установки: навч. посіб. / М. В. Холоменюк. – Дніпропетровськ: Нац. гірн. ун-т, 2004. – 330 с.
    8. Картавый Н.Г., Топорков А.А. Шахтные стационарные установки. – М.: Недра, 1978. – 263 с.
    9. Данильчук Г.И. Автоматизация электропотребления водоотливных установок / Г.И. Данильчук, С.П. Шевчук, П.К. Василенко. – К.: Техника, 1981. – 102 с.
    10. Антонов Э.И. Схема и оценка параметров шахтной водоотливной установки с насосноструйной подкачивающей системой организации подпора / Э.И. Антонов // Горная механика: Сб.науч.тр. НИИГМ им. М.М. Федорова. – Донецк, 1991. – С. 126-148.
    11. Галанин А.Н. Совершенствование насосно – струйной системы создания подпора на входе насосов водоотлива / А.Н. Галанин // Проблеми експлуатації обладнання шахтних стаціонарних установок. Сб. научн. тр. НИИГМ им. М.М.Федорова. – 2007. – Вып. 101. – С. 227-236.
    12. Малеев В.Б. Эффективность центробежно-струйных систем в составе шахтного водоотлива / В.Б. Малеев, Э.И. Антонов, В.А. Романов // Уголь Украины. – 1995. – №3. – С. 47-48.
    13. Червинская Н.В. Моделирование процессов динамики комплекса шахтного водоотлива в базисе Max–plus алгебры / Н.В. Червинская, В.И. Бессараб, В.В. Червинский // Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія «Обчислювальна техніка та автоматизація». Вип. 147 (30). – Донецьк :ДонНТУ, 2009. – 248 с. – С. 51–58.
    14. Червинская Н.В. Использование аппарата Max–plus алгебры при описании объектов дискретно– непре- рывного класса / Н.В. Червинская // Bulletin d’Eurotalent–Fidjip, 2009. – Volume 4. – France, Romilly sur Seine: Edi- tions du Jipto, 2009. – ISSN 2101–5317. – 74 p. – P. 51–56.
    15. Моделирование задач в среде LabVIEW – http://automationlab.ru/index.php/2014-08-25-13-20-03/449-24—– labview-
    16. Пейч Л.И., Точилин Д.А., Поллак Б.П. LabVIEW для новичков и специалистов. М.: Горячая линия-Телеком, 2004. – 268 с.

    A manuscript entered release 19.03.17

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  • UDC 624.012.454

    The aim of the work is comparison of deformation mode of the beams reinforced with the basalt armature with the similar ferroconcrete beams. Basalt armature is a relatively new material and its features of the working in a structure of any framework are not basically researched. There is limited data about the character of the influence of specific, physical and mechanical purposes of the basalt armature on the bearing power and framework deformability.
    Research methods. Examination, analysis and systematization of the modern experimental research results of the basalt armature behavior in the structure of a framework were used for the research. The estimation of the destruction character, crack development, durability and rigidity indices according to the test results of the experimental beams were conducted.
    Scientific novelty. The differences between the destruction character, crack development, bending, durability and rigidity indices of the beams reinforced with the basalt armature with the beams reinforced with metal armature are discovered. It is stated the necessity of the methods’ improvement in the process of the beams bending estimation taking into consideration rigidity indices of the armature.
    Practical value. The features of the working of the beams reinforced with the basalt armature with the beams reinforced with metal armature are studied. It results in the effectiveness of using the basalt armature in the structure of the concrete framework. The spreading of the experimental data base empowers to increase the safety of the structures reinforced with the basalt armature and to improve existing regulation base for calculation and design.
    Results. It is stated, that the beams of the identical sizes which were made from the same mark concrete and have the same diameter of the basalt and metal armature show the rigidity increasing when tested in bending to 210% in the case of the basalt armature in comparison with the metal one. At the same time, when destructing, the bendings of the beams reinforced with the basalt armature 2.5 times exceed the bendings of the beams reinforced with metal armature. The bendings of the both beams’ samples were equal. The level of destruction was taken according to the destruction level for the beams reinforced with metal armature.

    Keywords: structure, basalt armature, beam, concrete, durability, bending, crack resistance.


    1. Иванов А. И. Совершенствование конструкции и методики расчёта пролётных строений мостов с несущими элементами из композиционных материалов: дис… канд. техн. наук: 05.23.01/Иванов Артём Сергеевич.– Новосибирск: СГУПС, 2015.–183 с.
    2. Subramanian, D.N., Sustainability of RRC Structures Using Basalt Composite Rebars. The Masterbuilder, 9/2010: p. 156-164.
    3. ISIS Design Manual No.3. “Reinforcing Concrete Structures with Fibre Reinforced Polymers (FRPs)”, ISIS Canada, 2007.-151p.
    4. Tuakta C.: Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composite in Bridge Structures, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2005.
    5. ACI 440.1R-03, Guide for the Design and Construction of Concrete with FRP Bars, American Concrete Institute, Detroit, MI., 2003.-41p.
    6. Structural design with FRP materials, Composite for Construction, L.C.Bank, Jhon Willey and son, 2006.
    7. Load deflection analysis of FRP reinforced concrete flexural members, M.A.Aiello, Journal of Composite for Construction, vol.4, no.4, 2000.
    8. Glass FRP Reinforcing Bars for Concrete, S.S.Faza and GangaRao, Fiber-Reinforced-Plastic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures: Properties and Applications. A.Nanni (editor) @ 1993, Elsevier publication.
    9. Experimental Testing of Concrete Beams Reinforced with Carbon FRP Bars, M.M.Rafi, A.Nadjai and F.Ali, Journal of Composite Materials,vol.41, no.22 , 2007.
    10. Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams Reinforced with GFRP Bars, Toutanji and Safi, ACI Structural Journal, vol.97, no.5, 2000.
    11. Adhikari, S. “Mechanical Properties and Flexural Applications of Basalt Fiber Reinforced Polymer (BFRP) Bars” Thesis, 2009.-385p.
    12. Eythor Jhorhallsson and Bjorgvin Smari Jonsson, 2011 “Test of prestressed concrete beams with basalt fiber reinforcement polymer (BFRP) tendons”, Thesis in Civil Engineering with specialization in structural design submitted to School of Science and Engineering at Reykjavik University, Iceland, June 2011
    13. Jónsson, Björgvin Smári “Prestressed BFRP tendons in concrete beams”. M.S thesis. Reykjavik University, Iceland 2011.
    14. Gan Yil, Jiang, Fei Weil, Sun, & Li Bing. “Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis on Prestressed and Non-prestressed Concrete Beams with BFRP Tendons”. Journal of Logistical Engineering University.
    15. Luna Salh, “Analysis and Behaviour of Structural Concrete Reinforced with Sustainable Materials”, M.SC thesis, Liverpool Universite, Liverpool , United Kingdom, 2014.-108p.

    A manuscript entered release 17.03.17

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  • UDC 691.328.4; 691.175.3

    The aim of the work is a definition of the physical and mechanical properties of composite fiberglass armature and its comparison with the identical characteristics of metal armature. The work is also focused on the definition of the using background of fiberglass composites as reinforced products of the bending elements made from the concretes on the Mining Ore Dressing Combines wastes.
    Research methods. Except the literature analysis it is planned to conduct full-scale experiment with the samples of composite fiberglass armature and metal armature A400C.
    Scientific novelty. Objective physical and mechanical parameters of composite fiberglass armature enable to establish the mechanism of the equally efficient substitution of metal armature A400C and alternative of the further using of composites in the concrete bending elements.
    Practical value. According to the experimental data obtained during the testing of the samples of composite fiberglass armature on breakup, the program of the scientific research will be worked out. The research will engage the bending concrete elements made from the concretes on the Mining Ore Dressing Combines wastes and reinforced with composite fiberglass armature. The definition of the objective deformation- mode of the bending elements reinforced with composites and made from the concretes on the Mining Ore Dressing Combines wastes enables to establish the background of using of the similar armature in the bending concrete building structures, especially those which were made from concretes with lowered, deformation characteristics.
    Results. In experiments for different diameters of composite fiberglass armature in breakup it will be stated the following: the actual sizes and weight of armature’s samples, the definition of the temporary resistance of the armature in extension, the characteristic curve ” intention-deformation” will be built, the definition of existence or absence of yield point, relative deformations of the armature samples, primary module of resilience. Defined physical and mechanical characteristics of the metal armature A400C will allow to set the objective dependencies of the equally efficient substitution by composite fiberglass armature for the production of the concrete bending elements.

    Keywords: composite fiberglass armature, metal armature, physical and mechanical characteristics, temporary resistance on breakup, equally efficient substitution, module od resilience.


    1. Шевченко Б.Н. Конструкци из бетонов на отходах обогащения железных руд / Б.Н. Шевченко. – Киев: Выща школа, 1989 – 192 с.
    2. Arvit композитная арматура [Електрон. ресурс] / Режим доступу : http://arvit.com.ua.
    3. Недостатки стеклопластиковой арматуры (минусы) [Електрон. ресурс] / Режим доступу :http://www.tdbazalt.com.
    4. Попруга Д.В. Міцність стикових з’єднань при підсиленні залізобетонних згинальних елементів у стиснутій зоні: автореф. дис. … канд. техн. наук : спец. 05.23.01 “Будівельні конструкції, будівлі та споруди” / Д.В. Попруга. – Київ, 2009. – 20 с.
    5. Настанова з проектування та виготовлення бетонних контсрукцій з неметалевою композитною арматурою на основі базальто- і склоровінгу : ДСТУ-Н В.2.6-185:2012. – [Чинний від 2013-04-01]. – Київ : Мінрегіон України, 2012. 28 с. – (Нац. стандарт України).
    6. Конструкції будинків і споруд. Бетонні та залізобетонні конструкції. Основні положення : ДБН В.2.6-98:2009. [Чинний від 2011-07-01]. – Київ : Мінрегіонбуд України, 2011. – 71 с.
    7. Конструкції будинків і споруд. Бетонні та залізобетонні конструкції з важкого бетону. Правила проектування: ДСТУ Б В.2.6-156:2010. – [Чинний від 2011-06-01]. – Київ : Мінрегіонбуд України, 2011. – 118 с.
    8. Прокат арматурний для залізобетонних конструкцій. Загальні технічні умови (ISO 6935-2:1991, NEQ) : ДСТУ 3760:2006. – [Чинний від 2007-10-01]. – Київ : Держспоживстандарт України, 2007. – 28 с. – (Нац. стандарт України).
    9. Пластмассы. Метод испытания на растяжение (СТ СЭВ 1199-78) : ГОСТ 11262-80. – [Действует с 1985-09- 09]. – Москва : Госком СССР, 1985. – 11 с. – (Гос. стандарт СССР).
    10. Протокол №221-323/153/14 випробування зразків композитної арматури. – Київ: ДП НДІБК, 2015 – 7 с.

    A manuscript entered release 17.03.17

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  • UDC 656.11

    Aim. The paper presents a comprehensive study of traffic capacity of the arterial street and loop road intersection in the city of Kryvyi Rih which is used by travelers for decrease of travel time between Saksahanskyi and Central City districts. The object of research is X-shaped intersection, which consists of the Mira Avenue with 6 lanes of traffic and the adjoining street of Hetman with 2 lanes on one side of the Avenue and 4 lanes on the other. The subject of the study are indicators of the travel time and length of traffic jam.
    Methods. The field researches, computer simulation and analysis of historical data and functions were used in the study.
    Scientific value. The developed simulation model of the intersection in microscopic flow simulation software PTV VISSIM taking into account light signal mode and vehicle densities indicators from real-life conditions is seen scientific value.
    Practical utility. Based on the simulation it was determined that an impressive traffic queue take place from the southern part of the city on the Mira Avenue and from the eastern part of the city on the Hetman street. In the first direction such queue (139 m) is due to the need to vehicles stopping down before the intersection and lack of turn-on time of an allowing signal of the traffic light (30s) to finish the drivers of the maneuver. In the second direction the queue (156 m) is formed due to the insufficient width of the roadway (3.5 m). For traffic capacity growth of problem intersection areas the operational recommendations to road expansion on the Hetman street on 2 m for 2 lane traffic (for 2.75 m on lane) and new 3-phase the sequence diagram of modes of traffic regulation were developed.
    Results. The analysis of the alternative versions of the structure and regulation of the intersection showed that it is possible to reduce the vehicles drive time from the southern part of the city on the Mira Avenue on 130s and to reduce the queue length in the direction of the southern part of the city of the Mira Avenue at 14 m and from the eastern part of the city on the Hetman street on 18 m.

    Keywords: transport system, computer simulation, statistical parameters, traffic intensity, traffic light control, PTV VISSIM.


    1. Клинковштейн Г. И. Организация дорожного движения: Учеб. для вузов.– 5-е изд., перераб. и доп./ Клинковштейн Г. И., Афанасьев М. Б., – М: Транспорт, 2001 – 247 с.
    2. Пальчик А.М. Організація дорожнього руху: навч. посіб. /. – К.: НТУ, 2011. – 228 с.
    3. VISSIM Simulation Based Expressway Exit Control modes Research / Zhu Zhandong, Chen Shaohui, Yang Yanquan та ін.]. // Procedia Engineering. – 2016. – №137. – P. 738 – 746.
    4. Систук В.А. Возможности использования программы имитационного моделирования PTV VISSIM для подготовки специалистов по направлениям “Транспортные технологии” и “Автомобильный транспорт” [Електронний ресурс] / В. А. Систук, А. А. Богачевский, В. Ю. Шумский // Інформаційні технології і засоби навчання. – 2016. – Т. 52, Вип. 2. – С. 93–107. – Режим доступу: http://nbuv.gov.ua/UJRN/ITZN_2016_52_2_11
    5. Применение программы PTV VISSIM для имитационного моделирования улично-дорожной сети при подготовке специалистов в области автомобильного транспорта [Електронний ресурс] / В.А. Систук, А.А. Богачевский, В. Ю. Шумский // Матеріали Всеукраїнської науково-методичної Інтернет-конференції «Освітні тенденції розвитку сучасної вищої школи: проблеми методології навчання». – Х.: ХНАДУ, 2016 р. – С.199–202. – Режим доступу: http://dl.khadi.kharkov.ua/course/view.php?id=207
    6. Khaled Shaaban. Comparison of SimTraffic and VISSIM Microscopic Traffic Simulation Tools in Modeling Roundabouts / Khaled Shaaban, Inhi Kim. // Procedia Computer Science. – 2016. – №52. – P. 43 – 50.
    7. Бекмагамбетов М. М. Анализ современных программных средств транспортного моделирования / М. М. Бекмагамбетов, А. В. Кочетков // Исследования, конструкции, технологии. – 2012. – №6 (77). – С. 25–34.
    8. Per Strömgrena. A model for traffic simulation of flared rural road intersections / Per Strömgrena, Johan Olstamb, Andreas Tapanib. // 4th International Symposium of Transport Simulation-ISTS’14, 1-4 June 2014, Corsica, France. – 2015. – P. 239 – 258.
    9. Amudapuran Mohan Rao Microscopic simulation to evaluate the traffic cingestion-metegation strategies on urban ar- terials / Amudapuran Mohan Rao, K. Ramachendra Rao // Euro-pean Transport \ Trasporti Europei (2015) Issue 58 – ISSN 1825-3997 – Trieste, 2015 –P. 2-20.
    10. Пальчик А.М. / Транспортні потоки: [монографія]. – К.: НТУ, 2010. – 171с.
    11. Организация дорожного движения[Текст] : учебно-практическое пособие / Н.С. Поготовкина. – Владивосток: Изд-во ВГУЭС, 2015. – 64 с.
    12. Литвин В. В. Имитационное моделирование транспортных потоков с помощью программного обеспечения PTV VISION VISSIM / В. В. Литвин, А. Н. Мирошниченко // Сборник научных трудов международной конференции «Современные технологии подготовки инженерных кадров для горной промышленности и транспорта 2014» – Днепропетровск, 2014 – С. 251 – 260.
    13. Правила дорожнього руху України – [Електроний ресурс] – Режим доступу: http://pdd.ua/ua.
    14. A+S. Краткое руководство по выполнению проектов в PTV VISSIM 6, 2014 – 76 с.
    15. VISSIM [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://ptv-vision.ru/produkty/vissim (in English)

    A manuscript entered release 15.04.17

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  • UDC 331.461: 622.012

    Aim. Analysis and systematization of the existing quantitative and qualitative methods and methodology for risk assessment in the field of occupational health and safety with a view to further justify choice of a method to adapt the calculations for occupational hazard in conditions of mining enterprises.
    Research methods. Currently, there is a countrywide need for develop new and improve given methods, means and principles for the protection and promotion of health workers at unhealthy trades, including miners, whose work on existing criterion is applied to the category of high life and health risk.
    Thus, to achieve this purpose there was the complex method of scientific research, comprising: a generalization and analysis of the literature and static information on the working conditions in the iron-ore mines; Injury methods of analysis getting injury, the expert assessments, mathematical statistics and probability theory to assess of occupational hazard, which enables further development towards integration of occupational health and safety management system in conditions of underground iron-ore mining.
    Scientific novelty. The necessity of a unified approach to risk assessment and implementation of the management of occupational hazards (OH) in the occupational health and safety management system in mining enterprises is grounded.
    Practical value. A new approach to the procedure for the identification and hazard assessment, which will minimize the probability of accidents, injuries, occupational hazards and, consequently, increase the stability of the performance of production functions is given.
    Results. An overview of the main approaches to improving the effectiveness of occupational safety and health administration at the mining enterprises is done.

    Keywords: the system of «human-machine-environment», working-environment factor and working process, working-environment factor and working process, hazardous event, the value of the probability of infringement (injury) to health worker, severity of the consequences of the adverse effects harmful conditions and hazardous job occupational hazard, criteria for risk acceptance , risk management, occupational health and safety management system.


    1. Лис Ю. Оцінка ризиків в системі управління охороною праці / Лис Ю. С. // Системи обробки інформації. — 2016. — № 9(146). — С. 193-196.
    2. Водяник А. О. Методологічні основи врахування фактора ризику в профілактиці виробничого травматизму : автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня доктора техн. наук : спец. 05.26.01 «Охорона праці» / А. О. Водяник. – К., 2008. – 38 с.
    3. Закон України «Про охорону праці» : [зі змін. та допов., внесеними Законом № 191-VIII від 12.02.2015, ВВР, 2015, № 21, ст.133].  К. : Верховна Рада України, 2015.  52 с.  (Серія «Закони України»).
    4. Гігієнічна класифікація праці за показниками шкідливості та небезпечності факторів виробничого середовища  [Чинний від 20140408].  К. : Міністерство охорони здоров’я України, 2014.  37 с.  (Державні санітарні норми та правила України).
    5. Karczewski J. System zarzadzania bezpieczens twem pracy / Karczewski J. T. // – Gdansk, 2000. – 310 s.
    6. Wrightson, I. (2014). Occupational health and safety management systems. [WWW document]. URL http://www.rsc.org/images/Occupational-Health-and-Safety-Management-Systems_tcm18-240421.pdf
    7. Системи управління гігієною та безпекою праці. Основні принципи виконання вимог OHSAS 18001:2007 : ДСТУ OHSAS 18002:2015 (OHSAS 18002:2008, IDT)  [Чинний від 20150622].  К. : ДП «УкрНДНЦ», 2015.  (Серія «Закони України»).
    8. Швыряев А.А., Меньшиков В.В. Оценка риска воздействия загрязнения атмосферы в исследуемом регионе: Учебное пособие для вузов/ А. Швыряев, В. Меньшиков – М.: Изд-во МГУ, 2004. – 124с
    9. Муртонен Мерви. Оценка рисков на рабочем месте – практическое пособие : [пер. с финского] / Мерви Муртонен.  Тампере, 2007.  66 с.
    10. Конвенции о безопасности и гигиене труда и производственной среды / Міжнародне законодавство про охорону праці, том 1. – К.: Основа , 1997. – С . 376– 382.
    11. Методика визначення ризиків та їх прийнятних рівнів для декларування безпеки об’єктів підвищеної небезпеки: Державний комітет України з нагляду за охороною праці. – К.: Основа, 2003. – 192 с.
    12. BS 31100. Risk management. Code of practice. – 46 с.
    13. ISO/IEC/FDIS 31010. Risk management – Risk assessment techniques. – 92 с.
    14. ISO 31000:2009. Risk management – Principles and guidelines. – 34 с.
    15. Гогіташвілі Г. Г. Управління охороною праці та ризиком за міжнародними стандартами : Навч. посіб. Г. Г. Гогіташвілі, Є. Т. Карчевські, В. М. Лапін // – К.: Знання, 2007. – 367 с.

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  • UDC 504.056: 502.5/8 (477.63)

    Aim. To evaluate the affect of dumps from mining and dressing of iron raw materials in the form of dumps and tailing ponds on the ecology of the environment and determine the characteristic features of technogenic geoecosystem which is formed under the affect of harmful factors of these complexes.
    Research methods. The comparative analysis and the comparison of modern and retrospective data of the state of abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems on the territories affected by technogenic factors.
    Scientific novelty. It’s established that technogenic factors which are generated by dumps and tailing ponds simultaneously affect the state of atmosphere and soil, geology and hydrological parameters of adjoining territories as well as hydrochemistry of groundwater. The remote consequences of such impact are manifested in deep and irrevocable destructions of natural ecosystems with the formation of degraded technogenic geoecosystems and they also provoke the appearance of anthropogenic successions of regressive character.
    Practical importance. The investigation of the characters and the direction of allogiously caused transformations of ecological systems on the territories which border on multi-tiered dumps and tailing ponds is important and acute issue both for objective evaluations of the effect of technogenic buildings on the environment and for developing the most effective methods for the environment protection.
    Results. The destructive affect of dumps and tailing ponds on the ecological state is connected with aggregate state of dumps from mining and dressing of iron raw material as well as with applied technologies of storing wastes. It’s recommended to overestimate the evaluations of danger and toxicity of substances stored in dumps and tailing ponds as the remote consequences from the affect of dust from the surface of these complexes result in comulative pollution of soils of the environment with toxic substances of the first and second danger levels. Dumps and tailing ponds should be recognized as objects of ecological danger of high level as the technogenic geoecosystems created by their have a regressive character of their development which results in the formation of allogeneic successions through creation of depleted biotopes. The increase in negative changes in the state of the ecology of the territories adjoining dumps and tailing ponds progresses proportionally to the increase in the parameters of dumps, slime and tailing ponds.

    Keywords: dumps, tailing pond, pollution factors, ecology technogenic geoecosystem, degradation, successions.


    1. Багрій І.Д., Блінов П.В., Бєлокопитова Н.А., Вилкул Ю.Г., та ін.. Геоекологічні проблеми криворізького басейну в умовах реструктуризації гірничодобувної галузі. – К.: Фенікс, 2002.-192 с.
    2. Мінц А.А. Економічна оцінка природних ресурсів і умов виробництва. – М: Нука, 1968. – 423 с.
    3. Данилишин Б.М. Економіка природокористування/ Б.М. Данилишин, М.А. Хресник, В.А. Голян. – К.: Кондор, 2010.- 465 с
    4. Бровко, Ф.М., Юхновський, В.Ю.Техногенні сукцесії на відвальних ландшафтах. Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім.В.В. Докучаєва. Серія «Грунтознавство, агрохімія, лісове господарство»,№ 5, 2010.-С.8
    5. Суздалева А.Л.Управляемые природно-технические системы энергетических и иных объектов как основа обеспечения техногенной безопасности и охраны окружающей среды.Учебное пособие/ А.Л.Суздалева. — М.: Издательство ИД ЭНЕРГИЯ, 2015. — 160 с.
    6. Паранько Н.М., Карнаух Н.Г. Загрязнение воздуха жилой зоны и здоровье человека. – Кривой Рог: ПОЛИМЕД – Сервис, 2008. – 110 с.
    7. Кулькова Т.М., Гуляк О. І., Моніторинг геологічного середовища Кривбасу (1996-2000 рр.).- К.: Геоінформ, 2005.- 217 с.
    8. Петрухін А.В., Антонік В.І., Кулькова Т.М., Чепурний В.І., Гришко В.М. та інші. Проведення комплексногоаналізу екологічного стану навколишнього природного середовища (НПС) Новолатівської сільської ради та розробка комплексної програми забезпечення екологічної безпеки території Новолатівської сільської ради на2017 – 2021 рр. Звіт НДР по темі 12-16 у 2-х т.- Кривий Ріг: НДГРІ, 2016.- 630 с.
    9. Антонік В.І., Антонік І.П., Екологічна характеристика стану водного басейну річки Інгулець // Сталий розвиток промисловості та суспільства. Матеріали міжнародної науково – технічної конференції / Редкол. Вілкул Ю.Г., Ступнік М.І., Азарян А.А. та ін. – Кривий Ріг : ВЦ ДВНЗ «КНУ» , 2014. С.112 – 113.
    10. Фатєєва А.І.Фоновий вміст мікроелементів у ґрунтах України / За ред. А.І.Фатєєва, Я.В.Пащенко. – Харків, 2003. – 117 с.

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  • UDC 004.056. 5: 004.738.5(045)

    The aim of the work. Increase of efficiency of priv with the limited access in mobile devices by development politician and regulations of the use of mobile devices, analysis and choice of methods of encipherement, limitation of the use of harmful POE. Systematization and analysis of corporate methods of defence of internal information. Minimization of corporate losses due to a loss information of different level (type) of confidentiality.
    Research methods. Review and analysis of risk of security of the use of mobile devices breach factors. An analysis and systematization of methods is sewn up to information on mobile devices under the management of OS Android. Experienced verification of existent methods of defence of confidential information on a mobile device. Analysis of algorithms of setting of strange POE on devices under the management of OS Android, search of ways of vulnerability and defence of internal information.
    Scientific novelty. An analysis and systematization of threats and affecting methods is executed mobile devices. On the basis of the executed analysis and systematization worked out and the algorithm of the use of methods of priv is practically tested.
    Results. On the basis of the conducted researches of vulnerability and methods of defence it is set in OS Android, that this operating system as personal, internal funds of defence, similarly can support additional, worked out by other developers. Built-in internal facilities of defence, by the comfortable enough instruments of protection of data on mobile telephones. Taking into account the type of blocking, distinguish the different types of safety. They are effective enough, but from external attacks, id est if someone wants to call on a mobile telephone and look some certain data, then a malefactor meets an obstacle in a kind: password, picture, recognition of person or PIN.  But from internal attacks, viruses, these facilities are helpless. While additional software, can provide, both safety from internal and from external attacks.

    Keywords: OS Android; mobile telephones; safety of information; threats; confidentiality; integrity; availability; means of information protection.


    1. Якушин Петр. Безопасность мобильного предприятия// Открытые системы № 01, 2013.
    2. Юдин А. К., Богуш В. М. Информационная безопасность государства: Учебное пособие // Харьков: Консул. – 2005. – С. 38.
    3. Шетько Николай. Взлом сотовых сетей GSM: расставляем точки над «i»// ET CETERA – серия цифровых журналов, распространяемых по подписке № 32, 2013.
    4. Белорусов Д.И. Wi-Fi – сети и угрозы информационной безопасности/ Д.И. Белорусов, М.С. Корешков // СПЕЦИАЛЬНАЯ ТЕХНИКА № 6, 2009; с. 2-6.
    5. Михайлов Д. М., Жуков И. Ю., Ивашко А. М. Защита мобильных телефонов от атак М.: Фойлис, 2011. – 192 с.
    6. Якушин Петр. Безопасность мобильного предприятия/ П.Якушин // Открытые системы – 2013 – № 1 (187) – с. 22-27.
    7. Панасенко А. Влияние мобильных устройств на безопасность информации – [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу: http://www. anti-malware.ru/node/12301, 2013.
    8. Гилмор Дж., Бирдмор П. Безопасность мобильных устройств для «Чайников» М.: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, West Sussex, England (Англия), 2013. – 54 с.
    9. Ванг Й., Стрефф К., Раман С. Проблемы безопасности смартфонов//ОТКРЫТЫЕ СИСТЕМЫ. СУБД, М: Издательство «Открытые системы», 2013. – 27-31 с.

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  • UDC 532.58: 669.162.1

    The aim of the paper is to substantiate the regularity of the gasdynamic resistance coefficient of the Darcy-Weisbach formula when the fractional composition of the pelletized agglomeration charge changes.
    Methods of research. Most often, when describing the gas dynamics of a granular layer, the researchers use the Darcy-Weisbach formula, which determines the pressure drop in the developed turbulent flow of an incompressible fluid.
    Scientific novelty. According to the Lichter equation of the porosity of the layer, e = 0,418, the angle of stacking of the balls q  = 73,74°corresponds to which, in the narrowing of the channels, the placement of two fine particles is most likely.
    The correctness of the hypothesis that the maximum of the resistance coefficient corresponds to the location of small particles in narrow voids between large ones is confirmed by a simplified procedure for calculating the fraction of occupied space by a layer of small particles that does not take into account the forces of their interaction.
    Practical significance. According to the accepted calculation procedure, the total filling of the voids for the particle packing angle q = 73,74° occurs at a fine fraction m = 0,3. In the void, Nm = 418 particles are placed at this time. This corresponds to the minimum porosity of the layer. For a better understanding of the processes occurring in the layer of agglomeration charge, it is necessary to further develop scientific concepts of the structure of the polyfraction layer and the movement of gases in it.
    Results. The gas-dynamic resistance coefficient Y of the Darcy-Weisbach formula has a complex dependence on the fractional composition of the charge due to the non-cylindrical shape of the channel between the large pieces. The maximum influence on the change in the coefficient of gas-dynamic resistance is exerted by the content of the fine fraction in the layer. With the ratio of the sizes of the fractions dm / dk = 1/10, the coefficient Y has a maximum corresponding to 20% of the fine fractions in the layer and half the channel filling up to its maximum expansion. When the difference in particle sizes is reduced to dm / dk = 1/4, this maximum is determined by replacing large particles at the packing nodes with smaller particles.

    Keywords: pelletization, burden, gas resistance, technique, resistance coefficient.


    1. Тарасов В.П. Теория и технология доменной плавки / В.П. Тарасов, П.В. Тарасов. – М.: Интермет Инжиниринг, 2007. – 384 с.
    2. Петрушов С.Н. Современный агломерационный процесс. Монография / С.Н. Петрушов. – Алчевск: ДонГТУ, 2006. – 360 с.
    3. Горшков-Кантакузен В. А. К вопросу вычисления коэффициента Дарси методом регрессионного анализа // Материалы XXI Международного симпозиума «Динамические и технологические проблемы механики конструкций и сплошных сред» имени А. Г. Горшкова, 16 – 20 февраля 2015, Вятичи.. — 2015. — № Том 1. — С. 59-60.
    4. Коротич В.И. Агломерация рудных материалов / В.И. Коротич, Ю.А. Фролов, Г.Н. Бездежский. – Екатеринбург: ГОУ ВПО «УГТУ-УПИ», 2003. – 400 с.
    5. Тарасов В. П. Особенности газодинамики зернистого слоя/ В. П. Тарасов, С. В. Кривенко // Сталь: Международный научно-технический и производственный журнал. – 2014. – № 5. – С. 12-16.
    6. Кривенко С. В. Коэффициент газодинамического сопротивления слоя окомкованной агломерационной шихты/ С. В. Кривенко // Сталь: Международный научно-технический и производственный журнал. – 2013. – № 4. – С. 16-19.
    7. Гольдштик М.А. Процессы переноса в зернистом слое / М.А. Гольдштик. – Новосибирск, 1984. – 164 с.
    8. Томаш О.А. Структура зернистого шару і рух газів у доменних печах: автореф. дис. докт. техн. наук : спец. 05.16.02 «Металургія чорних і кольорових металів та спеціальних сплавів» / О.А. Томаш. – Донецьк, 2004. – 35с.
    9. Лейбензон Л.С. Движение живостей и газов в пористой среде/ Л.С. Лейбензон. – М.-Л.: ОГИЗ. – 1947. – 244 с.
    10. Аэров М.Э. Гидродинамические и тепловые расчеты аппаратов со стационарным и кипящим зернистым слоем / М.Э. Аэров, О.М. Тодес. – М.: Химия, 1968. – 512 с.
    11. Кривенко С. В. Исследование трехфракционного зернистого слоя / С. В. Кривенко // Вiсник Приазовського державного технічного університету: Зб. наук. пр. – Маріуполь, 2006. – Вип. 16. – С. 13-16.
    12. Кривенко С. В. Анализ вариации грансостава сыпучих материалов / С. В. Кривенко // Известия вузов. Черная металлургия: Научно-технический и производственный журнал, 010. – № 8. – С. 7-11.

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  • UDC 62-54: 621.313-024.67

    Aim. Development of software and hardware for the SM management. In order to achieve this goal, it is necessary to: consider the basic management principles for the selected SMs; Select a control algorithm for each SM; Analyze the capabilities of the programmable logic controller (PLC) to develop a control program for the corresponding SM for the PLC.
    Methods of research. In solving the problem, general methods of computing, building local networks and programming were used.
    Scientific novelty. The questions of construction of automation systems and control of technological mechanisms with SM are considered. An original program for controlling the SM for the ABB AC500-eCo PLC has been developed.
    Practical significance. The current state of digital electronics has significantly expanded the scope of application of stepper motors. They are widely used in devices with position control systems as well as in modern techniques such as mechatronics, robotics. The emergence of robots with the replacement of positioning systems without feedbacks with cheap transistor switches, contributed to the more widespread use of SM.
    Results. To train specialists who have skills in the construction and adjustment of positioning systems from the SM in the Krivoy Rog National University, laboratory work is being introduced to analyze the ways of controlling the SM – for which several stands have been created. The first booth is built on a three-phase unipolar stepper motor. The phase winding is implemented using a programmable logic controller. The second stand is built on a two-phase bipolar stepper motor type 28BYJ48, which due to its low cost has a wide range of applications. The third booth is built on a two-phase bipolar stepper motor using the widely used MP8825 driver based on the DRV8825 controller. According to the chosen control methods, engine control algorithms have been developed and corresponding programs have been created. The issues discussed contribute to improving the professional training of students, and will enable them to acquire the necessary skills.

    Keywords: step motor, controller, hardware, stands.


    1. Емельянов А.В. Шаговые двигатели: учеб. пособие/ А.В. Емельянов, А.Н. Шилин/ВолгГТУ. – Волгоград, 2005. – 48 с.
    2. Tony R. Kuphaldt. Lessons In Electric Circuits, Volume II – AC, Sixth Edition, 2007. – 561 с.
    3. Брускин Д.Э., Зорохович А.Е., Хвостов В.С. Электрические машины и микромашины: Учеб. для электротехн. спец. вузов. – 3- е изд., перераб. и доп. – М.: Высш. шк., 1990. – 528 с.
    4. Дискретный электропривод с шаговыми двигателями. Подобщ. ред. М.Г. Чиликина. М., «Энергия», 1971. – 624 c.
    5. Ion Boldea. Electric drives. — Lexington, KY, USA — 2005, – 549 с.
    6. Чиликин М.Г., Сандлер А.С. Общий курс электропривода: Учебник для вузов. – 6-е изд., доп. и перераб. – М.: Энергоиздат, 1981. – 576 с.
    7. Теория электропривода, ч.1: учебное пособие / Сост.: А.Б. Зеленов – Алчевск, ДонГТУ, 2005. – 382 с.
    8. LM2675 SIMPLE SWITCHER Power Converter High Efficiency 1A Step-Down Voltage Regulator, Texas Instruments Inc., Rev. June 2005
    9. L293, L293D PUSH-PULL FOUR CHANNEL DRIVER WITH DIODES STMicroelectronics, July 2003.
    10. Rentyuk Vladimir «Control stepper motors in both directions» EDN March 18, 2010.
    11. Кенио Такаши. Шаговые двигатели и их микропроцессорные системы управления: Пер. с англ., М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1987 – 199 с.
    12. Бєлов М.П., Новіков В.А., Розсудів Л. Н. Автоматизований електропривод типових виробничих механізмів і технологічних комплексів. – 3-е изд., Испр .. – М .: Видавничий центр “Академія”, 2007.
    13. Мала гірнича енциклопедія. В 3-х т. / За ред. В. С. Білецького. — Донецьк: Донбас, 2004.

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  • UDC 621.316.001.57

    The aim of this work is to perform analysis of theories and mechanisms of the development of overvoltages in single-phase to earth faults (PEF). The well-known theories of overvoltages of Petersen, Peters and Slepyan, Belyakova are analyzed. Single-phase earth faults (PEF) occurring in 6-10 kV distribution networks with isolated neutral are the main type of damage and account for more than 75% of the total number of damages. Overvoltages that occur at the PEF, reduce the electrical strength of the supply cables insulation, lead to their breakdown and destruction, multiple faults, double earth faults, two- and three-phase short circuits. This is due to failures in the electrical equipment, long downtime of technological equipment, additional costs for its restoration and to а decrease of enterprise productivity.
    Methods. When theoretical studies execution, a method of mathematical modeling of 6-10 kV distribution networks with an isolated neutral at the PEF was adopted. The mathematical models of distribution networks have been developed and improved, and the main and minor parameters affecting the over-voltage at the PEF are substantiated. When executing experimental studies, a method for grounding one of the artificially damaged phases of a career cable sample was adopted. Load parameters are measured: voltage levels in phases, neutral and current in the damaged phase.
    Scientific novelty. The problem of arc theory has been studied in detail. The conclusion is made that the development conditions of the transient processes at the PEF are influenced by the conditions for the appearance of the arc, the environment in which it burns, the rate of change of the current during the transition through zero, the inductance of the phase of the network L, the capacitance of phases relative to the earth C, and the value of the resistance of the ground fault circuit. At PEF the resistance value of the earth fault circuit varies widely.
    Practical significance. The dependence of overvoltage levels on the resistance value of the ground fault circuit is considered. Surveys of overvoltage levels occurring in 6-10 kV distribution networks with an isolated neutral are performed on a physical model.
    Results. From the results of the experiment it can be seen that the complex use of a current-limiting resistor in neutral and non-linear surge arresters in the distribution network made it possible to reduce overvoltages to normative values within 1,7-1,8 of the nominal voltage.

    Keywords: distribution network, arc, single-phase earth faults (PEF), earth-fault circuit resistance, overvoltage level, non-linear overvoltage suppressor.


    1. Лихачев Ф.А. Замыкания на землю в сетях с изолированной нейтралью и с компенсацией емкостных токов. – М.: Энергия, 1971. – 152 c.
    2. Базуткин В.В., Ларионов В.П., Пинталь Ю.С. Техника высоких напряжений. Изоляция и перенапряжения в электрических системах. – М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1986. – 464 c.
    3. Зархи И.М., Мешков В.Н., Халилов Ф.Х. Внутренние перенапряжения в сетях 6 – 35 кВ. – Л.: Наука, 1986. – 128c.
    4. Техника высоких напряжений. Под ред. М.В. Костенко. – М.: Высшая школа, 1973. – 464 с.
    5. Беляков Н.Н. Исследование перенапряжений при дуговых замыканиях на землю в сетях 6 и 10 кВ с изолированной нейтралью // Электричество. -1957. -№5. – С. 31-36.
    6. Самойлович И.С. Защита от перенапряжений мобильных электроустановок карьеров. – М.: Недра, 1980. – 160 c.
    7. Самойлович И.С. Защита от перенапряжений электроустановок открытых горных работ. – М.: Недра, 1992. – 128 c.
    8. Самойлович И.С. К оценке переходных сопротивлений при однофазных замыканиях на землю в сетях 6-10 кВ // Проблемы технической электродинамики. – 1972. – вып.37. – С. 55-60.
    9. Щуцкий В.И., Жидков В.О., Ильин Ю.Н. Защитное шунтирование однофазных повреждений электроустановок. – М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1986. -152 c.
    10. Дгиелев М.П., Обабков В.К. К вопросу о перенапряжениях в сетях 6-10 кВ горных предприятий // Промышленная энергетика. – 1992. – №6. – С. 46-48.
    11. Даурев Л.Е., Волошек И.В. Особенности дуговых замыканий на землю в сетях с нейтралью, заземленной через резистор // Электричество. – 1993. – №8. – С. 26-31.
    12. Халилов Ф.Х. Анализ характера внутренних перенапряжений в сетях 35 кВ // Промышленная энергетика. – 1972.- №11.- C.38-40.
    13. Барановская М.Л., Тытюк В.К. Математическое моделирование переходных процессов при ОЗЗ в распределительных сетях 6-35 кВ // ДВНЗ «Криворізький національний університет», Гірничий вісник. – Кривий Ріг. – 2014. – № 98 – С.174-178.
    14. Барановская М.Л., Кузьменко А.С. Анализ математических моделей распределительных сетей при ОЗЗ // ДВНЗ «Криворізький національний університет», Гірничий вісник. – Кривий Ріг. – 2015. – № 99. – С. -133-139.
    15. M. Baranovskaya, Tytyuk V., Nevzlin B., Zagirnyak V. Branched circuit of 6 kV operation with insulated neu- tral under phase-to-earth fault // Електромеханічні і енергозберігаючі системи Кременчуцького національного університету ім. Михайла Остроградського. – Кременчук, 2015. – № 1(29). – С. 67-73.
    16. Distribution – class arresters offers strength, durability. – Transmiss. and Distrib., 1984. – №7.- Р.60.
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    18. Walsh Gorge W.A. review of lightning protection and grounding practices. – TEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 1979. -Р. 133-138.

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  • UDC 622.271.33

    The aim of this work is the analysis of the literature available on the subject of global sustainability practices evaluation boards pit of repose. Consideration limit equilibrium theory loose environment and options for its use in determining the boundary or limiting the degree of stability of the rock mass. The concept of safety factor of stability and safety factor of the slope.
    Research methods. To achieve the objectives used complex method of research, which included: analysis of scientific literature on the issues under consideration, systematization and classification of the initial information. Analysis of calculation methods, the assessment calculation factors in determining the safety factor of stability, reliability coefficient of rock mass. Mathematical analysis methods of soil mechanics and solid deformable for analytical description of processes of rock.
    Scientific novelty. The decision allows the task based on the systematization and classification of mathematical and graph-analytic methods to assess the stability of the sides of pits in a safety factor of stability or reliability factor, identify factors are sufficient degree of influence (weight) on the stability of slopes, but poorly captured in currently used methods.
    Practical value. Iron and steel industry is one of the leading industries in Ukraine. In this regard, the development of the open mining pits while ensuring safe and cost effective, providing the optimal mode of mining, angles sides is one of the most important scientific problems in opencast mining. Particularly relevant issue in this region Kryvbas.
    Results. We have developed more than 100 methods for calculating safety factor of rock slopes, review and analysis of the most famous of them shows that most methods based on the theory of Coulomb-Mohr and as a source of data in the calculation using the strength of rocks such as grip and angle of internal friction.
    Existing methods for determining the strength characteristics of rock properties do not allow to take into account when calculating the stability of complex natural and anthropogenic factors affect the stability of sides of quarries, such as fractures panel, part-underground mining operations, the impact of massive explosions and the curvature of the sides in the plan. The most appropriate to improve the reliability assessment of stability quarries sides use zoning theory to account for natural and anthropogenic factors.

    Keywords: resistance sides career. Factor stability. Tail career. Reliability factor. Method algebraic addition of forces. Method Fellenius / Petterson method of Spencer.


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    A manuscript entered release 18.04.17

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  • UDC 656.61

    Aim. The research purpose is a development of theoretical and organizationally-methodical positions in relation to transformation of management the enterprises of port activity of country by the exposure of the most effective policy of increase of competitiveness of marine ports of Ukraine and creation of the differentiated going near every port, in particular.
    Research methods. Theoretical basis of research is folded aggregate of methods, receptions and principles of scientific research, approach of the systems and unfolded analysis of the advanced studies with the study of normative base.
    Scientific novelty of the got job performances consists in systematization and specified known and ground of new positions which present theoretical and organizationally-methodical basis of process of increase of competitiveness of ports with the use of the differentiated going near every separately taken port, on the basis of input of cluster structure in seashore districts.
    Practical value consists in taking of basic theoretical developments of research to the level of practical recommendations, accepted to introduction of enterprises of port industry a row.
    Results. Idea of development of cluster structure in seashore districts as possibility of increase of competitiveness and perfect functioning of ports, which will allow максимізувати efficiency of work of port.

    Keywords: marine ports, strategy of development, competitiveness, marine clusters.


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    A manuscript entered release 15.04.17

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  • UDC [33+608.5]-044.922:658.114.5-047

    Aim. The further study of the category “transformation” nature, relations and impact of economic transformation processes and intellectual property transformation on the level of innovation, financial, economic security and corporation competitiveness rate
    Research methods. General scientific research principles as historical and terminological; functional and system, including structural and functional and system-activity approaches are used in this article.
    Results. Important corporation types of transformation are defined. “Total corporation owners intelligence” and “total corporation management intelligence ” are defined as the basis for the formation and implementation of corporation transformation processes. It is proved that level of human capital, intellectual capital and corporation intellectual property affect on the economy of the corporation and its progressive economic transformation processes. Awareness of the owners and top management of the cyclical nature of the development of all economic systems, change of dominant business models and role of key production factor in ensuring of innovativeness of corporation is the basis of “trigger mechanism” of the transformation processes in it. It focuses on the fact that requirements of innovative economy determine the search for new sources of economic growth and solving problems of its formation and provision at all levels of management. It is emphasized that the earlier the transformation processes begin in corporation, the more opportunities it will have to obtain certain competitive advantages and generate the necessary level of financial and economic security.
    Scientific novelty. Interconnection and interdependence of corporation transformation is grounded, the role of “corporate intelligence” in today’s competitive economic conditions is shown. The impact of transformation processes on competitive advantages, corporation financial and economic security and additional conditions for its progressive development is determined. The term “leverage of competitive advantage from transformation processes” is represented.
    Practical significance. Considered in the article theoretical and methodological statements and practical recommendations allow to study relations and impact of economic transformation, intellectual property transformation more deeply and to develop on its basis organizational and economic mechanism for intellectual property transformation effect.

    Keywords: transformation, intelligence, intellectual property, financial and economic security, competitiveness, corporation intellectual property transformation


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    A manuscript entered release 15.04.17

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