Криворізького національного університету

    Криворожского национального университета

    of Kryvyi Rih National University

    der Nationalen Universität Krywyj Rih

    de l’Universitè Nationale de Kryviї Rih

Issue 42

The collection presents the results of research in the field of Technical Sciences, the ways to increase the efficiency of industrial production, automation control and control of technological processes. Much information is devoted to the issues such as Energy conservation, Reliability of the occupational health, Labour safety and Protection of the environment.


  • UDC 621.311.086.5:621.3.001

    In the article results of researches on an estimation of conditions of process of power consumption in the conditions of uncertainty and incompleteness of the information with application of methods of “compression” of the information are resulted. Information on the process of consumption of electrical energy contains a variety of sets of empirical data and characterizes it with multidimensional random signs. A significant number of features make it difficult to identify the connections between the signs. In this case, the description of the process of power consumption is required by a smaller number of generalized characteristics, which reflect the internal objectively existing regularities that can not be directly observed. The noted features lead to the need to apply methods for estimating the states of power consumption regimes of mining enterprises that allow to obtain solutions in conditions of incomplete information when the dimension of the initial data is reduced (“compression” of information) about the process under study. In this case, problems arise in the analysis of data on power consumption, the solution of which is based on the use of methods of factor analysis and the establishment of a typology of studied objects. The described procedures make it possible to realize the basic ideas about the process of consumption of electrical energy taken in the study and assessment of its states. In this aspect, the evaluation of the state of the process of consuming electric energy for all the variety of models of analysis is based on the assumption that in a survey or experiment, when the empirical material contains a large number of parameters, many of them are united by correlation links. This is explained by the fact that the observed “external” parameters only indirectly characterize the process of consumption of electric energy. Along with a large number of “external” parameters (factors), there is a small number of “internal” (“significant”) parameters. These “internal” parameters are difficult or impossible to measure, but they determine the behavior of “external” parameters. Finding these hypothetical essential parameters is the goal of analyzing the state of the process of consuming electrical energy. A description of the electric load modes for electric receivers with an inhomogeneous operation in the form of a multilevel additive model is proposed.

    Keywords: electric receivers, efficiency, power consumption, uncertainty, impact.


    1. Розен В.П. Оцінювання енергоефективності електроспоживання вугільних шахт [Текст] / В.П. Розен, Л.В. Да-виденко, В.І. Волинець // Підвищення рівня ефективності енергоспоживання в електротехнічних пристроях і систе-мах: Матеріали ІV-ої міжнародної науково-технічної конференції – Луцьк: РВВ ЛДТУ, 2012. – С. 130 – 132.
    2. Пархоменко Р.А. К вопросу оценки процесса электропотребления горнорудных предприятий в условиях не-определенности и неполноты информации [Текст] / Р.А. Пархоменко, А.Н. Яловая, М.А. Баулина // Електроме-ханічні та енергетичні системи, методи моделювання та оптимізації: Збірник матеріалів конференції Міжнародної 3 науково-технічної конференції молодих учених і спеціалістів. – Кременчук: КрНУ, 2013. – С.190-191.
    3. Messner S. MESSAGE- MACRO: linking an energy supply model with a macroeconomic module and solving it itera-tively / S. Messner, L. Schattenholzer // Energy. – 2000. – N 25. – P. 267 – 285.
    4. Праховник А.В. Энергосберегающие режимы электроснабжения горнодобывающих предприятий / А.В. Праховник, В.П. Розен, В.В. Дегтярев // М.: Недра, 1985 – 232 с.
    5. Олейников В.К. Анализ и планирование электропотребления на горных предприятиях / В.К. Олейников // М.: Недра, 1983. – 192 с.
    6. Айвазян С. А. Прикладная статистика. Классификация и снижение размерности / С. А. Айвазян, В.М. Бух-штабер, И.С. Енюков, Л.Д. Мешалкин // М.: Финансы и статистика, 1989.— 607 с.
    7. Parkchomenko R. Dynamics appraisal of electrical energy consumption process of iron ore mines in conditions of indeterminacy and insufficiency of information [Electronic source] / R.O. Parkchomenko // Metallurgical and Mining Industry. – 2015. – № 2. – P. 332–335. Access mode: http: // www.metaljournal.com.ua/assets/MMI_2014_6/MMI_2015_2/051-Parchomenko.pdf
    8. Синчук И.О. Потенциал электроэнергоэффективности и пути его реализации на производствах с подземными способами добычи железорудного сырья. Монография / И.О. Синчук, Э.С. Гузов, А.Н. Яловая, С.Н. Бойко // под ред. докт. техн. наук, профессора О.Н. Синчука. – Кременчук: Изд. ЧП Щербатых А.В. – 2015. – 296 с.
    9. Синчук О.Н. Оценка состояния и определения тактики повышения эффективности работы участковых под-станций железорудных шахт / О.Н. Синчук, С.Н. Лесной, Р.А. Пархоменко, А.Н. Яловая // Техніка в сільськогос-подарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація. Збірник наукових праць Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. – Кіровоград, 2012. – Випуск 25, частина ІІ. – С.248-254.
    10. Розен В.П. Моделирование энергетических режимов энергоемких потребителей железорудных шахт / В.П. Ро-зен, Э.С. Гузов, Р.О. Пархоменко // Науково-технічний збірник «Гірничий вісник». Випуск №97. – Кривий Ріг: 2014. – C.176-180.
    11. Пархоменко Р.О. Підвищення ефективності електропостачання у шахтних мережах як один із шляхів підвищення конкурентноспроможності продукції / Р.О. Пархоменко, О.В. Аніськов // Збірник тез доповідей ІІ міжнародної науково-технічної та навчально-методичної конференції «ЕНЕРГЕТИЧНИЙ МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ: СТАН ТА ПЕРСПЕК-ТИВИ РОЗВИТКУ – PEMS’15»/ Київ: Національний технічний університет України «КПІ», 2015.- C.71-72.

    A manuscript entered release 29.03.16

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  • UDC 622:621.31

    The paper presents the justification for the research based Electromechanical resonant processes occurring during the process of destruction of rock mass on the example of tunneling Cobain. Until recently, all the resonance phenomena in Electro-mechanical systems of mining machines was extremely harmful, and developed quite a number of ways according to their cancellation. The idea is to use the energy of the resonance phenomena on the destruction of the mountain massif. This problem is relevant for both open and underground mining. The use of resonance phenomena in the Electromechanical system of the Executive body of the mining equipment will develop equipment and significantly increase the speed of failure of rock mass, thereby to increase the efficiency of equipment that would significantly affect the production costs.
    However, if you run mining equipment in the controlled resonance to tightly control these modes due to the fact that un-controlled resonant mode leads to the destruction of Electromechanical systems of mining equipment, the repair of which is quite costly.
    The presented solution allows to reduce the cost of production, due to the cost reduction on the electrical consumption and increase the lifetime of individual structural components road headers.

    Keywords: electric receivers, efficiency, power consumption, uncertainty, impact.


    1. Викторов С.Д. Современные проблемы разрушения массивов горных пород. Институт проблем комплексного освоения недр Российской академии наук. Постоянно действующий семинар “Физико-технические проблемы разработ-ки месторождений полезных ископаемых” М.: ИПКОН РАН 1999 год.
    2. Ляхомский А.В., Фащиленко В.Н. Управление электромеханическими системами горных машин. М.: Изда-тельство МГГУ, 2004 – 296 с.
    3. Переслегин Н.Г. Вопросы создания электроприводов, обеспечивающих ограничение упругих деформаций в механических системах // Электротехн. пром-сть. Сер. Электропривод. – 1981. Вып. 4(84). – C. 8-11.
    3. Решетняк С.Н. Актуальные аспекты моделирования резонансных режимов ЭМС горных машин и механиз-мов: Тезисы доклада «IV Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції Iнформацiйнi технологiї i системи в докменто-знавчiй сферi». Донецького національного університета. – Донецьк : ДонНУ, 2014 г. – C. 129-131.

    A manuscript entered release 29.03.16

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  • UDC 621.311.086.5

    Methods for increasing energy efficiency and resource saving mine electric locomotive transport using energy storage. Defined energy, power and placement supercondensators and hybrid drives for mine electric locomotive transport. Hybrid drives are recommended to be installed on the locomotives at peak loads in 4-7 times greater than the average value. It is established that the application of energy storage will reduce power consumption by 15-20% and reduce capital expenditures. The best part, примерно10 – 12%, reducing power consumption is obtained in the traction electric supply system. Reduction of capital costs will be achieved by reducing the length of contact networks, number of substations and electric locomotives. Energy losses due to slipping due to the increase of stiffness characteristics of the mine electric locomotives can be reduced by 3-5%.

    Keywords: electric drive, resonance mode of operation, mining machines, electromechanical system.


    1. Степаненко В.П., Венцлафф В., Дейнеке Р., Василенко В.И. Разработка и испытание контактно-аккумуляторных электровозов V-860. Уголь,-1986. № 12- С.32,33.
    2. Синчук О.Н., Гузов Э.С., Степаненко В.П., Шахтный контактно-аккумуляторный электровоз. Горный журнал.-1988. -№6. -С.55-57.
    3. Степаненко В.П., Иващенко В.В. Сравнительное исследование процессов газовыделения из тяговых никель – железных и никель-кадмиевых батарей рудничных контактно-аккумуляторных электровозов. Научные сообщения ИГД им. Скочинского. Горная механика, рудничный транспорт, техническое обслуживание и ремонт ГШО. М. 1988, с.123-130.
    4. Степаненко В.П. Особенности организации локомотивной откатки с использованием комбинированных электровозов. Научные сообщения ИГД им. Скочинского. Горная механика, рудничный транспорт, техническое обслуживание и ремонт ГШО. М. 1988, с. 130-138.
    5. Степаненко В.П. Применение комбинированных (гибридных) энергосиловых установок в горной промышленности. //Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень.- М.-. Горная книга.-2014.-№11.-С.322-328.
    6. Степаненко В.П., Белозеров В.И. Применение комбинированных (гибридных) энергосиловых установок горнотранспортных машин. //Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень.- М-. Горная книга.-2015.-№2.-С.174-181.
    7. Степаненко В.П., Сорин Л.Н. Энергоэффективность подземной локомотивной откатки с гибридными накопителями энергии//Горный информационно- аналитический бюллетень.- М.-. Горная книга.-2015.-№6.-С.135-140.
    8. Степаненко В.П., Сорин Л.Н. Актуальность ресурсо- и энергосбережения на подземных рудничных локомотивах с комбинированными накопителями энергии.//Горный информационно- аналитический бюллетень.- М.-. Горная книга.-2015.-№5.-С.323-328.
    9. Степаненко. В.П. Электровозная откатка на урановых рудниках Советско-германского акционерного общества «Висмут».1980-1987годы. //Горный информационно- аналитический бюллетень.- 2015.- №6.-М.-С. 141-147.
    10. Степаненко В. П. Исследование зависимости коэффициентов сцепления рудничных электровозов от абразивности горных пород. // Горный информационно- аналитический бюллетень.- 2015.-. №2.-М.-С.168-173.
    11. Рудничный транспорт и механизация вспомогательных работ под редакцией В.М. Щадова. Каталог-справочник.М – . «Альфа Монтана».-, С.550.
    12. Основные положения по проектированию подземного транспорта новых и действующих шахт. М:- ИГД им. А.А. Скочинского, 1986.- С.350.
    13. Справочник по шахтному транспорту под редакцией Г.Я. Пейсаховича. И.П. Ремизова, М:-Недра, 1985.-С. 619.
    14. Рудничный транспорт и механизация вспомогательных работ под редакцией Б.Ф. Братченко. М.:-, Недра, 1978, С.418.

    A manuscript entered release 29.03.16

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  • UDC 621.316.925:622.82

    Analysis of the causes of fires in the result of arc circuits in mining electrical networks and electrical equipment shows that about half of them are contact electric haulage. The main reason for the critical condition of fire safety iron ore mines during the operation of electric haulage should be considered a lack of justification of requirements to the means of protective disconnecting of the contact networks fire hazard from arcing faults, which, in turn, hinders their development. Well-known researches of fire-dangerous of contact networks were executed for the terms of coal mines and can not be widespread on iron-ore mines, where, unlike coal, a contact haulage is transport plenty of explosives and exists the real their ignition hazard during emergency situations in a contact network. In addition, the modern controllable semiconductor hauling traction converters have more hard current-voltage characteristics considerably, as a result the value of permanent increased and went down a value over of the variable component straightened tension, that brought to the decline of sizes of minimum current able to support burning of arc.
    For research was developed by a special stand, which allowed the modeling of natural arc fault. Defined current-voltage characteristics of electric arc in various lengths. It is established that the minimum current at which there is a persistent arcing is 2-3 A when the arc length of 5-10 mm.
    Was studied the most flammable materials that are in mine haulage: oiled paper armored cable, small wood chips and the most dangerous from the point of view of fire – explosives substances. We obtain limit time-current characteristics of the ignition of materials that were tested. Determined fireproof time-current characteristic, sets out the basic requirements for means of protective switching-off mine contact networks from flammable arcing circuit.

    Keywords: switching off, protection, closing, fire hazard, traction transducers.


    1. Пироженко А.В. К вопросу защиты шахтних контактних сетей от пожароопасных утечек тока // Безопасность и надежность электроснабжения горнорудных предприятий: Тез. докл. и сообщ. III Всесоюзной научн. – техн. конф., 13-15 окт. 1982г. – Днепропетровск, 1982.- С.68-70.
    2. Alcook K. Safe high speed underground transport.// The Mining Engineer. – 1985. v. 144, № 284.- P. 638- 643.
    3. Сумин И.Ф. Повышение пожарной безопасности рудничных тяговых сетей.- В кн.: Техника безопасности в угольной промышленности.- М.: Госгортехиздат, 1963, С.214-217.
    4. Сидоренко И.Г. Токовременные характеристики защиты рудничных тяговых сетей от токов короткого замыкания и утечки, опасных в пожарном отношении. – Горная электромеханика и автоматика. 1967, С.19-27.
    5. Славик И. Конструирование силовых полупроводниковых преобразователей: Пер. с чешск. – М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1989.-222с.
    6. Ерыгин А.Т., Трембицкий А.Л., Яковлев В.П. Методы оценки искробезопасности электрических цепей. – М.- Наука, 1984.-222с.
    7. Буткевич Г.В. Дуговые процессы при коммутации электрических цепей.- М.: Высшая школа: 1967.- 195с.
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    9. Смелков Г.И. Пожарная опасность электропроводок при аварийных режимах.- М.: Энергоатомиздат,1984.-184 с.
    10. Джонсон Н., Лион Ф. Статистика и планирование эксперимента в технике и науке. Методы обработки данных: Пер. с англ. – М.: Мир, 1980. – 610с.

    A manuscript entered release 22.03.16

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  • UDC 621.316.728

    In the article on the basis of the analysis of theoretical approaches and technical solutions, set forth in the famous publications, the task of developing the control circuit asynchronous generator. Asynchronous generators are one of the varieties of a mechanical and electromechanical device that converts the energy of an autonomous power plant engine into electric energy. In recent years, electromotive energy sources have been used with an asynchronous generator driven by means of gate transducers, such as autonomous voltage inverters, or which operate in the mode of self-excitation using condensers or using a rechargeable battery. The presence in the structure of the generating set of semiconductor three-phase converters for organization and support of the mode of generation of energy to the network is the basis for solving the problem of improving the quality of electrical energy in the node to which the generating installation is connected. The task of the research is to develop the structure of the electric power complex with an asynchronous generator to provide compensation for inactive components of the power of the power network node. The generator is part of a complex with an autonomous inverter converter, which provides support for the jet of the generator (excitation), a condenser drive, an inverter operated by the network to control the return of active power. The block diagram of the electrotechnical complex of the generating installation with an automatic system is presented. The results of simulation of the regime of the electrotechnical complex are also presented. The use of a network converter of an energy generation complex based on an asynchronous generator for controlling the flow of active and inactive components of power to reduce the level of inactive power at the network node is substantiated. The obtained structure of the system has a certain symmetry in relation to the capacitor’s storage, both from the graphic position and from the position of the direction of conversion of reactive energy. The structure of the control system of the network converter is developed in accordance with the basic provisions of the theory p-q, which, by forming the component of the reactive current in the control channel, provides a mode of the network converter, which additionally provides compensation for the inactive components of the power of the network node.

    Keywords: asynchronous generator, inverter converter, active and reactive power regulation, p-q theory.


    1. Асинхронные генераторы [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу: http://www.allgen.ru/press/articles/show/63
    2. Середа Д.С. Порівняння робочих характеристик генератора постійного струму та асинхронного генератора та узгодження їх з характеристиками вітротурбіни лабораторної установки / Д.С. Середа, О.В. Бялобржеський // Електромеханічні і енергозберігаючі системи. Науково-виробничий журнал XIV Міжнародної науково-технічної конференції “Проблеми енергоресурсозбереження в електротехнічних системах. Наука, освіта і практика”. 14-16 травня 2013 р. – Кременчук, КрНУ, 2013. – С. 123-127.
    3. Кривцов В.С. Неисчерпаемая энергия, Книга 1 «Ветроэлектрогенераторы» / В. С. Кривцов, А. М. Олейников, А. И. Яковлев. – Харьков : «ХАИ», 2003. – 400 с.
    4. Марков. А. М. Система статорного возбуждения асинхронного генератора / А. М. Марков, В. В. Замаруев, В. В. Ивахно. К.: Технічнаелектродинаміка, 2000. – 230 с.
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    5. Твайделл Дж. Возобновляемые источники энергии: Пер. с англ. / Дж. Твайделл. – М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1990. – 392 с.
    6. Akagi H. Instantaneous power theory and applications to power conditioning / H. Akagi, E.H. Watanabe, M. Aredes. – Hoboken, New Jercey, USA: IEEE press, 2007. – 379 p.
    7. Виноградов А.Б. Векторное управление электроприводами переменного тока / ГОУВПО «Ивановский государственый энергетический університет им. Ленина. – Іваново, 2008. – 298 с.

    A manuscript entered release 21.03.16

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  • UDC 311.1

    The article gives the basic principles of forming the principles and functions of strategic monitoring in the system of strategic management of the enterprise. Strategic analysis and statistical monitoring provide common target facilities, but do not solve a number of issues that prevent them from being used as an effective mechanism for conducting strategic research. Attempts to combine strategic analysis with the dynamics of the observation process provided by monitoring can be found in the work of foreign and domestic theorists of management. Researchers who deal with the problems of economic measurement call a large number of various requirements: general and specific, formal and informative, to the model of constructing statistical indicators in general and its individual parameters. The lack of a single approach to constructing indicators leads to the fact that each researcher forms his set of requirements. The question of constructing organizational and economic and organizational and managerial mechanisms for the formation and implementation of the strategy remains poorly researched. In the structure of such mechanisms for the formation and implementation of the strategy of enterprise development, the concept of strategic monitoring belongs to the main place. That is, the combination of components of statistical monitoring, management mechanisms, methods, models of means of making effective management decisions provide the basis for the formation of a new direction – the system of strategic monitoring in the system of strategic enterprise management. The complexity of the internal organization, as well as management of the economic system of the enterprise, impose additional monitoring requirements. These functions and principles, which should correspond to strategic monitoring, allow to outline the main tasks for the formation of strategic monitoring in the system of strategic enterprise management. Observation organization: obtaining reliable information on the state and changes in economic processes; assessment and systematic analysis of the information received; identification of the causes causing one or another character of economic processes; Identification of factors that cause economic threats at the enterprise in the current period and in the future; provision of managerial personnel of enterprises information obtained during the implementation of economic monitoring; development of forecasts of economic situation development at enterprises; preparation of recommendations aimed at overcoming of negative factors and ensuring effective strategic management.

    Keywords: strategic monitoring, management, principles, functions, strategy.


    1. Акофф, Р. О целеустремленных системах / Р. Акофф, Ф. Эмери. – М. : Советское радио, 1974. – 272 с.
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    4. Томпсон А. А., Стрикленд А. Дж. Стратегический менеджмент: концепции и ситуации: учеб. для вузов [пер. с 9-го англ.] изд. – М. : ИНФРА-М, 2000. – 412 с.
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    6. Виссема Х. Стратегический менеджмент и предпринимательство: возможности для будущего процветания: [пер. с англ.] – М. : Изд-во «Фин-прес», 2000. – 272 с.
    7. Хэй Д., Моррис Д. Теория организации промышленности: в 2-х т.: пер. с англ. под ред. А. Г. Слуцкого. – СПб: Экономическая школа, 1999. – Т. 1. – 384 с.
    8 Масалитина Е.С.Экономический мониторинг в стратегическом управлении промышленным предприятием: дис.канд.эконо.наук – Москва: РГБ, 2007.- 186с
    9 Волкова, В.Н. Системный анализ и его применение в АСУ / В.Н. Волкова, А.А. Денисов. – Л. : ЛПИ, 1983. – 83c.
    10. Кондратьева Е.В. Комллексная оценка экономической устойчивости промышленного предприятия [Текст]/ Кондратьева Е.В.// Автореф. канд. эконом.наук. – Челябинск, 2004. – 28с.
    11 Баранівська Х.З. Функціональний підхід до управління економічною стійкістю підприємства / Х.З. Барановська, Є.С. Барвінські, Р.В. Фещур // Науковий вісник НЛТУ України: зб. наук.-техн. пр. – 2009. – Вип. 19.7. – С. 140-150.
    12. Ареф’єва О.В. Економічна стійкість підприємства: сутність, складові та заходи її забезпечення / О.В. Ареф’єва, Д.М. Городинська // Актуальні проблеми економіки. – 2008. – № 8 (86). – С. 83-91.

    A manuscript entered release 17.03.16

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  • UDC 621.314

    The article deals with ensuring the effective operation of the Micro Grid, which provides for the selection of maximum energy from sources of distributed generation, by implementing the selection of maximum energy from the wind generator. Since the speed of rotation of the wind wheel, at which the power on the shaft of the wind wheel is maximum, changes with the speed of the wind flow, it is necessary to coordinate the characteristics of the change in the power of the wind wheel and the synchronous generator as a function of the speed of rotation. When turning the blades and the gondola of the wind generator, a transient process of changing the generation mode takes place, which requires matching the equivalent internal resistance of the wind generator, taking into account losses in the wind wheel, and the load resistance, but to ensure the selection of maximum energy from the wind flow, it is necessary to rotate the blades and the gondola of the wind generator, and the wind flow pressure corresponded to the maximum energy level. An equivalent scheme of the power supply system is given. It is shown that during the rotation of the blades and the gondola of the wind generator it is necessary to match the equivalent internal resistance of the wind generator, which consists of resistance to wind losses and internal resistance of the electric generator, with load resistance. The condition for the beginning of the rotation of the blade or gondola is the divergence of the wind direction with the axis of rotation. As soon as the direction of the wind flow changes so that an angle is formed between its vector and the axis of rotation, a signal will be sent to the control system about the need to turn the blade or gondola. To clarify the energy level that can be selected from the wind generator during the rotation of the blades and the nacelle, the proposed equivalent source circuit in which the equivalent source voltage is represented by a linear function, and the internal resistance-load response of the link is a Gaussian function. In this case, the value of the equivalent voltage is determined from the equality of power that can be selected from the wind flow and the power of the source when operating in the maximum energy selection mode. It is shown that taking into account the linear change in the energy level of the wind flow and, correspondingly, the voltage of the equivalent source of the wind turbine during the rotation of the blades and the nacelle allows to increase the energy level, can be taken away from the wind generator.

    Keywords: power supply systems, distributed generation, micro grid, wind generator, maximum energy selection, Gauss law.


    1. Блинов И.В., Денисюк С.П., Жуйков В.Я., Кириленко А.В., Киселева А.Г., Лукьяненко Л.Н., Осипенко Е.С., Павловский В.В., Парус Е.В., Сопель М.Ф., Стелюк А.О., Танкевич С.Е. Интеллектуальные электроэнергетические системы: элементы и режимы: Под общ. ред. акад. НАН Украины А.В. Кириленко / Институт электродинамики НАН Украины. – К.: Ин-т электродинамики НАН Украины, 2014. – 408 с.
    2. D. Herman Investigation of the Technical and Economic Feasibility of Micro-Grid-Based Power Systems. Final Report, December 2001. – 107 р.
    3. Кривцов В.С., Олейников А.М., Яковлев А.И. Неисчерпаемая энергия. Кн. 1. Ветроэлектрогенераторы. − Харьков: Национальный аэрокосмический университет «Харьковский авиационный институт», 2003. – 400 с.
    4. L. J. Clancy Aerodynamics. Pitman Publishing Limited, London ISBN 0 273 01120 0. 1960.
    5. Zhuikov V. Compensator currents form determination considering wind generator aerodynamic resistance / V. Zhuikov, K. Osypenko // 2014 IEEE International conference on intelligent energy and power systems (IEPS) Conference Proceedings. 2014. – P. 168-170.

    A manuscript entered release 30.03.16

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  • UDC 621.311.086.5:621.3.001

    In the article results of researches on the analysis of the graphs of electric loads of receivers of mining enterprises with underground methods of extraction of iron ore raw materials are presented. The domestic mining and metallurgical industry in terms of the level of unevenness in the schedules of electrical loads occupies the last place among other production sectors. Studies of the last 5-10 years and qualitative changes occurring in ore mines due to fast flowing processes of concentration of mining operations and their sharp intensification put a number of new tasks in the field of the formation of electrical loads, which, unfortunately, do not yet find their solution in practice work of these enterprises. For analysis, one of the largest domestic iron ore plants with the underground method of extraction of iron ore is PJSC Krivoy Rog Iron Ore Combine, which unites a number of mines, quarries and concentrating factories in its production technology. A simplified standard structural scheme of power supply for an iron ore enterprise is presented. The effectiveness of this structure is analyzed, based on the efficiency of its individual components, or, more precisely, their actual and nominal technological parameters. The difference and the causes of the difference in the shape of the graphs for specific enterprises of the analyzed industry are shown. Especially influencing the shape of the graphs of electrical loads should be considered the electrical complexes of such consumers of electrical energy, as skip hoists, water drainage, compressor stations and electric shops, consuming up to 90% of the total electric energy of the enterprise. The main component influencing the electric load schedules is identified – the main consumers-regulators of electric power, and by “leveling” the loads of these receivers, it is possible to achieve appropriate alignment of the general schedule of electric energy consumption by the enterprise. The concrete directions and expected levels of efficiency from their realization in practice of work of the analyzed kinds of iron ore enterprises are offered. It is shown that in order to solve the problem of increasing the electric power efficiency of extraction of iron ore resources, an integrated approach is needed with an assessment of all the influencing factors and specific proposals for each of the directions proposed for implementation.

    Keywords: efficiency, technological parameters, electrotechnical complexes, electric power, power.


    1. Основні параметри енергозабезпечення національної економіки на період до 2020 року / Б.С. Стогній, О.В. Кириленко, А.В. Праховник, С.П. Денисюк, В.О. Негодуйко, П.П. Пертко, І.В. Блінов // К.: Вид. Ін-ту електродинаміки НАН України, 2011. – 275 с.
    2. Праховник А.В. Энергосберегающие режимы электроснабжения горнодобывающих предприятий / А.В. Праховник, В.П. Розен, В.В. Дегтярев // М.: Недра, 1985 – 232 с.
    3. Пархоменко Р.А. К вопросу оценки процесса электропотребления горнорудных предприятий в условиях неопределенности и неполноты информации/ Р.А. Пархоменко, А.Н. Яловая, М.А. Баулина // Електромеханічні та енергетичні системи, методи моделювання та оптимізації. Збірник матеріалів конференції Міжнародної ІІІ науково-технічної конференції молодих учених і спеціалістів, 09 – 11 квітня 2013 р. – Кременчук: КрНУ, 2013. – С.190-191.
    4. Електрифікація гірничого виробництва: Підручники для ВНЗ: у 2-х т. – Вид. 2-ге перероб. то допов./ За редакцією Л.О. Пучкова, Г.Г. Півняка. – Д.: Нац. гірн. університет, 2010, т. 1. – 503 с.
    5. Синчук О.Н. Совершенствование методов расчета электрических нагрузок при проектировании и модернизации систем электроснабжения железорудных предприятий / О.Н. Синчук, Э.С. Гузов, Р.А. Пархоменко // Вісник КрНУ ім. М. Остроградського. Кременчук: КрНУ , 2013. – Вип. №1/2013 (78). С. 28-32.
    6. Синчук И.О. Потенциал электроэнергоэффективности и пути его реализации на производствах с подземными способами добычи железорудного сырья. Монография / И.О. Синчук, Э.С. Гузов, А.Н. Яловая, С.Н. Бойко // под ред. докт. техн. наук, профессора О.Н. Синчука. – Кременчук: Изд. ЧП Щербатых А.В. – 2015. – 296 с.
    7. Синчук О.Н. Оценка состояния и определения тактики повышения эффективности работы участковых подстанций железорудных шахт / О.Н. Синчук, С.Н. Лесной, Р.А. Пархоменко, А.Н. Яловая // Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація. Збірник наукових праць Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. – Кіровоград, 2012. – Випуск 25, частина ІІ. – С.248 – 254.
    8. Удовенко В.А. Переход на одноставочные тарифы, дифференцированные по зонам времени/ В.А. Удовенко // Энергетика и электрификация. – 1998. – №4. – С.42-44.
    9. Синчук О.Н. «Холодный» резерв недогруженных силовых трансформаторов – путь повышения эффективности электроснабжения железорудных комбинатов / О.Н. Синчук, И.О. Синчук, Р.А. Лесной, А.Н. Яловая // Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація. Збірник наукових праць Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. Кіровоград, 2012. – випуск 25, частина ІІ. – С.74-79.

    A manuscript entered release 10.03.16

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  • UDC 621.311:621.331

    This article the use of methods of exponential smoothing of forecasting of electric energy consumption in the food industry is investigated. Forecasting of regime parameters and technical and economic indicators is one of the important tasks, both in forecasting and in the current operating conditions of power equipment of the enterprise. An analysis of previous years shows that the simplest and best way to predict the power consumption is the proposed smoothing method. In recent years, the forecast of electricity consumption has been used by different methods and models. An analysis of previous years shows that the simplest and best way to predict the power consumption is the proposed smoothing method. In the proposed algorithm, the values of level, trend and seasonality are smoothed out using exponential smoothing. In this case, the smoothing parameters can be different. You can always find the following smoothing parameters that give the model more precision on the test set and then use these parameters in real-time prediction. This method is used to quantify the impact that the previous members of a dynamic series gives to the forecast indicator, taking into account their distance from the end of the considered sequence of variables. The main objective is the study of the effect of exponential smoothing on prediction of electric power consumption and accuracy at various smoothing parameters. In the analysis of models of exponential smoothing, statistical data of the electricity consumption of the food industry was used. Using modern methods of gathering information allows us to make precise decisions. This article presents various forecasting methods using statistics collected using data acquisition devices. This study will allow the use of methods in simple prediction using statistical tools. The results can be used in power engineering with the preliminary forecasting of electricity consumption. The proposed methods show how to correctly use the models of exponential smoothing and which of them are the most accurate. From the analysis of models follows, that each of the models of forecasting is a logical conclusion, but they all have both advantages and disadvantages.

    Keywords: electricity consumption, food industry enterprise, exponential smoothing, forecasting.


    1. Праховник А.В. Энергосбережение режимов электроснабжения горнодобывающих предприятий / А.В. Праховник, В.П. Розен, В.В. Дегтярев, – М.: Недра, 1985. – 232 с.
    2. Бечвая Е.А. Прогнозирование спроса: методы и модели / Е.А. Бевчая, В.П. Розен, – Под общ, ред Старостиной А.А. – К.: ООП Коммунэкономика, 1996. – 196 с.
    3. Ивахненко А.Г. Принятие решений на основе самоорганизации / А.Г. Ивахненко, Ю.П. Зайченко, В.Д. Димитров, – М.: «Сов. радио», 1976. – 280 с.
    4. Макоклюев Б.И. Расчет и планирование режимных параметров, балансов мощности и электроэнергии АО-энерго и предприятий сетей с помощью программных комплексов «Энергостат» и «РБЭ». / Б.И. Макоклюев, – М.: Сборник докладов «Современные методы и средства расчета, нормирования и снижения технических и коммерческих потерь электроэнергии в электрических сетях» НЦ ЭНАС, 2000.
    5. Макоклюев Б.И. Прогнозирование потребления электроэнергии в АО «Мосэнерго». / Б.И. Макоклюев, А.И. Владимиров, Г.И. Фефелова, – ТЭК N 4, 2001. – с. 56–57.
    6. Ивашенко В.А. Модели автоматизированого прогнозирования электрических назрузов промишленых предприятий / В.А. Ивашенко, М.В. Колоколов, Д.А. Васильев // Управление большими системами. Выпуск 34 с.254 – 266.
    7. Денискин В.В. Основы экономическоно прогнозирования в пищевой промышленности / В.В. Денискин, – М.: Легкая и пищевая промишленость, 1984. – 192с.
    8. Светуньков И.С. Методы и модели социально-экономического прогнозирования / И.С. Светуньков, С.Г. Светуньков, – М.: Издательство Юрайт, 2014. – 351 с.
    9. Лукашин Ю.П. Адаптивные методы краткосрочного прогнозирования временных рядов / Ю.П. Лукашин, – М.: Финансы и статистика, 2003. – 416с.

    A manuscript entered release 25.03.16

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  • UDC 621.337.41

    In the article methods of protection of transistor modules of pulse-width converters in structures of traction electrotechnical complexes are considered. Most modern converters based on semiconductor devices have built-in protection elements of power modules, which allow to avoid the development of emergency situations when pulse converters operate, but not all of them take into account the specific conditions of operation of rail transport in underground conditions. The known existing methods for protecting IGBT modules are considered. One of the significant drawbacks of modern methods of protecting power IGBT modules, which hamper their widespread implementation in mine electric locomotives, are their high weight and size parameters. A mathematical model of electrical processes in impulse voltage converters with various methods of protecting the power modules of an impulse converter of the traction electrical complex of mine electric locomotives was developed for research. Existing types of known modern electrical protection elements of semiconductor converters allow to prevent the development of abnormal regimes in the power circuit of the traction electric drive, but do not provide full protection, as they are not sufficiently adapted to the conditions and operating modes on the electric-moving composition of mine mines. The proposed variant based on the study of electrical processes, the circuit-based solution to protect power modules from emergency modes, allows to achieve the maximum protection effect in case of occurrence and development of abnormal regimes with minimal changes in the structure of the converter. Results of simulation of emergency situations in semiconductor converters of traction and protection circuits are given. From the graphs obtained, it follows that, in the presence of compensation for voltage variation, despite the drop in the input voltage of the pulse converters, due to the increase in the pulse duty cycle, the same values of the average over the period of the output voltage are preserved, and hence the frequency of rotation of the traction electric motor. That is, the protection system allows to maintain the steady-state operating mode of the electric rolling stock despite the reduction of the mains voltage.

    Keywords: converter, current, voltage, electrical protection, breakdown, electric locomotive, traction motor.


    1. Дебелый, В.Л. Основные направления развития шахтного локомотивного транспорта[Текст] / В.Л. Дебелый, Л. Л. Дебелый,С. А. Мельников //УгольУкраины. – 2006. – №6. – С. 30–31.
    2. Синчук, О.Н. Импульсныесистемыуправленияизащитынарудничномэлектровозномтранспорте[Текст] / О. Н. Синчук, В. В. Чумак,О. В. Ержов. – К. : АДЕФ–Украина, 1998. – 280 с.
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    4. L. Chen, F. Z. Peng. Active fault protection for high power IGBTs [Text]/ IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, pp. 2050–2054, 2009.
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    6. Сінчук, О.М. Нештатнірежимиіструктурасистемизахистувіднихприфункціонуваннідвооснихелектровозів [Текст] / О. М. Сінчук, В. О. Чорна // ВісникВінницькогополітехнічногоінституту. – 2012. – № 2. – С. 100–103.
    7. Максимальная токовая защита. – Л.:Энергоатомиздат. Ленинград.отд-ние, 1991. – 96 с.
    8. Макаренко, М. П. Системний аналіз електромагнітних процесів у напівпровідникових перетворювачах електроенергії модуляційного типу [Текст] / М. П. Макаренко, В. І. Сенько, М. М. Юрченко // Праці Інституту електродинаміки НАН України. – Київ. – 2005. – 241 с.
    9. Мікропроцесорна техніка[Текст]/ Ю. І. Якименко [та ін.] ;під ред. Т.О. Терещенко. – К. : ІВЦ Видавництво «Політехніка», «Кондор», 2004. – 440 с.
    10. Хоровиц, П. Искусство схемотехніки. В 3-х томах: Т. 1[Текст]/ П. Хоровиц, У. Хилл. – М. : Мир, 1993. – 413 с.
    11. Сенько В. І. Електроніка і мікросхемотехніка : у 4 т. Т. 3. Цифровіпристрої / В. І. Сенько, М. В. Панасенко, Є. В. Сенько, М. М. Юрченко, Л. І. Сенько. – Х., 2008. – 400 c.
    12. Комбинаторика преобразователей напряжения современных тяговых электроприводов рудничных электровозов [Текст] / О. Н. Синчук [и др.] ; под ред. О. Н. Синчука. – К. : ІЕДНАНУ, 2006. – 252 с.
    13. Полупроводниковыепреобразователиэлектрическойэнергии в структурах электроприводов. Схемотехника и принципыуправления: [Текст]:учеб. пособие/ И. О. Синчук, А. А. Чернышев, О. В. Пасько [и др.] ; под ред.
    О. Н. Синчука. – Кременчук: ПП Щербатих О. В., 2008. – 88 с.

    A manuscript entered release 29.03.16

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  • UDC 621.311.4.031

    In the article the potential of alternative energy sources of mining enterprises is considered. The analysis of publications made it possible to conclude that the previous studies confirm the necessity and urgency of the introduction of alternative sources of electric energy in the conditions of the enterprises of the mining and extraction complex. The possibility and specificity of the work of wind energy complexes in the conditions of operating enterprises was analyzed. The use of electromechanical wind energy complexes in power supply systems of enterprises of mining and extraction complex is substantiated. The scheme of rational arrangement of wind energy complexes on dumps of quarries is planned, which allows to achieve an increase in the coefficient of wind flow usage in any direction of wind on the surface. The paper proposes an approach to the construction of automated control systems for the consumption of industrial enterprises, based on renewable alternative energy sources, in the form of a set of interconnected structures. As a consequence, it is necessary and relevant to use the latest technologies for the switching of electric networks with the possibility of forecasting their power parameters. The use of ventilation airflows in the mining quarry conditions, with the conversion of wind power into electricity, opens up real opportunities for autonomously to generate and use electric energy for their own needs of enterprises, while saving funds for its purchase. The possibility and specificity of the work of distributed electric power sources on the basis of renewable energy sources in the conditions of operating enterprises are analyzed, the structure of the complex is developed, its structure is synthesized. Application in control systems of electric networks of intelligent systems is one of the options for efficient management of power supply of responsible objects, which will enable to increase the reliability and quality of power supply management. Due to the peculiarities of electromagnetic compatibility and optimal power supply of consumers, when planning and implementing local power supply systems based on renewable sources of electricity, it is necessary that the location of renewable energy sources corresponds to the requirements of ensuring optimal energy exchange, improving the quality of electricity, requirements for stability, reliability and efficiency of work. system, power, character and location of sources of distortion, as well as the condition of achieving optimal The values of the technical and economic indicators of the system as a whole. The introduction of local systems into the complex of power supply networks structures of the mining and exploration complex based on renewable energy sources is proposed.

    Keywords: electricity supply system, electrical installations, alternative energy sources.


    1. Азарян А.А. Комплекс ресурсо- і енергозберігаючих геотехнологій видобутку та переробки мінеральної сировини, технічних засобів їх моніторингу із системою управління і оптимізації гірничорудних виробництв / А.А. Азарян, Ю.Г. Вілкул та ін. // Кривий Ріг: Мінерал, 2006. – 219 с.
    2. Синчук И.О. Потенциал электроэнергоэффективности и пути его реализации на производствах с подземными способами добычи железорудного сырья. Монография [Текст] / И.О. Синчук, Э.С. Гузов, А.Н. Яловая, С.Н. Бойко// под ред. докт. техн. наук, профессора О.Н. Синчука. – Кременчук: Изд. ЧП Щербатых А.В, 2015. – 296 с.
    3. Бойко С.М. Можливості використання вітрогенераторів для виробництва електричної енергії в підземних виробках шахт // Вісник Вінницького політехнічного інституту. – Вінниця 2012. – Вип. 2, – С. 97-99.
    4. Сінчук О.М. Нетрадиційні та відновлювальні джерела енергії: навчальний посібник / С.М. Бойко, К.І. Лосина та ін. // Кременчук: Вид. ЧП Щербатих О.В., 2013. – 192с.
    5. Сінчук О.М. Електромеханічний комплекс вітроенергетичної установки для використання в підземних виробках залізорудних шахт // С.М. Бойко // Восточно-европейский журнал передовых технологий – Харков, 2013. – № 1/8 (67). – С. 13-21.
    6. K. De Brabandere. A voltage and frequency droop control method for parallel inverters / B. Bolsens, J. Van den Keybus, A. Woyte, J. Driesen, and R. Belmans // IEEE Trans. Power Electron. – Jul. 2007. – vol. 22, no. 4. – P. 1107– 1115.
    7. H. Laaksonen. Voltage and frequency control of inverter based weak LV network microgrid / P. Saari, and R. Komulainen // Int. Conf. Future Power Syst., – 2005, – P. 1–6.
    8. S. Tabatabaee. Investigation of droop characteristics and X/R ratio on small-signal stability of autonomous microgrid / H.R. Karshenas, A. Bakhshai, and P. Jain // Proc. 2nd Power Electron., Drive Syst. Technol. Conf. – 2011. – P. 223–228.
    9. J.M. Guerrero. Output impedance design of parallel-connected UPS inverters with wireless load-sharing control / L. GarciadeVicuna, J. Matas, M. Castilla, and J. Miret // IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. – Aug. 2005. – vol. 52, no. 4 – P. 1126–1135.
    10. Лежнюк П.Д. Оптимізація режиму розподільних електричних мереж з розосередженими джерелами електроенергії / П.Д. Лежнюк, О.А. Ковальчук, В.В. Кулик // Наукові праці Донецького національного технічного університету. Серія: «Електротехніка і енергетика», випуск 11 (186). – 2011. – С. 250 – 251.

    A manuscript entered release 28.03.16

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  • UDC 621.316.1.027

    The proposed diagnostic model insulation performance two-wire DC networks, which are used in industry and transport. The conditions of the insulation performance by analyzing the transient response of the current through the shunt connection modulating the human body. By analyzing the proposed model is defined optimal performance for protective device. Obtain cur-rent limiting conditions in the transient and steady-state and insulation resistance with respect to the Earth’s poles in symmetric reducing it. It is shown that the capacity of the DC network effect only for the duration of the transition process at the touch of a person to live parts. The current through the human body has a maximum value at the first point of contact. electric current time is not limited to the total operating time of protective device, and the switching device turns off the power supply. current flow time is also determined by the existence of back EMF motor dis-connected DC load current, and the current value is determined by the law of variation fall EMF DC motor rotates. Functional characterization of protective device is based on the specific con-ditions of isolation efficiency and eliminates unnecessary high off the machinery.

    Keywords: two-wire network of a direct current, robot ability of isolation of poles with respect to the earth.


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    2. Цапенко Е. Ф. Контроль изоляции в сетях до 1000 В / Е. Ф. Цапенко -М.: Энергия, 1972. – 130 с.
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    A manuscript entered release 06.04.16

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  • UDC 622.625.28-83

    The article presents the results of research in the direction of the search and creation of a modern and energy-efficient structure by type of traction electric drive for mine electric contact. The paper studies the rational use of DC motors in mine electric locomotives, as well as the need to replace them with more efficient asynchronous motors.The comparative assessment of options of possible structures of asynchronous traction drive, which differ mainly consists in the structure and properties of the electric voltage inverters.
    As a traction motor, it is proposed to use a two-phase asynchronous motor. For the analysis of control methods, a comparison was made between the forms of the voltage curves of the traction asynchronous motors. Linear voltages were compared: three-phase inverter bridge; single-phase bridge and trapezoidal shape.
    Proposed perspective circuit solutions traction electric option AC IGBT-inverter – a two-phase asynchronous electric motor. This structure compared with a three-phase embodiment has several advantages: 35% less volume, is twice smaller power losses, component cost 10% less, higher reliability of 33%. Meanwhile, to further improve the energy efficiency of the proposed problems about the most appropriate recommended PWM inverter control law – the law of the trapezoid, as it has less distortion by considering other control laws.

    Keywords: mining electric locomotive, traction electric drive, asynchronous engine, control system, impulse converter.


    1. Волотковский С.А. Рудничная электровозная тяга / С. А. Волотковский. – М.: Недра, 1981. – 389 с.
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    3. Бардаш Ю.Ф. Тиристорный электропривод рудничных электровозов. / Бардаш Ю. Ф., Буряк А. Н., Чернявский В. Н. – М.: ЦНИИЭИ-уголь, 1975. – 55 с.
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    11. Сінчук О.М. Випробування асинхронного тягового електропривода рудникового контактно-акумуляторного електровоза / О. М. Сінчук, Д. А. Шокарев, Є. І. Скапа, І. О. Сінчук // Вісник Вінницького політехнічного інституту. – 2011. – Вип. №6. – С. 49-52.

    A manuscript entered release 01.04.16

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  • UDC 621.314.632

    To analyze the influence of the capacitive link and the load on the power grid without the use of compensating devices, the model of the investigated circuit is constructed and the shear rate, distortion and power are calculated. The obtained modeling results are presented. The displacement coefficient is approximately 0.9. Despite the fact that the primary link of the converter is unmanaged. Particular attention deserves the level of harmonics of current. An analysis of the simulation results showed that the canonical harmonics of the investigated circuit are several times higher than in the inductive load scheme, which respectively determines a more negative impact on the power supply network, and requires the introduction of technical solutions to improve the indicated energy indices.
    Recently, the most developed were working with active filters, which consist of a converter (alternating current) with an inductive or capacitive energy battery on the side of the direct current. Active filters are highly effective in combating the harmonious components of network voltage and current, and have a number of advantages.
    In the article the energy performance mains subject to the availability of inverters photovoltaic solar plants.
    Calculated features current and voltage three-phase rectifier with a nonlinear load. Comparative characteristics of the energy performance of the power supply without the use of filter-compensating devices and active filters. Different variants of schemes of inclusion of active filters, their features are considered. It is revealed that this fact is due to the significant capacity in the DC link. The use of parallel active filters is suggested when solving energy efficiency problems.
    Active filters have a number of advantages over others, but the simultaneous use of both active and passive filters would achieve greater efficiency.
    The use of active filters can significantly reduce the level of the main harmonics, maximally bring the current to sinusoidal and compensate reactive power. Energy performance, compared with the circuit without compensating devices, is much higher.

    Keywords: energy characteristics, active filter, converter, harmonics, load.


    1. Бурлака В.В., Гулаков С.В., Бублик С.К., Дьяченко М.Д.Параллельный активный фильтр с повышенным коэффициентом подавления высших гармоник тока/В.В.Буралака, С.В.Гулаков, С.К. Бублик, М.Д. Дьяченко//Вестник ПГТУ.– 2009.
    2. EscobarG ., Stankovic A. M. , CardenasV., Mattavelli P.A controller based on resonant filters for a series active filter used to compensate current harmonics and voltage unbalance / G. Escobar, A. M. Stankovic, V. Cardenas, P. Mattavelli.// Conference on Control Applications Glasgow, Scotland, U.K. September 18 – 20. – 2002. – Р. 7 – 12.
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    A manuscript entered release 25.03.16

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  • UDC 621.771:517. 9

    The article is devoted to the analysis of manufacturing technologies characteristics of tape from heat resistant and hard-to-deform metals. Mathematical models for defining energy-power parameters of rolling fine and superfine tape from heat resistant and hard-to-deform metals are represented which allow considering the tool force action including mill roll the heat of current supply zone. Generalized and simplified mathematical models are considered. A number of experiments are held on the basis of simplified problems solutions, heat distribution of the current zone.

    Keywords: rolling, constant and pulsed current; electro-physical-mechanical properties.


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    A manuscript entered release 08.04.16

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  • UDC 622.625.28-83

    The mining train moves jerkily during loading and unloading, that is leading to the strokes in the coupling devices reducing their service life, and the positioning accuracy is poor. In the course of preliminary computational experiments, the authors found that the maximum impact on shock elastic moments in the coupling devices of mine electric locomotives has an initial gap in the coupling devices. Meanwhile, smaller shocks (or their absence), as expected, occur with fully selected gaps at the initial time in these couplings. Further on the intensity falling down in intensity after the gaps follows the magnitude of the jerk of acceleration, the speed of movement developed by the electric locomotive. The “jerk” factor was chosen not accidentally – as is known, for the suppression of such oscillations of lifting skips in mines, when using them, the tachogram of skip speed is used with the maintenance of the constancy of the speed jerk.The authors of this science work discovered the regularities in the movement of the mining trains. They derived the formula that allows with a minimal impacts to the hitch calculate the movement of the trolleys in dependence of the function tachograms locomotive speed, as well as the presence of ore in trolleys. Positioning accuracy when moving the trolleys by 0.6 m is for 1st trolley no more than 4%, and for the eighth trolley – not more than 13%.

    Keywords: mine electric train, coupling device, elastic impacts, accuracy.


    1. Шидловский А.К. Геоекономіка та геополітика України / Шидловський А.К., Півняк Г.Г., Рогоза М.В., Випанасенко С.І. Навчальний посібник. – Д.: Національний гірничий університет. 2002. – 282 с.
    2. Сборник технико-экономических показателей горнодобывающих предприятий Украины в 2009 – 2010 гг. Анализ мировой коньюктуры рынка ЖРС 2004 – 2011 гг. / Е.К. Бабец, Л.А. Штанько, В.А. Салганик и др. – Кривой Рог: Видавничий дім, 2011.
    3. Азарян А.А., Вілкул Ю.Г., Капленко Ю.П., Караманиц Ф.І., Колосов В.О., Моркун В.С., Пілов П.І., Сидоренко В.Д., Темченко А.Г., Федоренко П.Й. Комплекс ресурсо- і енергозберігаючих геотехнологій видобутку та переробки мінеральної сировини, технічних засобів їх моніторингу із системою управління і оптимізації гірничорудних виробництв – Кривий Ріг: Мінерал, 2006. – 219 с.
    4. Волотковский С.А. Рудничная электровозная тяга / С.А. Волотковский. – М.:Недра, 1986. – 189 с.
    5. Синчук О.Н. Перспективы развития шахтных (рудничных) электровозов с энергосберегающими видами тяговых электроприводов / О.Н. Синчук, С.В. Лебедкин, И.О. Синчук, О.О. Удовенко, О.В. Пасько // Вісник Східноукраїнського національного університету імені Володимира Даля. Луганськ: СНУ ім. В. Даля. – 2006. – № 8 (102). – С. 83 – 92.
    6. Динамика электромеханических систем с нелинейным трением: монография / В.Б. Клепиков. – Х.: Изд-во «Підручник НТУ «ХПІ»», 2014. – 408 с.
    7. Шахтарь П.С. Рудничные локомотивы. М.: Недра. – 1982. – 272 с.
    8. Синчук О.М. Шахтный электровозный транспорт. Теория, конструкции, электрооборудование / О.Н. Синчук, Э.С. Гузов, В.Л. Дебелый, Л.Л. Дебелый; под ред. докт. техн. наук, проф. О.Н. Синчука. – Кривой Рог – Донецк: ЧП Щербатых А. В., 2015. – 296 с.
    9. Синчук О.Н., Беридзе Т.М., Гузов Э.С. Системы управления рудничным электровозным транспортом, – М.: Недра, 1993. – 255 с.
    10. Чермалых В.М. Исследование оптимальных по динамичности систем подъема глубоких шахт: дис.. д-ра техн. наук / В.М. Чермалых. – Днепропетровск, 1970. – 420 с.

    A manuscript entered release 16.04.16

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  • UDC 622.625.28-83

    This article is about the way to reduce the time required for loading and unloading of electric trains in the specific conditions of iron ore enterprises with underground mining methods. It was established that during loading and unloading operations, which account for most of the movement cycle electric locomotives in underground mines, train moves jerkily, with gaps in the coupling devices which affects the accuracy of positioning of trolleys for loading hatches, and, consequently, increase the run time of this process step and, in addition, cause bumps which reduce the service life of electric locomotives. The authors of this article carried out a comparative analysis of different mathematical approaches to solving the problem of minimizing this type of attacks by creating an appropriate control algorithm of electromechanical electric traction system. Among the analysed methods: long-wave approximation chain of coupled oscillators, the identification of the object of management, design of experiments theory, fuzzy and neural network control. It is established that from the list of the tested methods should be excluded fuzzy control method, and the other approaches that require a deeper study to achieve this goal.

    Keywords: mine electric train, control of movement, mathematical approaches.


    1. Волотковский С.А. Рудничная электровозная тяга. – М.: Недра, 1981. -– 389 с.
    2. Дебелый В.Л. Основные направления развития шахтного локомотивного транспорта / В.Л. Дебелый, Л.Л. Дебелый, С.А. Мельников // Уголь Украины. – 2006. – №6. – С.30-31.
    3. Синчук О.Н. Системы управления рудничным электровозным транспортом / О.Н. Синчук, Т.М. Беридзе, Э.С. Гузов. – М.: Недра, 1993. – 254 с.
    4. Сборник технико-экономических показателей горнодобывающих предприятий Украины в 2009-2010 гг.: Анализ мировой конъюнктуры рынка ЖРС 2004 – 2011 гг.: / Е.К. Бабец, Л.А. Штанько, В.А. Салганик, И.Е. Мельникова и др. – Кривой Рог: Видавничий дім. 2011. – 329 с.
    5. Черная, В.О. К анализу псевдоаварийных режимов функционирования тяговых электротехнических комплексов рудничных электровозов / В.О. Черная // Проблемы недроиспользования: международный форум-конкурс молодых ученых: сборник научных трудов. Часть 1. – Санкт-Петербург, 2011. – С. 239–241.
    6. Единые правила безопасности при разработке рудных, нерудных и россыпных месторождений подземным способом. – 3-е изд. – М.: Недра, 1987. – 223 с.
    7. Шахтарь П.С. Динамические процессы в рудничных локомотивах и методика расчета параметров механической части. Диссертационная работа на соискание ученой степени доктора технических наук. – Донецк, 1974. – 224 с.
    8. Сінчук О.М. Research of electromagnetic processes in traction electromechanical complexes with IGBT–converters at resistor braking of electric motors / Сінчук О.М., Сінчук І.О., Якимець С.Н., Лесной Н.И., Скапа Е.И // Наукові праці ДНТУ. Cepiя «Елетротехніка i енергетика» №11 (186) Донецьк, ДНТУ, 2011.С. 365 – 368.
    9. Тарасевич Ю.Ю., Водолазская И.В. Колебания и волны / Тарасевич Ю.Ю., Водолазская И.В. Учебное пособие. – Астрахань: Астраханский государственный университет. 2004. – 79 с.
    10. Крауфорд Ф. Волны. М.: Наука. – 2000. – 521 с.
    11. Льюнг Л. Идентификация систем. Теория для пользователя. М.: Наука, 1991. – 432 с.
    12. Ивоботенко Б.А. Планирование эксперимента в электромеханике / Ивоботенко Б.А., Ильинский Н.Ф., Копылов И.П.. – М.: Энергия, 1975. – 184 с.
    13. Пупков К.А. Методы робастного, нейро-нечеткого и адаптивного управления / Пупков К.А., Егупов Н.Д., Зверев В.Ю. и др.: Учебник. Под ред. Н.Д. Егупова; издание 2-ое, стереотипное. – М.: Изд-во МГТУ им. Н.Э. Баумана, 2002. – 744 c., ил.

    A manuscript entered release 20.04.16

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  • UDC 681.513.6

    The aim is to develop a method for the automated management of ore grinding ball mill optimization dynamics dilution of the pulp and the inclusion of productive work process initial portion of the drum unit. The goal is achieved automated management at two hierarchical levels. The first hierarchical level control is carried out within the overall stabilization of pulp dilution in ball mills with the required accuracy. The second hierarchical level controls implemented within the first using the total water consumption in the ball mill to achieve a given dilution of pulp. The total water consumption is distributed between adaptive circuits control water flow to the surface ore sent to the mill, a receiver cranial feeder and directly in the manufacturing unit. Both made optimal contours and implement relay control law. Tasks for dilution of the pulp is generated automatically in each cycle management, adapted to the speed of the conveyor belt. Proven and all provisions, depending on which is based the present method, particularly optimality criteria, algorithms determine the surface area of the movable split ore, water consumption in the receiver cranial feeder and the average size of crushed material. Depending first proposed to determine the size of the split in the ore flow, surface rolling crushed material and way of automated management grinding ore dilution dynamics optimization pulp. Implementation of the proposed control method ensures the inclusion of productive work for the initial portion of the drum mill is equal to ¼-⅓ of its length. This ensures increased productivity for the finished product to the 7% decrease in losses of useful components without overspending electrical energy balls and lining.

    Keywords: ore crushing, pulp, optimization of rarefaction, adaptive distributed control, solid surface.


    1. Моркун В.С. Формирование робастного автоматизированного управления замкнутым циклом измельчения на основе Н∞-нормы / В.С. Моркун, Н.В.Моркун, В.В.Тронь // Гірничий вісник: наук.-техн. зб. ДВНЗ «КНУ».- 2014.- Вип. 98.- С. 83-85.
    2. Купін А.І. Інтелектуальна ідентифікація та керування в умовах процесів збагачувальної технології / Купін А.І. – Кривий Ріг: Видавництво КТУ, 2008.- 204с.
    3. Назаренко М.В. Прогнозуюче адаптивне керування стохастичною системою для забезпечення раціональних техніко-економічних показників на прикладі залізорудного гірничо-збагачувального комбінату / Назаренко М.В. – Кривий Ріг: Діоніс (ФОП Чернявський Д.О.). – 2010. – 309 с.
    4. Азарян А.А. Автоматизация первой стадии измельчения, классификации и магнитной сепарации – реальный путь повышения эффективности обогащения железных руд / А.А. Азарян, Ю.Ю. Кривенко, В.Г. Кучер // Вісник Криворізького національного університету: зб. наук. праць.- 2014.- Вип. 36.- С. 276-280.
    5. Тронь В.В. Формування адаптивного керування процесом подрібнення залізорудної сировини в умовах невизначеності характеристик об’єкта / В.В. Тронь, К.В.Маєвський // Гірничий вісник: наук.-техн. зб. ДВНЗ «КНУ».- 2015.- Вип. 99.- С. 27-32.
    6. Маляров П.В. Основы интенсификации процессов рудоподготовки / Маляров П.В.- Ростов-на-Дону: Ростиздат, 2004.- 320с.
    7. Науменко Ю.В. Основи теорії режимів роботи барабанних млинів: [монографія] / Науменко Ю.В.- Рівне: Видавництво СПД Зелент, 2009.- 282с.
    8. Herbst J.A. Model-based control of mineral processing operations / J.A. Herbst, W.T. Pate, A.E. Oblad // Powder Technology.- 1992.- Vol.69.- Р. 21-32.-ISSN 0032-5910.
    9. Линч А. Дж. Циклы дробления и измельчения / Линч А. Дж.: [пер. с англ.].- М.: Недра, 1981.- 342с.
    10. Измельчение. Энергетика и технология / [Пивняк Г.Г., Вайсберг Л.А., Кириченко В.И. и др.].– М.: Изд. дом “Руда и Металлы”, 2007.– 296 с.
    11. Разработка и применение автоматизированных систем управления процессами обогащения полезных ископаемых / [Морозов В.В., Топчаев В.П., Улитенко К.Я. и др.].– М.: Изд. дом «Руда и Металлы», 2013.– 512 с.
    12. Кондратець В.О. Автоматизація процесів керування розрідженням пульпи при подрібненні руди барабанними млинами / Кондратець В.О., Сербул О.М., Мацуй А.М.; за ред. В.О. Кондратця.- Кіровоград: КОД, 2013.- 368с.
    13. Кондратець В.О. Ідентифікація співвідношення руда/вода на вході кульового млина / В.О. Кондратець, О.М. Сербул // Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація: зб. наук. праць КНТУ.- 2006.- Вип. 17.- С. 265-272.
    14. Кондратець В.О. Теоретичне дослідження розрідження пісків односпірального класифікатора джерелом з незмінною витратою води / В.О. Кондратець, О.М. Сербул // Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація: зб. наук. праць КНТУ.- 2013.- Вип. 26.- С. 173-180.
    15. Пат. 90851 Україна, МКВ 7 В 03 В 11/00, В 02 С 25/00. Спосіб автоматичної стабілізації розрідження пульпи в млинах з циркулюючим навантаженням /Кондратець В.О.; заявник і патентовласник Кіровоградський національний технічний університет. – №u201400514; заявл. 20.01.14; опубл. 10.06.14, Бюл. № 11.
    16. Morkun V.S, Morkun N.V, Pikilnyak A.V. (2014). Ultrasonic phased array parameters determination for the gas bubble size distribution control formation in the iron ore flotation, Metallurgical and Mining Industry, No3, p.p. 28-31.
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    18. Моркун В.С. Контроль гранулометрического состава железорудной пульпы на базе комбинированного использования объемных ультразвуковых волн и волн Лява /В.С. Моркун, О.В. Поркуян // Вісник Криворізького технічного університету: зб. наук. праць.- 2007.- Вип.17.- С.224-230.
    19. Гуленко Т.И. Исследование стержневого датчика с пьезокерамическим преобразователем / Т.И. Гуленко, В.А. Кондратец, В.И. Лопатин // Контрольно-измерительная техника: респ. межвед. научн.-техн. сборник.- 1972.- Вып.12.- С.93-99.

    A manuscript entered release 18.04.16

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  • UDC 621.3.011.712: 621.3.014.8

    This article analyzes power factor, harmonic consist of current and voltage, as well as an assessment of their levels based on the standard IEEE 519-1992. The aim of the job is to determine the need for monitoring of the quality parameters of the electricity network and measuring points in the industrial environment through the introduction of network systems for remote information acquisition. Shown consequences of the discrepancy between actual values and required by the standards. Simulation of the electric power system has been performed in the software environment Matlab. Researches of energy indicators for the 12-pulse and 6-pulse circuits of irreversibly thyristor drive in the management of individual stand of rolling mill were conducted. The case of the control of the rolling line from 21 stands at the same opening angle for all thyristors and coordinated management using the shift between the opening angles of thyristor converters for the adjacent rolling stands was considered. The recommendations on the choice of control angles’ values, taking into account the need to observe the technological limitations (coordination speeds of stands) were given. In addition, the results of the work will be put in a series of activities to effectively phase manage the rolling mill drives’ distributed power converters using industrial information network. Advisability of applying of fuzzy logic methods for concerted energy-efficient management of individual electric drives has been noted.

    Keywords: thyristor electric drive, rolling mill, energy performance, distortion factor, industrial information network.


    1. IEEE Standard 519-1992 Application in Industrial Power Distribution Networks with a New Monitoring Approach João Pedro Trovão, Paulo Pereirinha, Humberto Jorge, Proceeding of the 6th WSEAS International Conference on Power Systems, Lisbon, Portugal, September 22-24, 2006 244-249 pp.
    2. W. Mack Grady, The University of Texas at Austin Robert J. Gilleskie, San Diego Gas & Electric Harmonics and how they relate to power factor. Proc. of the EPRI Power Quality Issues & Opportunities Conference (PQA’93), San Diego, CA, November 1993.
    3. Dugan R., Mcgranaghan M., Wayne H., 1999, Electrical Power Systems Quality, 265 pp., McGraw-Hil, NewYork, USA.
    4. Trovão J.P., Harmonic Distortion Monitoring and Analysis Integrated System a Systematic Approach for the Industrial Sector M.Sc Thesis, Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, Portugal, 2004.
    5. Моделирование и оптимизация на ЭВМ радиоэлектронных устройств. Под ред. З.М.Бененсона. – М. Радио и связь, 1981, 272с.
    6. Ягуп В.Г. Построение и использование макромоделей автономных тиристорных преобразователей. – Изв. АНСССР. Энергетика и транспорт 1983, №4, с.78-83.
    7. Сокол Е.И., Бутова О.А., Шишкин М.А., НТУ «Харьковский политехнический институт», г. Харьков, Украина, Matlab-модель 12-ти пульсного параллельного КУВ с разделенным управлением.
    Системы управления и контроля преобразователями электроэнергии № 9 (128) сентябрь 2014, спец. выпуск, Том 2, Энергосбережение • Энергетика • Энергоаудит.
    8. Расчет параметров универсального фильтра высших гармоник для систем с многопульсными выпрямителями. И.В.Волков, Д.П.Каршенов, C.В.Подольный, Техн. електродинаміка. 2014. № 2, С.17-21
    9. Усков А.А. Принципы построения систем управления с нечеткой логикой // Приборы и системы. Управление, Контроль, Диагностика. 2004. № 6. С. 7-13.

    A manuscript entered release 17.04.16

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  • UDC 681.3

    Due to the increased energy efficiency and the low value of the indicator vartіst / Way, electric and hybrid vehicles are attracting more and more attention. To meet the requirements for the electric motors of these mechanisms must meet specific requirements for productivity and efficiency. This leads to the necessity of working out clear criteria for the selection of electric motors. The development work performed comparison criteria that may be used in the analysis of synchronous permanent magnet motors with concentrated windings and distributed windings of asynchronous motors and switched reluctance motor for electric and hybrid vehicles. For the design of the asynchronous motor design used the finite element method. To account for the nonlinear parameters of the machine and to achieve a high level of engine efficiency, optimal trajectories obtained for the current extended model of synchronous motors with permanent magnets and induction. Additional criteria comparison based on noise and vibration performance is also taken into account in the overall analysis.

    Keywords: hybrid vehicles, electromechanical system, gate jet engine, asynchronous motor, synchronous motor with permanent magnets, efficiency coefficient, stator current.


    1. Зинченко Е.Е. Сравнение характеристик вентильного реактивного двигателя при его питании от коммутаторов по схемам Миллера и асимметричного моста / Е.Е. Зинченко, В.Б. Финкельштейн // Електротехніка і електромеханіка. – 2012. – № 1. – С. 33-35.
    2. Нестеренко В.И. Экспериментальное определение динамических параметров тягового привода транспортного средства // Вісник Дніпропетровського національного університету залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна. – 2005. – Вип. 8. – С. 86-87.
    3. Дембіцький В.М. Дослідження приводу гальмівної системи транспортного засобу з гібридною силовою установкою та рекуперацією енергії / В.М. Дембіцький // Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Сер.: Автомобіле- та тракторобудування. – 2013. – № 29. – С. 28-33.
    4. Сітовський О.П. Обґрунтування та вибір критеріїв оцінки процесу електродинамічного гальмування під час руху гібридного транспортного засобу на затяжних спусках / О.П. Сітовський, В.М. Дембіцький // Вісник Наці-онального технічного університету «ХПІ». Сер.: Автомобіле- та тракторобу-дування. – 2013. – № 30. – С. 10-15.
    5. Тімков О.М. Поява гібридних силових установок на транспортних засобах / О.М. Тімков, О.В. Григорашенко // Вісник Донецької академії автомо-більного транспорту. – 2014. – № 1. – С. 42-47.
    6. Сітовський О.П. Електродинамічне гальмування гібридного транспортного засобу на дорогах з низьким коефіцієнтом зчеплення / О.П. Сітовський, В. М. Дембіцький // Автомобильній транспорт. – 2013. – Вып. 33. – С. 13-18.
    7. Zeraoulia M., Benbouzid M., Diallo D. Electric motor drive selection issues for HEV propulsion systems: a comparative study // IEEE Transaction on ve-hicle technologies. – Vol. 55, no. 6. – pp. 1756-1764.

    A manuscript entered release 18.04.15

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  • UDC 681.3

    Improving vehicle electromechanical systems currently is aimed at improving their energy efficiency. Synthesis rational way to implement regenerative braking is one of the urgent ways to increase the autonomy of electric vehicles because they can significantly decrease the electricity consumption per cycle traffic. Brushless machine, based on which the synchronous motor, one of the most popular types of motors used in electric drives of vehicles. Space Vector control system is divided into six sectors, each of which corresponds to one of the six states of the sensor signal Hall. At the same time, brushless DC machine when working at low angular frequency does not create sufficient value for protyERS windings battery is in this mode there are no conditions to restore its charge. Because of the inductor windings in the motor are increasing opportunities to create chain. To restore the battery in this mode need to raise the voltage level of DC power via inductance. For this purpose the power to close all keys that are connected to the positive bus link DC, and key management, connected to negative bus made using pulse – width modulation. In the work the scientific problem solving that is associated with the development of control systems regenerative braking electric vehicle based on brushless DC machine. The system includes power management division braking torque emanating from the standpoint of traffic safety, energy efficiency and coordinate balancing electric vehicle. Through the application of fuzzy control and PID-controller system performs the separation of the mechanical braking force and regenerative electric. Use regulator is a common method in the theory of automatic control, but it does not take into account parameters such as battery life, speed, braking intensity, etc. In the developed fuzzy control system uses three input parameters: speed, battery power and intensity of braking.

    Keywords: regenerative braking, brushless machine, control system, generator mode, modulation coefficient, synchronous motor, extreme search.


    1. Смотров Е.А. Оптимизация процесса торможения в электроприводах малых электротранспортных средств // Е.А. Смотров, Д.В. Вершинин, В.Г. Герасимяк // Электротехнические и компьютерные системы. – К.: Техника, 2012. — №05(81). – С. 5-11.
    2. Бурков А.Т. Сберегающие технологии тягового электроснабжения с рекуперацией энергии торможения поездов [Текст]: тез. док. / А.Т. Бурков, В.М. Варенцов, А.Н. Марикин и др. // ІІ Евроазиатская конференция по транспорту. – С-Пб.: ЦНИИТ СЭТ, 2000. – С. 93.
    3. Черемисин В.Т. Влияние рекуперативного торможения на систему тягового электроснабжения / В.Т. Черемисин, В.Л. Незевак, А.С. Вильгельм, В.А. Кващук // Локомотив. – 2013. — №8. – С. 5-9.
    4. X. Nian Regenerative braking system of electric vehicle driven by brushless DC motor / X. Nian, F. Peng, H. Zhang // IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics, vol. 61, no. 10, 2014. – pp. 5798-5808.
    5. F. Wang A series regenerative braking control strategy based on hybrid-power / F. Wang, X. Yin, H. Luo, Y. Huang // International Conference on Computer Distributed Control and Intelligent Environmental Monitoring, 2012. – pp. 65-69.
    6. Висин Н.Г. Функциональная схема системы автоматического управления рекуперативным торможением для электровозов постоянного тока со статическими преобразователями / Н.Г. Висин, Б.Т. Власенко, А.И. Кийко // Вісник Дніпропетровського національного університету залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна. – 2003. – Вип. 1. – С. 36-40.
    7. Смотров Е.А. Оптимизация процесса рекуперативного торможения в электроприводах малых электротранспортных средств / Е.А. Смотров, Д.А. Вершинин, В.Г. Герасимяк // Електротехнічні та комп’ютерні системи. – 2012. – №7. – С. 18-21.

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  • UDC 681.3

    Synchronous motors with permanent magnets are widely used in electromechanical systems with high demands on quality control through high power factor, high levels of control angular velocity, etc. For servosystem with synchronous motors with permanent magnets necessary feedback signals for rotor position and angular velocity. Traditional approaches to solving this problem include the use of optical incremental, absolute encoder or combined. However, the use of the encoder as a speed sensor has its own characteristics associated with work at low angular speed, as in this mode, existing methods do not provide sufficient accuracy. This kind of better servo characteristics of synchronous motors with permanent magnets is relevant and important scientific and technical challenge. The theoretical generalizations and solving actual scientific and technical problem of increasing the accuracy of management Sync their machines with permanent magnets in the presence of an absolute or incremental encoder. The essence of the research is to implement a control system samoadaptyvnoho Kalman observer that can significantly improve quality control. Application of adaptive Kalman observer unlike existing ACT-sobiv measuring angular velocity is able to estimate both rotor position and velocity with high accuracy and without time delay. Synchronous motor control system based on adaptive Kalman observer can significantly increase the quality of management, reduce pulsation angular velocity and current fluctuations when starting the engine. Through mathematical modeling demonstrated that the application of Kalman observer for such systems can increase system performance.

    Keywords: Kalman filter, synchronous motor, state observer, absolute encoder, angular velocity, rotor position.


    1. S.-K. Sul Control of Electric Machine Drive Systems, Wiley-IEEE Press, 2010.
    2. Zhou H., Wen X., Zhao F., Zhang J., Meng J. An improved flux-weakening strategy for field-oriented-controlled PMSM drives // IEEE 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference, 2012.
    3. Кобрин А.В. Оценка задержки с помощью робастного фильтра Калмана / А.В. Кобрин, Б.С. Тур // Вісник Національного технічного університету «ХПІ». Техніка та електрофізика. – 2013. – № 27. – С. 76-82.
    4. Братусь О.В. Побудова багатовимірної моделі на основі фільтра Калмана й аналіз алгоритмів оцінювання її параметрів / О.В. Братусь, В.М. Подладчіков // Наукові вісті Національного технічного університету України «Київський політехнічний інститут». – 2013. – № 5. – С. 28-34.
    5. Кіку А.Г. Покращення калмановсько фільтраці змінних стану / А.Г. Кіку, В.М. Аглоткова, О.С. Бурлаков // Адаптивні системи автоматичного управління. – 2003. – № 6. – С. 38-43.
    6. Лимонов А.С. Экстраполяция дискретных сигналов с использованием фильтров Калмана / А.С. Лимонов, Т.М. Пустовит, А.А. Лимонов // Український гідрометеорологічний журнал. – 2011. – № 9. – С. 26-37.
    7. Зарицкая Е.И. Оптимизационный расчет тихоходного синхронного генератора на постоянных магнитах для безредукторных электрогенерирующих установок / Е.И. Зарицкая, Л.Н. Канов, А.М. Олейников // Проблеми техніки. – 2013. – № 2. – С. 103-118.

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  • UDC 621.3

    Supercapacitors are able to function as a storage device for electrical energy is growing interest among specialists. Currently, many studies observed positive qualities supercapacitors (SC ) which can be effectively applied to smooth peak currents that occur in the systems of energy . Considerable attention is paid to the use of IC engines with electrochemical power sources (including the battery ), used as key in autonomous vehicles.As the main material for the production of electrodes considered due to their unique properties , carbon nanomaterials, such as nanoporous carbon, carbon nanotubes and graphene . Supercapacitor are high capacitance capacitors with Double Layer . Unlike conventional capacitor, supercapacitor have characteristics that allow to combine great strength and great energy.
    It is known that the maximum power load ( electricity consumers ) can be obtained the same number of active resistive resistance internal resistance of the source or storage of electricity, including IC . The internal resistance of current ultracapacitors can be 0.11 … 1.5 mOhm and the maximum power density can be more than 90 kWh / kg, which is 3 thousand . Times more than the starting lead battery cars.
    Investigation of basic properties and advantages of ultracapacitors for use in electromechanical systems and is the basis of this work. The aim of this work is of optimal algorithm of supercapacitors traction system consisting of EM.
    Considers new manufacturing technology supercapacitor based on wood chips, which significantly reduces the cost of data elements. After analyzing the properties of supercapacitor developed algorithm.

    Keywords: ionistor, electric energy, super capacitor, battery, power.


    1. Астахов Ю.Н., Веников В.А., Тер-Газарян А.Г. Накопители энергии в электрических системах: Учеб. пособие для электроэнергет. спец. вузов. – М.: Высш. шк., 1989. – 159 с.
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    3. Щерба А.А., Третяк М.В., Иващенко Д.С. Анализ переходных и установившихся электрических режимов аккумуляторной батареи и суперконденсаторов, включенных параллельно в системах питания электромобилей // Техн. електродинаміка. Темат. вип. “Силова електроніка та енергоефективність. –2011. – Ч. 2. – С. 93–98.
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    8. Ізотов В.Ю., Громадський Д.Г., Рудницька Г.А. Дослідження роботи суперконденсатора в рамках дволанкової RC-моделі // Техн. електродинаміка. – 2011. – № 2. – C. 70–75.
    9. Burke A., Miller M., Zhao H. Ultracapacitors in Hybrid Vehicle Applications: Testing of New High Power Devices and Prospects for Increased Energy Density // Research Report – UCD-ITS-RR-12-06. – Institute of Transportation Studies. University of California, May 2012.
    10. Смотров, Е. А. Оптимизация процесса торможения в электроприводах малых электротранспортных средств. [Текст]. / Е. А. Смотров, Д. В. Вершини, В. Г. Герасимяк // Електротехнічні та комп’ютерні системи. – К. : Техніка, 2012. – №05(81). – С. 5–11.
    11. Adam M. Ragheb and Magdi Ragheb. Wind Turbine Gearbox Technologies. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 216 Talbot Laboratory, USA. Fundamental and Advanced Topics in Wind Power. 20, June, 2011, 422 p., pp. 189-206.
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    13. Dudurych O., Conlon M. Impact of reduced system inertia as a result of higher penetration levels of wind generation. Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2014 49th International Universities Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 1 – 6
    14. Nikolic, D. ; Negnevitsky, M. ; de Groot, M. ; Gamble, S. ; Forbes, J. ; Ross, M. Fast demand response as an enabling technology for high renewable energy penetration in isolated power systems . PES General Meeting | Conference & Exposition, 2014 IEEE DOI: 10.1109/PESGM.2014.6939282 Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 1 – 5.

    A manuscript entered release 18.04.16

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  • UDC 629.349:62-182

    The article discusses the issue of reducing power losses during the operation of trolleybuses in Kryvyy Rih conditions and the way of energy saving in the operation of municipal electric transport. The study of the energy parameters of traction substations, daily, Sunday and annual active power schedules, based on the materials of the automated metering system, showed that energy losses in the electric power supply system account for 25% of the total electricity consumed. The technical condition of the mechanisms of municipal electric transport and the quality of the road surface make a significant impact on the loss of electricity. Determination of the power parameters of the traction substation in the area of the Leninskaya-2 substation that serves the trolleybus routes No. 3, 17 the scientific justification and the development of methods for calculating the power quality indicators that allow increasing the energy efficiency of traction substations of city trolleybuses. It is possible to increase the energy efficiency of the traction drive by using braking energy of trolleybuses, using regenerative braking as the main method of electric braking. determination of the power parameters of the traction substation in the area of the Leninskaya-2 substation that serves the trolleybus routes No. 3, 17 the scientific rationale and the development of methods for calculating the power quality indicators that allow increasing the energy efficiency of traction substations of city trolleybuses. The introduction of automatic control of operating modes of heating systems in trams and trolley buses. The establishment of automation of heating modes in relation to ambient air temperature results in a reduction in the cost of electricity for heating passenger cabins and workplaces by 10-25% of electricity consumed by the rolling stock of municipal electric transport. The use of frequency-controlled electric drive in modern trolleybus cars allows to refuse from resistor-contactor start-up, where there are unproductive losses of electric power for heating start-up resistors.

    Keywords: losses of electric power, electric drive of trolley buses, regenerative braking, energy efficiency.


    1.Основи електричного транспорту: посібник для студ. вищ.навч.закладів/ /під заг. ред. М.А. Слецова. – М.: Видавничий центр «Академія», 2006. – 464 с.
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    3. Мокін Б.І.,Розводюк М.П., Розробка розкладу руху електротранспорту // Вісник Віницького політехнічного інституту, 2005. – №3 – С. 35-38.
    4. Железко Ю.С. Компенсация реактивной мощности в сложных электрических системах. М.: Энергоиздат, 1981, –197 с.
    5. Електричне устаткування для «ASLOM TV PROGRES» транспортних засобів. Каталог родуції. – Прага: ASLOM industry, 2006, – 24с.
    6. Носков В.И., Шпика Н.И., Стан та перспективи впровадження тягових електроприводів зміного струму. // Гідроенергетика України. – 2006. –№2. – С. 63-68.
    7. Енергозберігаюча технологія народного господарства / Під ред. В.А. Венікова. Кн.2. Енергозбереження в електроприводі./ Н.Ф. Ільїнський, Ю.В. Рожанковський, А.О. Горнов. – М.: Висш. Шк.., 1989, – 217 с.
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    8. Литвинский Л.Б., Федорченко Н.Л., Федорченко Е.И. Энергосберегающие технологии на транспорте./ Вісник КДПУ імені Михайла Остроградського. Випуск 2/2008 (49). Частина 2. С.92-97.
    9. Хворост М.В., Шпіка М.І., Бесараб А.І. Тяговий асинхронний електропривод для міського електротранспорту./Энергосбережение, энергетика, энергоаудит. – 2012, №3(97). С.7 – 10.

    A manuscript entered release 28.04.16

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  • UDC 622.272:004.051

    Analysis of the volume of mining of iron ore in mines indicates that the directions for increasing the electric power efficiency of mining are known, moreover, in the last 5-10 years their number has increased. underground mining, unlike open-pit mining, is characterized by a fairly gentle influence on the environment and high content of iron in raw ore – up to 62%, in contrast to 37% of the quarry. This virtually eliminates the need for an energy-intensive and labor-intensive enrichment process in the underground mining of iron ore. However, as a rule, this applies to newly designed or globally refurbished mining enterprises. Concerning the acting, this problem is far from solved. Meanwhile, given the fact that in the next 35-45 years, the construction of new iron ore enterprises in Ukraine is not planned, it is in the direction of improving the complex: the power supply system – the electric power consumption system of the existing mining industries – it is necessary to conduct scientific research. This is primarily due to the factors that increase the energy consumption segment in general and the electric energy consumption, in particular, in the total cost of the extracted iron ore. The most energy-consuming consumers of electric energy in iron-ore mines have previously been stationary installations – dewatering, ventilation, lifting, compressor – together consume over 80% of all electricity consumed by the mine. Especially large electric power costs for the production of compressed air by central compressor stations, which account for close to 30% of the total electricity consumed by the plant. In this regard, the wide possibilities for reducing energy costs open up the replacement of the pneumatic occasion by electric ones, have a CCD an order of magnitude higher, for trucks and drilling machines, a pneumatic impact tool. This will make it possible to reduce or even refuse the use of compressed air, from central compressor stations and long pneumatic pipelines. At the same time, if necessary, mobile compressor units of small capacity can be used directly in places where compressed air is consumed – in underground mines and on the surface.

    Keywords: energy consumption, electricity consumers, compressor plants, electricity, mine.


    1. Сборник технико-экономических показателей горнодобывающих предприятий Украины в 2009–2010 гг. Анализ мировой коньюнктуры рынка ЖРС 2004–2011 гг. / Е.К. Бабец, Л.А. Штанько, В.А. Салганик и др. – Кривой Рог: Видавничий дім, 2011 – 329 с.
    2. Синчук И.О. Потенциал электроэнергоэффективности и пути его реализации на производствах с подземными способами добычи железорудного сырья. Монография / И.О. Синчук, Э.С. Гузов, А.Н. Яловая, С.Н. Бойко // Под ред. докт. техн. наук, проф. О.Н. Синчука. – Кременчук: Изд. ЧП Щербатых А.В. – 2015. – 296 с.
    3. Електрифікація гірничого виробництва: Підручник для ВНЗ. – Вид. 2-ге, перероб. та допов. / За ред. Л.О. Пучкова і Г.Г. Півняка. – Д.: Нац. гірн. ун-т, 2010. – Т.1. – 503 с.
    4. Синчук О.Н. Оценка состояния и определения тактики повышения эффективности работы участковых подстанций железорудных шахт [Текст] / О.Н. Синчук, Р.А. Лесной, Р.А. Пархоменко, А.Н. Яловая // Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація. Збірник наукових праць кіровоградського національного технічного університету. – Кіровоград, 2012. – Випуск 25, частина ІІ. – С.248 – 254.
    5. Синчук О.Н. Оценка потенциала и тактика повышения электроэнергоэффективности подземных железорудных производств [Текст] / Синчук О.Н., Синчук И.О., Гузов Э.С., Баулина М.А., Яловая А.Н. // Технологический аудит и резервы производства. – Харьков: ЧП «Технологический центр». – 2014. – с.34 – 39.
    6. Праховник А.В. Энергосберегающие режимы электроснабжения горнодобывающих предприятий [Текст] / А.В. Праховник, В.П. Розен, В.В. Дегтярев – М.: Недра, 1985 – 232 с.

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  • UDC 629.423.2-52

    At present, electric transport is the most common mode of transport in mining enterprises. So in mines with its help, up to 70% of traffic is carried out, and at mines up to 100%. Such a wide spread of electric transport is due to the fact that the latter is more economical for longer transport times than other types of mine transport. Electric locomotives can be used under various operating conditions, including in mines dangerous for gas and dust. This type of transport differs relatively low energy intensity, good adaptability to automation, there is practically no harmful impact on the environment. For electric transport, relative mobility and reliability are also characteristic, due to the fact that the malfunction of one locomotive does not lead to a significant decrease in the productivity of the transport system, in contrast to, for example, conveyor transport. It is possible to use electric locomotives as a means of averaging the rock mass. Electromechanical equipment of mine electric vehicles often fails due to a number of reasons: the service life of traction engines with an average of 4-5 months; bandages of electric locomotive wheels go out of service in 6-8 months; traction contactors serve 1-1,5 years instead of the prescribed 5 years; The coupling devices at the enterprises of the mining industry serve no more than 0.5 year. The actual number of trains on the hauling horizon is 1.5-2 times higher than estimated, the load of transport branches is not uniform and the rolling stock is not used optimally. Using a combined system for driving mine electric locomotives with a traditional traction motor and a linear motor, it is possible to increase the thrust and its efficiency, to reduce the possibility of wheel slippage.

    Keywords: mines, transport, electric locomotive, traction motor, wheel bands, linear engine, wheel slippage.


    1. Спицын А.Д. Оптимизация шахтного локомотивного транспорта. Алма-Ата: «Наука», КазССР, 1981.
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    6. Андреев Е.А., Шаронов С.В. / Система автоматического пуска привода рудничного электровоза. // СПбГТИ. – СПб. – 1998. — Рус. – ДепВИНИТИ. – №3279-В98.
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  • UDC 621.316.13

    The issue of increasing the efficiency and profitability of distribution networks is acute for distribution electric networks with nominal elasticity of 10-35 sq. M. Reduction in the efficiency of distribution networks is also assisted by overtime reduction in the levels of power quality indicators due to the presence of powerful industrial consumers from the richest and most asymmetric schedule of electrical loads. The most effective way to reduce power losses in networks is to implement measures from reactive power compensation. The use of capacitor banks affects the level of reactive power consumption, the hardened voltage deviation, and equal unbalanced voltages. Under certain circumstances, in networks, there may be cases when, when the simmetrocompensation device is switched on, the overtime value of the hardened voltage deviation will be observed. This, in turn, leads to additional losses from the decrease in the quality of electricity and thus to a decrease in the efficiency of the networks. One of the ways to solve this problem is the improvement of the automatic control systems for simmetrocompensive devices in order to take into account their influence not only at the level of reactive power consumption and unbalance of voltages, but also at the level of the stress tolerance in networks. An approach to controlling the regimes of reactive loads of electrical distribution grids with a nominal spring 6-10 kV by using the simmetrocompensing ones is proposed. The structural scheme of the automatic control system of the reactive power modes of the distribution electric networks is developed, which is based on the recognition of the problem of bagatocriterial optimization found by the method of approaching the utopian point in the space of criteria. The task of controlling the simmetrokompensuvalnim device that works in networks with a nominal spring 6-10 kV is more expedient to consider as a problem of bagatocriteria optimization. The results of computer simulation developed by the SAK, based on the found faults of the problem of bagatocritical optimization confirmed the advantage of the proposed SAK over the basic.

    Keywords: automatic control system, distribution electrical networks, reactive loads, unbalance of voltages.


    1. Червінська Т.М. Математична модель керування реактивною потужністю в електричних мережах з несиметричною напругою / Л. Б. Терешкевич, Т.М. Червінська // Вісник Кременчуцького державного університету імені Михайла Остроградського. – 2010. – №3(62) Частина 1. – С. 161 – 164.
    2. Червінська Т.М. Математичні моделі керування реактивною потужністю та несиметрією напруги в електричній мережі / Терешкевич Л. Б., Червінська Т.М., Кузьменко М.В. // Сборник научных трудов Донбасского государственного технического университета. – Выпуск 32. – 2010.
    3. Червінська Т.М. Керування реактивною потужністю в умовах несиметрії напруги мережі / Л.Б. Терешкевич, Т.М. Червінська // Промелектро. – 2008. – №5. – С. 16–20.
    4. Зінзура В.В. Методи розв’язку задачі багатокритеріальної оптимізації регулювання напруги в електричних мережах. // Збірник наукових праць Кіровоградського національного технічного університету / Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація /. – Вип. 25.Ч.1 – Кіровоград: КНТУ, 2012. С. 350-360.
    5. Плєшков П. Г. Теоретичні засади оптимального керування пристроєм РПН силового трансформатора за векторним критерієм. / П. Г. Плєшков, В.В. Зінзура, М. В. Кубкін // Збірник наукових праць Кіровоградського національного технічного університету / Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація /. – Вип. 24.Ч.2 – Кіровоград: КНТУ, 2011. С. 164-173.

    A manuscript entered release 16.04.16

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  • UDC 621.926: 524.16

    Maximizing the productivity of bullet mills by quickly assessing the geometry of filling its working space and determining the newly formed finished product is an important condition for optimizing the unit cost of electricity and designing robust systems for automated control of the electric drive of ball mills and the power consumption of the processing line of enrichment. Processes in bullet mills are complex dynamic control objects with non-stationary parameters and non-linear dependencies and stochastic variables with significant transport lags. To increase the productivity of bullet mills, it is necessary to apply methods of intensifying grinding processes, by influencing the pulsed-running, electromagnetic field on the circulation load; robototechnological devices for impulsive influence of water jets on an intramuscular heterogeneous medium; systems of automated control of electric drives of classifiers, hydraulic pumps for increasing the energy efficiency of grinding, classification and enrichment processes. The mathematical apparatus of catastrophe theory is used to identify a complex dynamic grinding process that allows to take into account variations in nonlinear disturbances in the texture characteristics of raw ore, its strength and interchangeable modes of operation of equipment and a control system for loading ore into the first, second, third mill s step taking into account the geometry vnutrimelnichnaya load estimation in time of emergencies. A method for identifying the geometry of intra-milline loading of ball mills has been developed by diagnosing the trajectory of the volumetric filling of a complex technological facility, and determining the parameters of the optimal intra-milling loading with minimizing the time of finding the material in a process unit whose parameters vary with time. It has been proven that maximizing the productivity of bullet mills through the on-line monitoring of geometry, the intra-millimal loading of the working space and the determination of the newly formed finished product is the main condition for optimizing the unit costs of electricity and design solutions for the development of intelligent control systems for electric drives of bullet mills, pumping units and separators.

    Keywords: ball mill, robust systems, electric drive, hydrocyclones, catastrophe theory.


    1. Хорольський В.П. Багаторівнева інтелектуальна система оптимізації електроспоживання гірничо – збагачувальних підприємств/ В.П.Хорольський, Д.В. Хорольський, К.Г.Тіторенко// Вісник Хмельницького національного університету. Технічні науки. – 2015 – №2 – с.192 – 198.
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    6. Новицкий И.В. Автоматическая оптимизация процесса самоизмельчения руд в барабанных мельницах / дис. на соиск. уч. степени докт. техн. наук. / И.В.Новицкий Днепропетровск, 1993. – 350с.
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    9. Gilmore R Catastrophe Theory for Scientist and Engineers. Wiley. New York. 1981. p. 680.
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    A manuscript entered release 23.03.14

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  • UDC 621.316

    At domestic iron ore enterprises, electricity consumption depends on many factors: technological, meteorological, energy, organizational and others. Technological factors are determined by the depth of occurrence, the size of the fields, the type of technology, the parameters of the disclosure and development systems, the types of machines and equipment used, and affect the cost of production. Meteorological factors cause the seasonality of changes in consumption indicators, forming within a year the tendency to change them. Energy factors – structural parameters of electrical circuits, number, power, efficiency electric receivers and other – cause the formation of modes of electrical loads. Organizational factors determine the degree of use of electric receivers, the level of increased power losses through deterioration in the characteristics of electrical equipment, machinery and mechanisms. The analysis of the process of determining and requesting energy consumption limits at iron ore enterprises has been carried out and it has been established that the norms for specific power consumption are determined in conditions of uncertainty with little or no analysis of the process and levels of electricity consumption, industrial performance of the enterprise and the development of geological conditions for the future. For exceeding the limit of electricity from enterprises, a fine is charged for the consumed values of electricity sampling. The methodological aspects of the assessment and the formation of energy-efficient modes of electricity consumption at iron ore enterprises are considered, and methods for forecasting electric power consumption are proposed. For prediction of power consumption, taking into account changes in various factors, the created information database of electricity consumption levels by the enterprises of the region can be created. The authors of the article developed the methodology and block diagrams of algorithms for obtaining time and factor models of energy consumption. Also, an algorithm for determining the items of the consumable part of the electrical balances of technological receivers has been developed. The proposed measures allow to determine the level of power supply to the enterprise, establish rational norms, to forecast its change during the operation of the enterprise and to control excess electricity costs.

    Keywords: electric receivers, algorithm, energy consumption models, forecasting, power supply.


    1. Праховник А.В. Энергосберегающие режимы электроснабжения горнодобывающих предприятий// А.В.Праховник, В.П.Розен, В.В. Дегтярев – М.: Недра, 1985 – 232 с.
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    9. Закладний О.М., Праховнік А.В., Соловей О.І. Енергозбереження засобами промисловихелектроприводів. Навч. посіб. – К.:Кондор, 2005. – 408 с.
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    A manuscript entered release 01.03.16

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  • UDC 622.684:629.353:621.333.4

    To date, the system of regenerative braking is widely used to increase the range of the range of a number of electric vehicles. About 30% of the kinetic energy during the braking process is converted into thermal energy, which is dissipated to the environment by the force of friction, but some of the energy can be used to power the vehicle battery and, accordingly, increase its range. Increase the power efficiency of the traction drive by using the braking energy of heavy duty dump trucks, applying regenerative braking as the main method of electric braking. This makes it possible to reduce the consumption of diesel fuel and to reduce the pollution of the quarry atmosphere by using a combined power plant that contains a diesel or gas turbine internal combustion engine, an electric motor and a powerful electric energy storage device (battery or electrochemical capacitor). A system with asymmetric supercapacitor modules can act as one of the variants of the storage system in the combined power-generating unit. Excellent qualities of such capacitors: high specific power and energy; a wide range of operating temperatures (-50? + 70? C); service life over 15 years; high reliability and resistance to significant overloads in voltage and recharge without getting out of order; low self-discharge. The capacitor accumulators installed on the car scavengers with the combined power-generating unit will significantly exceed the accumulator batteries and a number of other types of capacitors for technical, economic and operational indicators. The use of supercapacitors as an energy storage device in a combined power-generating unit of a career automobile carcass will allow to exclude the operation of the diesel engine in auxiliary operations of the transport cycle, and, therefore, to shorten the operating time in partial and idle modes. The direction to create a career motor vehicle with combined power-generating units is technically realized and promising, as it meets the modern trends in the automotive industry.

    Keywords: dump truck, recuperative braking, supercapacitor, career motor transport, diesel.


    1. Шевченко О.І. Підвищення енергетичної ефективності тягового електропривода кар’єрних самоскидів великої вантажопідйомності: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд.техн. наук: спец. 05.09.03 „Електротехнічні комплекси та системи”. – Харків, 2004.– 20 с.
    2. Тарасов П.И., Бахтурин ЮА., Глебов А.В., Ковалев Г.Е. Условия и перспективы применения комбинированных энергосиловых установок на карьерных автоса-мосвалах// Энергосбережение на карьерном автомобильном транспорте. Материалы международного научно-технического семинара, 24-26 июля 2003 г. -Екатеринбург: ИГД УрО РАН, 2003.
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    A manuscript entered release 21.03.14

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  • UDC 621.311.086.5:621.3.001.57

    Over the past 10 years, energy costs in the general segment of the cost of mined iron ore produced by domestic mining enterprises with underground mining have reached a level of 30%, which complicates the competitiveness of this type of domestic raw materials in the world market. About 90% of the total energy costs in the cost of the extracted iron ore raw materials are made by the underground electric power, i.e. The task of reducing the prime cost of extracted iron ore is essentially reduced to the task of reducing or, more accurately, optimizing electricity costs during production. as shown by the results of research, the real directions of increasing the electrical efficiency of existing iron ore mines are: modernization of power supply systems and optimization of electric power consumption processes with the possibility of adaptive management of these processes. It is established that a decrease in the volume of extraction of iron ore raw materials leads to an increase in the specific consumption of electricity. In order to determine the qualitative aspect of this issue, as well as to assess the relationship between the volumes of extraction of iron ore raw materials and the consumption of electricity, the well-known Cheddock scale was used. It is established that the highest correlation coefficient pertains to the plant as a whole, and the values for its structural terms – the mines are located below these indicators. This allows us to conclude that the main emphasis in the analysis and the search for ways to increase the electric power efficiency of ore extraction should be placed on the main technological cell – mine. Methods for assessing the regularities of the influence of a complex of technical and technological factors on the level of electricity consumption and the rationale for choosing directions for improving the energy efficiency of mining iron ore in conditions of underground mining enterprises are considered. The complex approach to the solution of the problem of increasing the electric power efficiency of the extraction of iron ore raw materials by applying a system of monitoring, evaluation and management of this process, taking into account the justified predictive technological components, will allow achieving the desired effect in the analyzed problem – reducing the level of electricity consumption.

    Keywords: iron ore raw materials, electric power, energy costs, electricity-efficiency, unit costs.


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    6. Сінчук О.Н. Метод оцінювання ефективності споживання електричної енергії залізорудними підприємствами [Текст] / О.Н. Сінчук, І.О Сінчук, Т.М. Берідзе, А.М. Ялова // Електротехнічні та комп´ютерні системи. – Одеський НПУ. – 2013. – С.49-57.
    7. Ялова А.М. Споживання електричної енергії та вплив на цей процес системи чинників формування факторного простору в умовах залізорудних підприємств [Текст] / А.М. Ялова // Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація. Збірник наукових праць кіровоградського національного технічного університету. – Кіровоград, 2014 – Випуск 27, частина ІІ. – С.339-349.
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    10. Розен В.П. Оцінювання енергоефективності електроспоживання вугільних шахт [Текст] / В.П. Розен, Л.В. Давиденко, В.І. Волинець // Підвищення рівня ефективності енергоспоживання в електротехнічних пристроях і системах: Матеріали ІV-ої міжнародної науково-технічної конференції – Луцьк: РВВ ЛДТУ, 2012. – С. 130 – 132.
    11. Калиниченко В.Ф. Определение нагрузки на шинах главной подземной подстанции шахты [Текст]: Бюллетень НТИ. / В.Ф. Калиниченко – НИТИ. – 1980.
    12. Айвазян. С.А. Прикладная статистика: Классификация и снижение размерности [Текст] / С.А. Айвазян, В.М. Бухштабер, И.С. Енюков, Л.Д. Мешалкин – М.: Финансы и статистика, 1989 – 607 с.

    A manuscript entered release 26.02.16

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  • UDC 62267:621.3

    In quarries with medium and large scale of work for transporting iron ore traction units OPE-1A are used, which have a low power factor, which varies depending on the load and the separation of the unit from the traction substation. The average value of the power factor is 0.6, this index has a poor effect on the power parameters of the traction unit. In the regenerative braking mode, the traction unit has an even smaller value for the power factor. Establishment of a reactive power compensation device will make it possible to increase the power factor, thereby reducing energy costs and increasing the energy efficiency of the traction unit. It is possible to compensate the reactive power of the electromotive composition of the alternating current without changing the power converter by connecting a passive unregulated reactive power compensator (KPP) to the secondary winding of the power transformer of the unit. The reactive power compensator consists of a series resonant LC circuit, which is connected via a key element. The use of unregulated reactive power compensator on the traction unit leads to a significant increase in the power factor in the rated operating mode and to overcompensation of the reactive power at low load currents. It is possible to increase the energy efficiency of the traction unit by establishing a reactive power compensation device in the entire range of current loads by smoothly changing the reactive power of the compensator. The device consists of a passive compensator of reactive power and a booster transformer. The use of the compensator leads to a significant increase in the power factor in the nominal operating mode and to overcompensation of reactive power at low load currents, on traction units and electric locomotives. Efficiency of application of the proposed device on the electromotive composition was determined based on the results of calculations of two variants of the electric locomotive operation: the standard scheme and including the proposed reactive power compensation device and mathematical modeling.

    Keywords: traction unit, power factor, reactive power compensator, simulation.


    1. Балон Л.В., Браташ В.А., Бичун М.Л. “Электроподвижной состав промышленного транспорта” Москва “Транспорт” 1987.
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    10. А.С. №2467893. “Устройство для компенсации реактивной мощности электроподвижного состава” Авторы изобретения Ю.М. Кулинич, В.К. Духовников. – Дата публикации 27.11.2012 г., МКИ 7 B60L 9/00, Бюл. №33.

    A manuscript entered release 21.03.16

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  • UDC 621.316

    An effective solution to the problem of safety, ensuring optimal reliability in the schemes, is to ensure the normalized quality of the supply voltage in all modes of operation of the old and new mining and transportation electrical equipment. On various types of mine self-propelled machinery, an electric drive is used, which, with the help of cable lines, is connected to underground substations. For the drilling and delivery equipment used, a voltage of 380 V is used, which has fully exhausted itself in all indicators, including the standardized quality indicators. the main directions for improving the quality of electricity in a subterranean network and improving the efficiency of electricity consumption in the mine: transferring the required capacity through flexible cable lines of a limited cross-section of the main veins; ensuring the necessary torque characteristics of electric motors in the modes of overload and start-up; design of highly reliable protection and switching devices. The choice of the appropriate level of voltage can fully and for a long time solve the problem of high-quality power supply to internal users. The application of a voltage of 660 V instead of 380 V will significantly reduce power losses, reduce the rated currents and short-circuit currents. Increase in the voltage level of underground substations for domestic iron ore mines can fully and for a long time to solve the problem of high-quality power supply to internal users, taking into account the rearmament of the industry using foreign self-propelled vehicles and the prospects for increasing the power of their electric drives. Increase in the voltage levels of mine networks leads to the following results: when working in an electrical network, fluctuations and voltage deviations decrease; power losses are reduced; the values of the working currents of electrical equipment decrease; Reduces the consumption of non-ferrous metals; there is an opportunity without significant costs to carry out the reconstruction of the grid of electric supply of mine workings.

    Keywords: reliability, voltage, quality of electric power, cable lines, electric networks, electric drives.


    1. Беляк В.Л., Плащанский Л.А. Увеличение напряжения участковых сетей как способ повышения эффективности использования горных машин в высоконагруженных забоях угольных шахт М.: Горный информационно-аналитический бюллетень МГГУ – 2007 – № 9 – С. 286-290.
    2. Железко, Ю.С. Качество электроэнергии в сетях и электромагнитная совместимость оборудования / Ю.С. Железко // Электротехника. 1989. — №10 -с. 73-77.
    3. Ступник Н.И., Кудрявцев М.И., Басов А.М. Пути совершенствования технологии подземной разработки богатых железных руд Кривбасса. Вісник КТУ, вип. 26, 2010.
    4. Кронгауз, Д.Э. Повышение качества электроэнергии в городских распределительных сетях посредством управления режимами реактивной мощности / Д.Э. Кронгауз // Промышленная энергетика. 2010. – № 10. – С. 39 – 43 .
    5. Плащанский Л.А. Основы электроснабжения горных предприятий М.: Издательство Московского государственного горного университета, 2006 г. — 499 с: ил. : Учебник для вузов. — 2-е изд., исправ.
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    9. Нефедова, Н.В. Улучшение качества напряжения в подземных распределительных сетях 6 кВ калийных рудников установками продольной компенсации потерь напряжения / Н.В. Нефедова и др. // М.: Энергетика. 1979. – 324 с.

    A manuscript entered release 24.04.16

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  • UDC 622.646:621.86.067.2:62.83

    The analysis of possible vibration modes of transport vehicles using regulated electric drive to improve the efficiency of production of ore. Mathematically considered the process of moving to a single particle vibration body for harmonic oscillations. Described modes for the respective values of the oscillation frequency and amplitude. It was established that the resulting ratio mode of installation vibrotransportnoyi describes different modes of motion of material: on the job, at a distance and margin without separation of material from van tazhonesuchoho body. Mathematical modeling characteristics of effective mode of vibration for example suited inertia machines driven by changing rotational speed by using adjustable Electric nominal parameters. Set ratio mode, frequency and amplitude, which correspond to the most efficient modes vibrotransportuvannya in terms of achieving a maximum speed of transporting the ore.

    Keywords: vibration, vibration transport, efficiency, frequency characteristics, electric drive.


    1. Батраков Д.В. Применение вибрационных питателей для выпуска руды в условиях железорудных шахт криворожского бассейна//Вісник Криворізького національного університету. – Кривий Ріг. – Вип. 34, 2013. – С. 104-108.
    2. Батраков Д.В., Горбачов Ю.Г. Характеристики одномасної вібраційної транспортуючої машини з інерційним приводом//Гірничий Вісник Криворізького національного університету. – Кривий Ріг. – Вип. 97, 2014. – С. 69-75.
    3. Учитель А.Д., Гущин В.В. Вибрационный выпуск горной массы/ А.Д. Учитель, В.В. Гущин. – М.: Недра, 1981. – 232 с.
    4. Спиваковский А. О. Транспорт в горном деле.-М.:Наука,1985 .-127 с.
    5. Спиваковский А. О., Гончаревич И. Ф. Вибрационные и волновые транспортирующие машины/ А. О. Спиваковский , И. Ф. Гончаревич.- М.:Наука,1983 .-287 с.
    6. Спиваковский А. О., Гончаревич И. Ф. Вибрационные конвейеры, питатели и вспомогательные устройства/ А. О. Спиваковский , И. Ф. Гончаревич.- М.:Машиностроение,1972 .-327 с.
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    13. Потураев В. Н., Белобров В. И., Михайлеченко Е. И. Анализ динамики механических систем на аналоговых ЭВМ/В. Н. Потураев, В. И. Белобров, Е. И. Михайлеченко.-К.:Вища школа,1989 .-150 с.
    14. Потураев В. Н., Франчук В. П., Червоненко А. Г. Вибрационные транспортирующии машины: основы теории и расчета/В. Н. Потураев, В. П. Франчук, А. Г. Червоненко.-М.:Машиностроение,1964 .-272 с.

    A manuscript entered release 26.04.16

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  • UDC 621.316.7

    The given issue is devoted to electrical energy conservation. It is proved that the most costly from an energy point of view of national industry sector is metallurgical production. One of the key parts of the industry are rolling mill. Thus, the paper identified the main subject in need of “energy optimization.”
    In the case of continuous blanking state 900/700/500 PJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih” the estimation of potential energy. In the evaluation shows that the maximum economic benefit can be obtained by reactive power compensation in power system. Thus, compensation active network losses caused by overflows of reactive power and higher harmonics load current provides a much smaller economic impact.
    Given the ongoing assessment prompted the optimal value of the criterion path of modernization. Main technical and organizational measures proposed following direction: input converters in managed mode with the control angle close to 0; the motor speed control by pulse width Irreversible converter (SHIP); parallel combination of outputs controlled converters to create a common DC link; reverse engines using pathogen.
    According to preliminary estimates of the projected payback period of technical solutions is 2.5 months. Next steps chosen direction of modernization can develop a unified management system and process control system built SHIP; SHIP management modernization laws to minimize the impact on network transformers; updated calculation component of power networks.

    Keywords: thyristor converter, energy saving, reactive power, current harmonics, blooming.


    1. Річний звіт НЕК “Укренерго”. – Режим доступу до журн.: http://www.ukrenergo.energy.gov.ua/
    2. Karandaev A.S. Improving electric power quality within the power supply system of wide-strip hot-rolling mill stand / A.S. Karandaev, G.P. Kornilov , V.R. Khramshin // International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Procedia Engineering. – 2015. – №129. – Р.2–8.
    3. Ardura P. Power Quality Analysis and Improvements in a Hot Rolling Mill using a STATCOM / Ardura P., Gonzalo A., Jose M. Cano [and other] // International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’14). – April 2014. – No.12. -ISSN 2172-038.
    4. Жежеленко И.В. Показатели качества электроэнергии и их контроль на промышленных предприятиях / И.В. Жежеленко. – М. : Энергоатомиздат, 1986. – 168 с.

    A manuscript entered release 05.03.16

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  • UDC 621.316.925:622.82

    When working mine electric voltage deviations from the nominal value, in connection with which, under certain conditions, there may be disruptions in switching thyristor converters that reduce the efficiency of electric braking. Currently, there are a number of decisions aimed at ensuring trouble-free operation under reduced electric and disappearances voltage. This installation of electric locomotives special voltage generators, braking traction engines in violation of normal power use, rechargeable electric contact. Yet marked solutions to this problem are not sufficiently effective as to achieve the purpose of requiring the use of additional electrical equipment, which in some cases lead to reduced productivity elektrovoznoy haulage. On heavy mine electric locomotives (Coupling largest weight less than 28 tons) and medium and light type no space for extra electrical equipment. This makes it necessary to find other ways to improve the efficiency of electric control system of mine, development of new advanced management tools designed to use energy storage capacitor input filter power rotating electrical machines (for example, in this case energy revolving TD). This way the question is quite economical as it does not require the use of additional power equipment, an increase in related operating costs. It is set from the conducted analysis of possible reasons of decline of level of tension of feed of pin mine electric locomotive, that by the most influential factors that influence to work of electromechanic there is violation of contact between receiver of current and wire of network of feed during implementation of braking of electric locomotive and initial velocity of braking in the mode of traction and braking. It is offered decision in relation to reduction of influence of vibrations of tension of feed on the capacity of the system of electromechanic, that consists of development of the system that must carry out the analysis of initial conditions of braking, and to execute his most effective from the indicated methods.

    Keywords: mine electric locomotive, tension of feed, commutation, pin-storage-battery electric locomotive, condenser of entrance filter, generator.


    1. Волотковский С.А. Рудничная электровозная тяга. -М.: Недра, 1981. – 389с.
    2. Синчук О.Н. Комбинаторика преобразователей напряжения современных тяговых электроприводов рудничных электровозов / О.Н. Синчук, И.О. Синчук, Н.Н. Юрченко, А.А. Чернышов, О.А. Удовенко, О.В. Пасько, Э.С. Гузов. Научное издание. – Київ: ІЕДНАНУ, 2006. – 252с.
    3. Тихменеев Б.Н., Трахтман Л.Н. Подвижный состав электрифицированных железных дорог. – .М,: Транспорт, 1980. – 471 с.
    4. Алексеев Н.И. Оптимизация систем электрической тяги в подземных выработках шахт. – М.: Недра, 1979. – 252 с.
    5. Синчук О.Н., Чумак В.В., Ержов О.В. Импульсные системы управления и защита на рудничном электровозном транспорте. Монография – АДЕФ – Украина, 1998. – 280 с.
    6. Бирзниекс Л.В. Импульсные преобразователи постоянного тока. – М.: Энергия, 1974. – 256 с.
    7. Гриценко А.В., Козаченко Е.В. Новые электрические машины локомотивов: Учебное пособие для вузов ж.-д. транспорта. – М.: ГОУ: Учебно-методический центр по оборудованию на железнодорожном транспорте, 2008. – 271 с.
    8. Основы электрического транспорта: Учебник для студ. высш. учеб. заведений / (М.А. Слепцов, Г.П. Долаберидзе, А.В. Прокопович и др.); под общ. ред. М.А. Слепцова. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2006. – 464 с.
    9. Синчук О.Н., Синчук И.О., Юрченко Н.Н., Чернышов А.А., Удовенко О.А., Пасько О.В., Гузов Э.С. Комбинаторика преобразователей напряжения современных тяговых электроприводов рудничных электровозов. – Київ: ІЕДНАНУ, 2006. – 252 с.

    A manuscript entered release 22.04.16

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  • UDC 622.625.28-83

    Analysis fleet of electric cars modern enterprises shows that most poshyrynymy are DC motors with successive winding. Along with the existing benefits whose main disadvantage is the complexity of the transition last braking mode, and the associated discomfort in the vehicle. So one of nayposhyrynishyh types of brake as electrodynamic, limited by the critical speed, and mode protyvmykannya – maximum braking power. So to save the life of the engine and expand the range of application of dynamic braking mode, an analysis of transients in DC motors sequentially winding. It is noted that the study of electromagnetic processes this type of complicated electric motors, the motors in sequential excitation mag-nitorushiyna force, as a consequence, the magnetic flux changes with the change of the current anchor. To be able to conduct research used laborotornyy stand, which allowed to experiment and build-ing curve magnetized. It held its approximation and graphs. Analysis charts shows that the area of low speeds is the closest expression hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic saturation zone. Obtained through analytical expression expressions magnetization curve made it possible to build a surface of the speed of electromagnetic processes in DC motors sequentially winding modes protyvmykannya and electrodynamic braking. Analysis of the surface shows that switching from one mode electric braking on the other will be accompanied by large current surge engines that are not desirable and significantly worsens the condition of Isola tion of motor windings, the decreases its operation life and reliability of the electric braking, causing greatly depends on the efficiency of the mine electric locomotives. Obvious, too, is an increased level of output ripple current in this mode. The results formulate the basic requirements for braking systems transpotrnoho means that the preparation of a clear algorithm for operation of the system.

    Keywords: mine electric locomotive, electromagnetic, hauling engine, reliability, electric braking, electromechanic.


    1. Волотковский С.А. Рудничная электровозная тяга. -М.: Недра, 1981. – 389с.
    2. Пироженко В.Х. Рудничные электровозы с тиристорным приводом. – К.: Техн1ка, 1981. – 159 с.
    3. Городецкий П.Г. Обзор аналитических выражений кривых намагничивания и гистерезисных петель. – Киев: Воениздат.
    4. Михайлов С.П., Литвинцев А.А. Аппроксимация экспериментальных кривых на- магничивания с помощью рациональных функций. – Дефектоскопия, 1995, № 6.
    5. Синчук О.Н. Комбинаторика преобразователей напряжения современных тяговых электроприводов рудничных электровозов / О.Н. Синчук, И.О. Синчук, Н.Н. Юрченко, А.А. Чернышов, О.А. Удовенко, О.В. Пасько, Э.С. Гузов. Научное издание. – Київ: ІЕДНАНУ, 2006. – 252с.
    6. Тихменеев Б.Н., Трахтман Л.Н. Подвижный состав электрифицированных железных дорог. – .М,: Транспорт, 1980. – 471 с.
    7. Зеленов А.Б. Теория электропривода. Часть 1. Алчевск: ИПЦ «Ладо», ДонГТУ, 2005.
    8. Алексеев Н.И. Оптимизация систем электрической тяги в подземных выработках шахт. – М.: Недра, 1979. – 252.

    A manuscript entered release 22.04.16

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  • UDC 621.316.925:622.82

    An important component for building a sound system of motor control mine electric locomotive is to determine the boundary conditions of transition mode electric traction in dynamic braking mode. Especially at work adversely impulse control systems marked reduction in stress and distortion electric current collector, which significantly reduces the reliability and efficiency of electric traction and braking can cause loss of control. There are various methods of solving this problem, but the methods are based on the use of stored energy in the capacitor input filter is common. The aim of this work is to study electromagnetic processes in mine electric locomotives traction motor system during the transition mode electric traction in braking mode. The analysis of electromagnetic processes in the traction motor system during the transition mode electric traction in braking mode. The analysis is the dependence that makes evaluation of boundary conditions transition mode traction in braking mode depending on a number of factors that the design features of the electric system and initial conditions in the range of braking. During disappearance of tension that rises to the receiver of current to the electromechanic, the feed of control system and acceleration of process of own excitation of ТD in transition of his in the mode of the electrodynamic braking take place due to energy stored by the condenser of entrance filter. got mathematical expressions for determination of parameters of the system at initial excitation of ТD in the mode of braking by the charge of condenser of entrance filter that will allow to estimate duration of time of the effective adjusting of current of excitation, depending on the capacity of condenser, commutation of current of excitation, initial tension on a condenser. From the analysis of electromagnetic processes in ТD of mine electric locomotives in transition of the system of electromechanic from the mode of traction dependence, that allows to make the estimation of maximum terms of transition out of the mode of traction in the mode of braking depending on the row of factors that take into account the structural features of the system of electromechanic and initial conditions in the chain of braking, was set in the mode of braking.

    Keywords: hauling, electric locomotive, electromechanic, braking, against including, condenser, generator.


    1. Волотковский С.А. Рудничная электровозная тяга. -М.: Недра, 1981. – 389с.
    2. Синчук О.Н. Комбинаторика преобразователей напряжения современных тяговых электроприводов рудничных электровозов / О.Н. Синчук, И.О. Синчук, Н.Н. Юрченко, А.А. Чернышов, О.А. Удовенко, О.В. Пасько, Э.С. Гузов. Научное издание. – Київ: ІЕДНАНУ, 2006. – 252с.
    3. Тихменеев Б.Н., Трахтман Л.Н. Подвижный состав электри-фицированных железных дорог. – .М,: Транспорт, 1980. – 471 с.
    4. Алексеев Н.И. Оптимизация систем электрической тяги в подземных выработках шахт. – М.: Недра, 1979. – 252 с.
    5. Синчук О.Н., Чумак В.В., Ержов О.В. Импульсные системы управления и защита на рудничном электровозном транспорте. Монография – АДЕФ – Украина, 1998. – 280 с.
    6. Гаврилов Я.И., Мнацаканов В.А. Вагоны метрополитена с импульсными преобразователями. – М.: Транспорт, 1986. – 229 с.

    A manuscript entered release 16.04.16

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  • UDC 621.316.14

    The results of investigations of the state of insulation of distribution networks mines Kryvbas. Analysis of the insulation value of iron ore mines networks is an important step to improve the efficiency of existing and development of new protective devices against current leakage, which carries out the task of miner safety in the operation of electrical systems in underground mines. Efficient and stable operation of protective devices against leakage measurement is determined by the accuracy of resistance and capacitance network isolation, ie indirect determination of leakage currents, further compensation of capacitive leakage currents and provide a fast enough network outages when an insulation fault or human touch. The analysis and statistical evaluation of electrical insulation parameters of iron ore mines networks. The results are encouraged to take as input in the development of operational and technical requirements for protective devices in distribution networks iron ore mines. An analysis and estimation of the got results of researches of electric parameters of networks allowed to set the range of their change and steady levels. For statistical treatment and to the further estimation of the got results of research all array of the obtained data about the electric parameters of isolation of networks of iron-ore mines in relation to earth was systematized in obedience to breaking up of working range of capacity of isolation of networks on intervals. The pair statistical values of capacity and pure resistance of isolation of networks getting in the corresponding interval of breaking up were set. The obtained data treated the methods of mathematical statistics by means of application of Microsoft Excel package. Histogram of the most probable values of pure resistance and capacity of isolation of networks of iron-ore mines, built on the basis of the obtained data. Analysis of the got histogram, and also the set coefficient of correlation of Pearson for all working range of capacity of isolation testifies to reverse middle intercommunication between a capacity and active resistances of isolation of networks of iron-ore mines. The brought data over obtained and about the electric parameters of networks it is necessary to accept as initial at development operating – technical requirements to UZO applied in iron-ore

    Keywords: iron-ore mines, distributive network, tension of feed, condenser, current of loss, vehicle of protecting from losses.


    1. Розен В.П. Оцінювання енергоефективності електроспоживання вугільних шахт [Текст] / В.П. Розен, Л.В. Давиденко, В.І. Волинець // Підвищення рівня ефективності енергоспоживання в електротехнічних пристроях і системах: Матеріали ІV-ої міжнародної науково-технічної конференції – Луцьк: РВВ ЛДТУ, 2012. – С. 130 – 132.
    2. Пархоменко Р.А. К вопросу оценки процесса электропотребления горнорудных предприятий в условиях неопределенности и неполноты информации [Текст] / Р.А. Пархоменко, А.Н. Яловая, М.А. Баулина // Електромеханічні та енергетичні системи, методи моделювання та оптимізації: Збірник матеріалів конференції Міжнародної 3 науково-технічної конференції молодих учених і спеціалістів. – Кременчук: КрНУ, 2013. – С.190-191.
    3. Messner S. MESSAGE- MACRO: linking an energy supply model with a macroeconomic module and solving it iteratively / S. Messner, L. Schattenholzer // Energy. – 2000. – N 25. – P. 267 – 285.
    4. Праховник А.В. Энергосберегающие режимы электроснабжения горнодобывающих предприятий / А.В. Праховник, В.П. Розен, В.В. Дегтярев // М.: Недра, 1985 – 232 с.
    5. Олейников В.К. Анализ и планирование электропотребления на горных предприятиях / В.К. Олейников // М.: Недра, 1983. – 192 с.
    6. Айвазян С. А. Прикладная статистика. Классификация и снижение размерности / С. А. Айвазян, В.М. Бухштабер, И.С. Енюков, Л.Д. Мешалкин // М.: Финансы и статистика, 1989.— 607 с.
    7. Parkchomenko R. Dynamics appraisal of electrical energy consumption process of iron ore mines in conditions of indeterminacy and insufficiency of information [Electronic source] / R.O. Parkchomenko // Metallurgical and Mining Industry. – 2015. – № 2. – P. 332–335. Access mode: http: // www.metaljournal.com.ua/assets/MMI_2014_6/MMI_2015_2/ 051-Parchomenko.pdf
    8. Синчук И.О. Потенциал электроэнергоэффективности и пути его реализации на производствах с подземными способами добычи железорудного сырья. Монография / И.О. Синчук, Э.С. Гузов, А.Н. Яловая, С.Н. Бойко // под ред. докт. техн. наук, профессора О.Н. Синчука. – Кременчук: Изд. ЧП Щербатых А.В. – 2015. – 296 с.
    9. Синчук О.Н. Оценка состояния и определения тактики повышения эффективности работы участковых подстанций железорудных шахт / О.Н. Синчук, С.Н. Лесной, Р.А. Пархоменко, А.Н. Яловая // Техніка в сільськогосподарському виробництві, галузеве машинобудування, автоматизація. Збірник наукових праць Кіровоградського національного технічного університету. – Кіровоград, 2012. – Випуск 25, частина ІІ. – С.248 – 254.
    10. Розен В.П. Моделирование энергетических режимов энергоемких потребителей железорудных шахт / В.П. Розен, Э.С. Гузов, Р.О. Пархоменко // Науково-технічний збірник «Гірничий вісник». Випуск №97, – Кривий Ріг: 2014. – С.176 – 180.
    11. Пархоменко Р.О. Підвищення ефективності електропостачання у шахтних мережах як один із шляхів підвищення конкурентноспроможності продукції / Р.О. Пархоменко, О.В. Аніськов // Збірник тез доповідей ІІ міжнародної науково-технічної та навчально-методичної конференції «ЕНЕРГЕТИЧНИЙ МЕНЕДЖМЕНТ: СТАН ТА ПЕРСПЕКТИВИ РОЗВИТКУ – PEMS’15»/ Київ: Національний технічний університет України «КПІ», 2015.-

    A manuscript entered release 26.04.16

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  • UDC 621.316.925:622.82

    The article deals with how mine electric braking with the electric DC. From Values urgency and the need to find solutions to improve the efficiency of the electric braking mine electric locomotives. It is established that the scope of the latter is limited by self-excitation traction motors, which in turn makes it difficult to brake the need to use additional elements to initiate excitation current. Based on the conditions of self-excitation motors have analyzed the most common circuit design of electric traction, highlights the main elements that make up such schemes and generalized structure composed of traction electric drive with impulse control. The possible options for sharing regime electrodynamic braking and traction engines protyvmykannya. Noted problems that arise with this method of braking. Prepared guidelines for a braking mode. The main features that should perform effective braking algorithm. It is noted that the main task is to provide a wide range of application failures and prevent electrical braking system. Coming from made condition, authors are conduct the analysis of the most widespread structures of hauling electromechanics. As be indicated higher, the first condition of own excitation of engine is provided by schematics. From it is here possible to distinguish two, most widespread structures: with реверсированием of puttee of anchor(excitation) and without revers. It is separately necessary to notice that revers of puttee of excitation is not desirable, as possibility of demagnetization is the last, and in this connection authenticity of blowing off braking rises substantially. Therefore structures from the реверсором puttee of anchor found greater distribution. From the analysis of job performances, it is possible to draw conclusion, that impulsive management allows to carry out combination of the modes of braking that promotes efficiency of the electric braking of mine electric locomotives in general a hauling electromechanic. Thus there is a necessity for created to the algorithm of the effective braking of electromechanic of hauling engines mine to the electric locomotive, it is also certain that basic functions that it must execute there are providing of wide range of application and prevention of refuses of the system of the electric braking.

    Keywords: braking, electric locomotive, traction, electromechanics descriptions, tension of feed, condenser.


    1. Волотковский С.А. Рудничная электровозная тяга. –М.: Недра, 1981. – 389 с.
    2. Синчук О.Н. Комбинаторика преобразователей напряжения современных тяговых электроприводов рудничных электровозов / О.Н. Синчук, И.О. Синчук, Н.Н. Юрченко, А.А. Чернышов, О.А. Удовенко, О.В. Пасько, Э.С. Гузов. Научное издание. – Київ: ІЕДНАНУ, 2006. – 252с.
    3. Синчук О.Н., Чумак В.В., Ержов О.В. Импульсные системы управления и защита на рудничном электровозном транспорте. Монография – АДЕФ – Украина, 1998. – 280 с.
    4. Синчук О.Н. Шахтный электровозный транспорт. Теория, конструкции, электрооборудование / О.Н. Синчук, Э.С. Гузов, В.Л. Дебелый, Л.Л. Дебелый; под ред. докт. техн. наук, проф. О.Н. Синчука. – Кривой Рог – Донецк: ЧП Щербатых А. В., 2015. – 296 с.
    5. Тихменеев Б.Н., Трахтман Л.Н. Подвижный состав электри-фицированных железных дорог. – .М,: Транспорт, 1980. – 471 с.
    6. Зеленов А.Б. Теория электропривода. Часть 1. Алчевск: ИПЦ «Ладо», ДонГТУ, 2005.
    7. Алексеев Н.И. Оптимизация систем электрической тяги в подземных выработках шахт. – М.: Недра, 1979. – 252 с.
    8. Гаврилов Я.И., Мнацаканов В.А. Вагоны метрополитена с импульсными преобразователями. – М.: Транспорт, 1986. – 229 с.

    A manuscript entered release 14.03.16

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  • UDC 621.316.925:622.82

    Traction electric mine locomotive contactor has some problems with reliability. In particular, the question of improving the functioning of the contact mine electric locomotives in violation of normal power supply. Currently, there are a number of solutions to ensure trouble-free operation while reducing electric or disappearance of the supply voltage, developed a system coordinating the formation interval closing and opening pulses. But this option is increasing the reliability does not protect against false pulse interference. Since the deviation from nominal values or even the disappearance of the supply voltage can occurаion. The goal of this method is to improve the reliability of electric traction electric tools’s contact management system. The disappearance of the supply voltage is the most unfavorable situation. At the same time with a decrease in capacitor voltage from which powered the control system having impulse noise resulting from the switching pulse equipment. Information about switching contactors enters the control input changing towards reducing its output voltage whereby the monitored voltage proportional to the ratio value of ripple current and voltage proportional to the level of restriction. In excess of the current level, and in the absence of capacitor recharging process, and if the current in the power circuit of the engine increases, then formed an extraordinary impulse to unlocking key. If impulse noise occurs in the circuit manager during the closed state of the IP, the current engine begins to grow. So quickly recognized the disruption of the IP regime early. It also formed an extraordinary Correct-thick boost. Therefore, in case of power failure in the power supply capacitor discharge current filter input when creating the initiating braking current does not exceed the specified level. In order to prevent accidents which may occur during prolonged power failure in power supply current collector’s vehicle to keep control of the electric in violation of the normal supply. Why disappearances during supply voltage mode control system should be selected automatically based on the nature of the traffic changes in voltage levels and current collector’s capacitor.

    Keywords: reliability, pin electric locomotive, electromechanic, hauling engine, control system, braking.


    1. Волотковский С.А. Рудничная электровозная тяга. -М.: Недра, 1981. – 389с.
    2. Синчук О.Н. Комбинаторика преобразователей напряжения современных тяговых электроприводов рудничных электровозов / О.Н. Синчук, И.О. Синчук, Н.Н. Юрченко, А.А. Чернышов, О.А. Удовенко, О.В. Пасько, Э.С. Гузов. Научное издание. – Київ: ІЕДНАНУ, 2006. – 252с.
    3. Тихменеев Б.Н., Трахтман Л.Н. Подвижный состав электри-фицированных железных дорог. – .М,: Транспорт, 1980. – 471 с.
    4. Алексеев Н.И. Оптимизация систем электрической тяги в подземных выработках шахт. – М.: Недра, 1979. – 252 с.
    5. Синчук О.Н., Чумак В.В., Ержов О.В. Импульсные системы управления и защита на рудничном электровозном транспорте. Монография – АДЕФ – Украина, 1998. – 280 с.
    6. Якимец С.Н. Структура та режими функціонування тягового електротехнічного комплексу двохосьових електровозів: автореферат диссертации на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук. Кременчуг. – 2011.
    7. Проценко Д. Підвищення енергоефективності керування тяговим двигуном рухомого складу міського електротранспорту/ Дмитро Проценко, Вадим Чуба // Современные информационные технологии на транспорте, в промышленности и образовании. – Дніпропетровськ, 2010. – С. 18.
    8. Гаврилов Я.И., Мнацаканов В.А. Вагоны метрополитена с импульсными преобразователями. – М.: Транспорт, 1986. – 229 с.

    A manuscript entered release 28.03.16

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  • UDC 622.7: 658.562

    The main areas of achievement of economic benefit in iron ore enriching is to increase the productivity of production units and improving the quality of the product, which requires a complex automation of enrichment processes. Control of processing complex is costly – expensive measuring equipment and considerable computing power. In addition, iron ore beneficiation process should be viewed as a distributed system consisting of separate processes with separate control systems, interconnected and influenced each other. Considering hydrocyclone of one single, the second stage of grinding, can greatly simplify the calculations and allow to consider possible reaction. This begs the question of the development of a control system, that takes into account the considered aspects. Solution of development of such control system determines the urgency of this work. Its purpose is to develop a second stage hydrocyclone grinding control system in view of its position in the hierarchy of the overall system. Major parameters that affect the operation of the hydrocyclone in conjunction with a sump and possible control actions are caused. The basic technological complex control methods sump-hydrocyclone are reviewed. A control system of considered complex process with deterministic parameters designed. Shown directions for further research – the use of modern intelligent automation and improvement of the distributed control of iron ore enrichment complex. here are constructions of hydraulic cyclones, having the managed or removable sandy attachments of different sizes. With their help it is possible to control a closeness and largeness of sands and, thus, influence on efficiency of division. In mining industry they did not find a wideuse from the high unevenness of hard iron-ore breeds. The got results allow to say that consideration of concentrating complex as the decentralized system consisting of separate technological mechanisms with own control system, gives an opportunity more effectively to manage a process on the whole, saving time and calculable resources. For more effective management it is necessary in more detail to consider the question of connection the hydraulic cyclone of the second stage of growing shallow with the objects of the previous and subsequent stages and apply modern intellectual facilities

    Keywords: hydraulic cyclone, sump, control system, mill, enriching, distributed systems, closeness, productivity.


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    A manuscript entered release 07.04.16

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  • UDC 65.011.56: 622.7.01

    The results of the research methods of identification of nonlinear control objects in a processing industry on the basis of kernel Volterra-Laguerre transformations in the conditions of instability specifications for the processing of iron ore were proposed. The methods of determining factors in the formation of Laguerre models of processing of iron ore was analysed. In the conditions of price advance on power resources by the major question of management the decline of prime price and power-hungryness of technological processes of booty and processing of raw material becomes mining enterprises. One of the largest consumers of energy on the enterprises of this type is a washery of ore. Among factors influencing on the expense of electric power, it is necessary to distinguish instability of descriptions of ore material acting on a washery, that complicates maintenance in the technological line of optimal regime parameters. The decision of this task is indissolubly related to perfection to the systems of automatic control by the technological processes of enriching with the use of modern models, criteria and management methods. The different aspects of authentication of nonlinear objects of management in the conditions of concentrating production the far of works is sanctified to, in particular. In a general view description of process of processing of iron-ore raw material is carried out on the basis of differential equalizations in partials. In an order to take into account spatial distribution and changeability in time of descriptions of ore material apply a spatio-temporal variable, describing maintenance of iron in the classes of largeness of the processed ore raw material up-diffused on the technological line of enriching. As a result of the conducted analysis the method of active great numbers was chosen. In particular, the indicated method showed the best results of search of optimal decision at different initial conditions, while other prospected methods required additional calculations for determination of initial conditions. Analysis of results of research of methods of authentication of control system on the basis of non-parametric nuclear estimations showed expediency of authentication of nonlinear objects of management the technological aggregates of concentrating production in the conditions of concentrating production on the basis of nuclear transformation of Walter – Laguerre. Further researches it is expedient to conduct in area of increase of exactness and speed of convergence of the considered methods of authentication.

    Keywords: automation, management, non-linearity, ore-dressing, model of Walter – Laguerre.


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    14. Dumont, G. A. and Ye Fu (1993) Non-linear adaptive control via Laguerre expansion of Volterra kernels. Int. J. of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing, 7, 367-382.
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    16. Dumont, G. A., Ye Fu, and A.L.Elshafei, (1991) Functions in identification and adaptive control. IFAC Int. Symp., Singapore, 193-198.
    17. Трифонов А. Г. Постановка задачи оптимизации и численные методы ее решения / А. Г. Трифонов. – [Електронний ресурс] – Режим доступу: http://matlab.exponenta.ru/optimiz/book 2/index.php.

    A manuscript entered release 18.04.16

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  • UDC 681.513.54:622.788

    The article deals with current issues of efficiency thermal processing of iron ore pellets on conveyor roasting machines. Existing approaches and methods of automatic process control pellet heat treatment on the basis of the information highlights the main advantages and disadvantages presented by the systems of automatic control. Found that the methods and techniques to manage the process of heat treatment of pellets not fully understood and are under investigation. Based on the analysis of existing operations as well as advanced management methods inertia processes are characterized by parameters transience of time, determined the direction of future research – development of methods for predicting adaptive process control heat treatment conditions in pellet size distribution and fluctuations poroznosti layer, changing the parameters of the process equipment. The variant management structure of the temperature regime of burning pellets to separate the gas chamber kilns conveyor machines, offering the operational parameter estimation process model for further adaptation parameters predictive controller. The numerous researches, sent to development of characters and management methods by the process of heat treatment of the iron-ore pellets on a conveyer обжигательной machine, sent to intensification of process (increase of the productivity, decline of specific энергозатрат) without the decline of quality of eventual products, did not result in creation of the effective systems of automatic control. Reasons consist of characteristic features of process, that complicate formalization of tasks of optimization of process after different criteria and in the conditions of change of the parameters of technological equipment, caused by the vibrations of grain-size distribution and layer on the light carts of обжигательной machine. The executed analysis of literary sources showed that the possible way of overcoming of the indicated defects can be application of modern methods of adaptive forecasting control. It is shown that Methodology of improvement of control system must be grounded the process of heat treatment of pellets on the association of algorithms of management with forecasting models and algorithms operative estimations of parameters for adaptation of parameters of model of process and parameters of forecasting regulator. The variant of structure of control system is offered by the temperature condition of burning-out of pellets for the separate air-gas chamber of conveyer обжигательной machine that will realize the described approach. Directions of further researches are comparisons of efficiency of different methods operative estimations of parameters to the object for the terms of process thermally treatments of pellets for the models of different classes.

    Keywords: burning, conveyer machine, heat treatment of pellets, adaptive prognostication, automatic control operative estimation of parameters.


    1. Carvalho A. Challenges & opportunities for the steel industry in moving towards green growth //OECD Green Growth Workshop, Seoul, 4 March 2010, 16 р.
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    3. Юсфин Ю.С. Обжиг железорудных окатышей / Ю.С. Юсфин, Т.Н. Базилевич. – М. : Металлургия, 1973. – 272 с.
    4. Полищук А. П. Исследование и разработка систем автоматического контроля и регулирования процесса обжига железорудных окатышей на конвейерной машине : дис. … канд. техн. наук : 05.13.07 / Александр Павлович Полищук. – Днепропетровск, 1970. – 124 с.
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    6. Автоматизация фабрик окускования железных руд и концентратов / Н.В. Федоровский, В.В. Даньшин, В.И. Губанов, Р.И. Сигуа. – М. : Металлургия, 1986. – 200 с.
    7. Математическое обеспечение АСУ ТП производства железорудных окатышей на конвейерных машинах / А.П. Буткарев, Г.М. Майзель, Е.В. Некрасова [и др.] // Сталь. – 1995. – № 4. – С. 67–75.
    8. Глинков Г.М. АСУ ТП в черной металлургии : учебник для вузов / Г.М. Глинков, В.А. Маковский. – Изд. 2-е перераб. и доп. – М. : Металлургия, 1999. – 310 с.
    9. Повышение эффективности АСУ горно-металлургического производства на основе интеллектуализации управления : монография / Ю.И. Еременко, Л.М. Боева, Л.А. Кузнецов, В.Б. Крахт. – Старый Оскол : ООО «ТНТ», 2005. – 408 с.
    10. Еременко Ю.И. О применении нечеткого логического контроллера в управлении процессом обжига окисленных окатышей / Ю.И. Еременко // Мехатроника, автоматизация, управление. – 2003. – № 9. – С. 39–43.
    11. Рубан С.А. Использование нечетких регуляторов для автоматизации технологического процесса обжига на конвейерных обжиговых машинах / С.А. Рубан, В.И. Лобов // Разработка рудных месторождений. – 2007. – № 91. – С. 188–193.
    12. Поркуян О.В. Керування нелінійними динамічними об’єктами збагачувальних виробництв на основі гібридних моделей Гамерштейна : дис. … д-ра техн. наук : 05.13.07 / Ольга Вікторівна Поркуян. – Кривий Ріг, 2009. – 379 с.
    13. Рубан С.А. Автоматизація процесу керування термічною обробкою залізорудних обкотишів з використанням прогнозуючих ANFIS-моделей: автореф. дис. … канд. техн. наук : 05.13.07 / С. А. Рубан ; Криворіз. техн. ун-т. – Кривий Ріг, 2011. — 20 с.

    A manuscript entered release 04.04.16

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  • UDC 681.513.6:621.69

    Automation of production plants allows more rapid and accurate reproduction of the technological process. With full automation of the process, one does not need constant human participation; it remains the role of an observer and a spotter. At the moment it is advisable to automate production facilities using microprocessor systems (programmable controllers), which allow you to replace hard logic with software control, improve the reliability and flexibility of the control system. The article deals with topical issues of the effectiveness of the process of water supply to the concentrating plant. The technological process of water supply to the pipeline is briefly described. The question of the productivity of the adaptive control system of the pumping station of the water supply, and the requirements for it, is justified, an analogy between the existing systems is made. Substantiation of the expediency of using the automatic control system of a pumping station and a system based on fuzzy logic is developed. The amount of water in the sections affects the quality of enrichment, since the technological process also affects. Operation of the automatic control system of water supply to the concentrator plant significantly affects the economy of production. Examples of ATS of pumping stations are considered, their advantages and disadvantages are determined, and the quality and productivity of automated systems of pumping stations are analyzed. The pumping station control system based on fuzzy logic is developed and analyzed; its advantages and disadvantages are given. The automated control system of the pumping station based on fuzzy logic increases productivity by taking into account the water costs in each section, based on this, a specific amount of water is supplied to the pipeline, so that it can be said that the pipeline will be less loaded, since the water in it exactly how many sections do you need. Also, the operation of pumps consumes a significant amount of electricity, which increases the company’s cash costs. The amount of water on the section affects the quality of ore enrichment, because this is a direct influence on the technological process. The control method is described; the adaptation formulas are derived. Thus, the direction of further research is indicated – the development of automatic control systems for the capacity of the pumping station, calculating the volume of water needed for each section.

    Keywords: adaptive, control system, efficiency, reliability, stabilization.


    1. Богданов О.С. Справочник по обогащению руд. Обогатительные фабрики. [Текст] / редкол. О.С. Богданов, Ю.Ф. Ненарокомов. — 2-ое изд. — М.: Недра, 1984. — 360 c.
    2. Богданов О.С. Справочник по обогащению руд. Специальные и вспомогательные процессы, испытания обогатимости, контроль и автоматика. [Текст] / редкол. О.С. Богданов, В.И. Ревнивцев . — 2-ое изд. — М.: Недра, 1986. — 376 с.
    3.Республиканская программа “Энергосбережение”. — Мн.: Полымя, 1995.
    4. Карасев Б.И. Насосные и воздуходувные станции. / Б.И. Карасев. — Мн.: ВШ, 1990. — 326 с.
    5. Автоматизация тепловых пунктов: Справочное пособие. / Витальев В.П., Фаликов В.С. — М.: Энергоатомиздат, 1989.
    6. Електрооборудование сельськохозяйских предприятий: учеб. пособие /В.А Дайнеко, А.И.Ковалинский. — Минск: Новое знании, 2008. — 320с.:ил. — (Техническое образование).
    7. Леоненков А.В. Нечеткое моделирование в бреде MATLAB fazzyTECH. – СПб.:БХВ-Петербург, 2005ю – 736 с.
    8. Тэрано Т., Прикладные нечеткие системы: пер. с япон./ К.Асаи, Д. Ватада, С. Иваи и др.; под редакцией Т. Терано, К. Асаи, М. Сугено. – М.: Мир, 1993. – 368 с.
    9. Гостев В.И. Нечеткие регуляторы в системах автоматического управления. – К.: «Радиаматор», 2008. 972с.
    10. Абрамов А.А., Леонов С.Б. Обогащение руд цветных металлов Учеб. для вузов. – М: Недра, 1991. – 407 с

    A manuscript entered release 18.04.16

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  • UDC 681.51: 622.788

    In well-known publications, issues related to the use of the influence of the temperature regimes of neighboring chambers are not considered, the volumes of compressed air are not determined and the models do not take into account other parameters that affect the productivity of the machine and the quality of the pellets. The scientific and practical task of using a multidimensional process control system is substantiated, and a modal regulator has been developed to provide the optimal pellet firing regime in a conveyor machine, which will improve the machine’s productivity, reduce energy costs for production and improve the quality of the final product. The method of synthesis of regulators for multidimensional circulating linear dynamic objects is discussed in the article. At the heart of the approach used to solve the synthesis problem is the formation of various tempo processes in a closed system, where the stability of fast processes is ensured by the choice of regulator parameters, and slow processes are formed that correspond to the specified reference equation. The well-known publications do not address issues related to the use of the influence of the temperature conditions of neighboring chambers, the volume of compressed air is not determined, and other parameters that affect the productivity of the machine and the quality of the pellets are not taken into account in the models. The proposed multidimensional mathematical model takes into account: the height of the pellet layer, the stabilization of gas pressure, the gas flow rate in the drying zone, the adjustment of the temperature and pressure in the hearth of the heating zone, the stabilization of the air flow in the cooling zone, the adjustment of air temperature and other technological parameters.
    To ensure the optimal mode of pellet firing, it is proposed to use an automatic control system based on the modal regulator. Modeling of the pellet firing process in the conveyor furnace of pelletizing plant with SIMULINK software package MATLAB was carried out. The modal regulator is synthesized for this model. As a result of simulation of a multidimensional automatic control system using a modal controller, it was found that the maximum duration of the transient process is 120 seconds of air flow in the drying zone 1, and the minimum one is a second, with the regulation of the height of the pellet layer.

    Keywords: conveyor furnace, pellet firing, multidimensional model of the object, matrix, modeling, transient process.


    1. Ксензовский В.Р. Автоматизация процессов производства окатышей. // Изд-во “Металлургия”, 1971.
    2. Боковиков Б.А. Математическое моделирование динамики процесса обжига окатышей на конвейерной машине / Б.А. Боковиков, В.М. Малкин, М.И. Найдич // Металлургическая теплотехника. – 2002. – № 8. – С. 25-31
    3. Купин А.И., Рубан С.А. Исследование инверсных моделей нейроконтроллера для систем интеректуального управления ТП горнорудных предприятий // Вісник Криворізького технічного університету. – Вип.18 – Кривий Ріг: КТУ, 2007. – С. 157-161.
    4. Рубан С.А., Лобов В.Й Использование нечетких регуляторов для автоматизации технологического процесса обжига окатышей на конвейерных обжиговых машинах // Разраб. рудн. месторожд. – Вып. 91. – Кривой Рог: КТУ, 2007. – С. 188-193.
    5. Лобов В.Й. Моделювання розподілу температур у шарі залізорудних обкотишів газоповітряної камери в конвеєрних печах фабрики огрудкування / В. Й. Лобов, М. О. Котляр // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. – 2015. – № 2. – С. 109-117.
    6. Лобов В.Й. Дослідження термічної обробки шару обкотишів у газоповітряній камері обпалювальної машини конвеєрного типу / В. Й. Лобов, М. О. Котляр // Науковий вісник Національного гірничого університету. – 2015. – № 3. – С. 131-136
    7. Лобов В.Й. Автоматизовані системи керування процесами термічної обробки обкотишів на конвеєрній випалюваній машині: В.Й. Лобов, Л.І. Єфіменко, М.П. Тиханський, С.А. Рубан. – Кривий Ріг: Видавничий центр ДВНЗ «КНУ», 2015. – 236 с.
    8. Рубан С.А., Лобов В.Й. Розробка принципів керування температурним режимом процесу випалювання котунів з використанням прогнозуючих ANFIS-моделей [Текст] // Радіоелектроніка. Інформатика. Управління. – 2008. – С. 69-74.
    9. Рубан С. А. Автоматизація процесу керування термічною обробкою залізорудних обкотишів з використанням прогнозуючих ANFIS-моделей: автореф. дис. … канд. техн. наук : 05.13.07 / С. А. Рубан ; Криворіз. техн. ун-т. — Кривий Ріг, 2011.
    10. Рубан С.А. Комп’ютерне моделювання алгоритму оптимального керування температурним режимом випалювання котунів з використанням прогнозуючих ANFIS-моделей / С.А. Рубан, В.И. Лобов // Вісник КТУ: зб. наук. праць. –Кривий Ріг: КТУ, 2008. – Вип. 21. – С. 150
    11. Юркевич В.Д. Синтез регуляторов для многомерных систем на основе метода разделения движений // Труды X Международной конференции «Идентификация систем и задачи управления» SICPRO ‘15 Москва 26-29 января 2015 г.
    12. Репнікова Н.Б., Писаренко А.В., Замуренко К.В., Зімарєв Ф.С. Алгоритм синтезу модального регулятора багатовимірної системи управління // Науково-теоретичний журнал “Штучний інтелект”. – No2’2009 – Донецьк. ДонНТУ. – С. 69-75.
    13. Vyacheslav Lobov, Karina Lobova, Mykhailo Koltiar. Investigation of temperature distribution along the height of the layer of pellets on conveyor roasting machine. Metallurgical and Mining Industry, No. 4, p.p. 34-38, 2015.

    A manuscript entered release 18.04.16

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  • UDC 622.733-52

    The history of constructing models of dynamical systems is mostly based on the linear concept, according to which the superposition principle is the main one. Hence the mathematical apparatus of such models: linear differential and difference equations with constant coefficients, frequency methods, transfer functions, correlation models. Such assumptions create the illusion that according to a few data of trajectory measurements in an extended state space, including both output and control variables, one can obtain a global model. A significant part of modern methods of synthesis of control systems of technological processes is based on linear representations about the object of control. In recent years, the methodology for creating dual nonparametric models of control objects is developing. For example, in an analysis of this approach is given. However, in all the works of this direction, there remains a tendency to place the determination of the parameters of the object model as the primary task, despite the indication in the headlines of the articles on the synthesis of “nonparametric” models. The main feature of linear processes is the assumption of the validity of the superposition principle. However, most of the existing processes are linear only conditional. Therefore, the attempt to obtain a global model of a nonlinear object is almost doomed. At present, a number of mathematical and physical schools are developing an approach based on no equilibrium dynamics, which makes it increasingly possible to raise the question of the management object as a “black box”. This approach is developing in this work. The above results give grounds for considering this approach to be more rational than linear. The possibility of synthesizing a regulator of a non-stationary nonlinear control object in both stable and unstable state is demonstrated on numerical examples without the need to measure parameters, determine the exact structure, adjust the controller based on the local model, and show the advantage of this approach. The method of synthesis of the regulator presented in this work differs completely from the absence of the need to calculate the coefficients in accordance with the parameters of the control object and further tuning. The regulator copes quite well with the management of an unstable object.

    Keywords: mobile model, local model, global model, extended matrix, attractor, bifurcation, pools, repellers, superposition principle, black box.


    1. Tanaka K., Sugeno M. Stability analysis and design of fuzzy control systems // IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst. – 1992. – V. 45. – № 2. – P. 135–156.
    2. Tanaka K., Wang H.O. Fuzzy control systems design and analysis: a linear matrix inequality approach. – N.Y.: Wiley, 2001.
    3. Metatrader 5 — индикаторы.Третье поколение нейросетей: “глубокие нейросети” 27 ноября 2014, 10:37 2014, 10:3. Интернет-ресурс:https://www.mql5.com/ru/articles/1103
    4. Герасина А.В. Структурно-параметрическая идентификация процессов дробления и измельчения руд: монография / А.В. Герасина, В.И. Корниенко. –Д.: Национальный горный университет, 2013. – 101 с.
    5. Корнієнко В.І. Автоматизація оптимального керування процесами дроблення і здрібнювання руд: монографія / В.І. Корнієнко. – Д.: Національний гірничий університет, 2013. – 193 с.
    6. Медведев А.В. О теории непараметрческих систем управления. Вестник Томского Государственного университета. Управление, Вычислительная Техника И Информатика , Выпуск № 1 (22) / 2013. С. 6-19. Научная библиотека КиберЛенинка. Интернет-ресурс: http://cyberleninka.ru/article/n/o-teorii-neparametricheskih-sistem-upravleniya.
    7. Жосан А.А. Розробка алгоритмів дуального управління відцентровим дезінтегратором руд. Автореф. дис. на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук, КТУ, 1998 р. – 17 с. Спеціальність 05.13.07 – Автоматизація технологічних процесів.
    8. Жосан А.А. Концепція моделі динамічного об’єкта керування як потоку вхідних і вихідних даних. Вісник Криворізького технічного університету. випуск 22, Кривий Ріг, 2008 (жовтень), С. 154-157.
    9. Anatoliy Zhosan, Sergey Lipanchikov. Numerical modeling of disintegration process dual control. Metallurgical and Mining Industry, 2015, No. 3, p.p 74-77.

    A manuscript entered release 23.04.16

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  • UDC 622.73:622.023

    One of the most topical areas of activity of JSC “Rudpromgeofizika” is research of physic mechanical properties of rocks and ores associated with the improvement of mining technology. The establishment of the relationship between the content of magnetite in the Valyavkin deposit ore and its strength characteristics will allow to effectively correct the amount of explosive put into the wells during blasting operations depending on the results of magnetic logging. The article discusses the relationship between the content of magnetite in the ferruginous quartzite’s of GOK Arcelor Mittal Krivoy Rog and their strength. The main scientific result is to obtain a relationship between the content of a useful component and the strength of ferruginous quartzite’s. The dependence between the iron content in the ore in the well and the amount of the explosive to be put into the well during blasting operations is established: in order to increase the efficiency of the explosion and to reduce the explosive consumption, the strength of the rock to be exploded is determined in advance on each of the wells and the amount of the explosive to be filled is adjusted, rocks, the amount of explosives is reduced, and with increasing – is increased in direct proportion to the strength of the rocks being exploded. Given the established relationship between the strength of ferruginous quartzite’s and the content of magnetic iron in them, it is proposed to improve the device for magnetic logging of blast hole blasting holes, adding it to the block for calculating rock strength. The obtained device will provide information on the strength of the rock mass around the tested wells, which will enable us to calculate the required amount of explosives for effective blasting operations. The use of the proposed device for magnetic well survey of blast holes allows simultaneous determination of the magnetite content in the tested rocks and their strength.

    Keywords: ferruginous quartzite’s, strength, magnetite content, logging.


    1. Азарян А.А., Дрига В.В. Математическая модель устройства кон¬троля массовой доли магнитного железа в рудах//Вестник Криворожского технического университета. 2005, Выпуск 6. – С. 57-61.
    2. Азарян А.А., Дрига В.В., Цыбулевский Ю.Е. Датчик железа магнитного//Металлургия и горнорудная промышленность. 2004. №6. – С. 69 – 71.
    3. Азарян А.А., Дрига В.В., Цыбулевский Ю.Е. Исследование автогенераторного метода контроля содержания железа магнитного в продуктах обогащения//Сборник трудов. «Качество 2005». – С. 117 – 123.
    4. Дрига В.В., Цыбулевский Ю.Е., Фащевский Д.П. Исследование и разработка устройства оперативного контроля содержания магнитного желе¬за в горной массе//Сборник трудов КТУ, Кривой Рог 2002. – С. 74-80.
    5. Патент №60612А. Україна МКИ G01N27/72 Пристрій оператив¬ного контролю масової частини магнітного заліза у гірській масі. Азарян А.А., Дрига В.В., Демченко О.М., Цибулевський Ю.Є. Заявл. 14.01.2003. Опубл. 15.10.2003. Бюл.№10.
    6. Патент №6225 Украйна МКИ G01N27/72. Пристрій оперативного контролю масової частини заліза магнітного у гірничій масі. Азарян А.А., Дрига В.В., Цибулевський Ю.Є., Кривенко А.Ю. Заяв. 13.12.2004. Опубл. 15.04.2005. Бюл.№4.
    7.Домарев Д.С. Исследование влияния вещественного состава и структурно-текстурных особенностей магнетитовых роговиков Скелеватского месторождения на их физико-механические свойства: дис. … канд. техн. наук / Домарев Д. С. – Кривой Рог, 1969 – 221 с.
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    9. Обогатимость железных руд / [Богданова И. П., Нестерова Н. А., Федорченко Н. А., Грицай Ю. Л.].-М.:Недра,1989. -158 с.
    10. Патент №80707 Україна МПК G01V 3/18. Пристрій для магнітного каротажу геофізичних свердловин. Азарян А.А., Цибулевський Ю.Є., Шаров В.В., Юрко О.В., Лисовой В.Н. Заяв. 06.12.2004. Опубл. 25.10.2007, бюл. № 17

    A manuscript entered release 24.04.16

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  • UDC 621.311.086.5:621.3.001

    The quality of the knowledge of the converter technology determines the level of qualification of future specialists in the electro technical direction, but the possibilities that the laboratory presents at the moment are limited in connection with the obsolescence of the equipment. In this connection, the module of the autonomous voltage inverter was developed as one of the main types of the converter, the feature of which is the possibility of investigating transients in each link of the converter. This will significantly improve the process of securing the theoretical knowledge of students empirically. The article presents practical results on the construction of the module “Autonomous voltage inverter” for carrying out laboratory and research work in the laboratory. The issue of improving the quality of knowledge of students with converter technology – is receiving increasing attention. The quality of knowledge with the converter technology determines the level of qualification of future specialists in the electro technical direction, but the opportunities that are currently provided are limited due to the obsolescence of laboratory equipment. Thus, the task was set to develop a module of an autonomous voltage inverter, as one of the main types of the converter. The developed module allows to cover the needs in the study of autonomous inverters in full. The student will be able to observe the operation of the inverter with scalar and vector control. Based on these observations, he can draw a conclusion about which of the types of controls would be better suited in different situations. Also, the student can get to know the active rectifier. In addition, the module’s autonomy and expansion of its capabilities using USB will directly link the module to the computer and use a specialized program that will allow to display both the measured values from the controller and set the parameters of the system directly during operation. This module, will be indispensable for scientific research in the work of graduate students and undergraduates. Proceeding from the latter, the task that was set is an actual and effective means of improving the quality of students’ knowledge in the field of transformational technology.

    Keywords: conversion technology, laboratory stand, voltage inverter, frequency converter, PWM.


    1.Виноградов А.С. Математические основы векторного управления електроприводами переменного тока: метод. указания для самост. работы студентов по курсу «Векторное управление електроприводами переменного тока» / А.Б. Виноградов, В.Л.Чистосердов; ГОУВПО «Ивановский государственный энергетический университет им. В.И.Ленина». – Иваново, 2004, – 40с.
    2. Архангельский Н.Л. Формирование алгоритмов управления в частотно-управляемом электроприводе / Н.Л.Архангельский, В.Л.Чистосердов //-М. Электротехника. – 1994. –No3. –С. 48–52.
    3. Чехет Э.М. Непосредственные преобразователи частоты для електропривода / Э.М.Чехет, В.П.Мордач, В.Н.Соболев. –Киев: Наук.думка,1988. – 224 с.
    4. Солонина А.И. Основы цифровой обработки сигналов: Курс лекций Изд. 2-е испр. и перераб. / Солонина А.И., Улахович Д.А., Арбузов С.М., Соловьева Е.Б. –СПб.: БХВ-Петербург, -2005 – 768 с.
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    7. Datasheet на полевой транзистор IRF840 [Електронний ресурс] // FAIRCHILD. – 2014. – Режим доступу до ресурсу: http://intranet.ctism.ufsm.br/gsec/Datasheets/IRF840.pdf.
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    9. Зіманков Р.В. / Стенд фізичного моделювання перетворювачів / Є.С. Біднов, Р.В. Зіманков // Всеукраїнський конкурс студентських наукових робіт з галузі „Електротехніка та електромеханіка”. Збірник тез доповідей. / Дніпродзержинськ: ДДТУ. – 2015. – с. 82

    A manuscript entered release 12.04.16

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  • UDC 62 – 83: 629.423.1

    In recent years, work has continued to create a safe-to-operate contact-battery type electric locomotives with an energy efficient traction electric drive: IGBT-converters (autonomous voltage inverters (AIN)) – traction induction electric motors (TAD). As a rule, the platform for these new types are the bases of 10 and 14 ton machines. The accuracy of the determination of the TAD parameters is now achieved, as a rule, using the well-known optimization methods: Lagrange multipliers, calculus of variations, dynamic programming, maximum principle, linear programming, simplex method, nonlinear programming, geometric programming, least squares, optimal observers. The disadvantage of these methods is the need to use functional dependencies, which must be known in advance. Performing a large number of mathematical actions in the implementation of the methods listed above – solving a system of high-order linear or differential equations raises the requirements for the functionality of a microprocessor-based computing system and the complexity of software. For practical implementation of the system for identification and diagnosis of electrical parameters of TAD in real time – the terms of the two-module traction electromechanical systems of mine electric locomotives, it is expedient to develop methods using the minimum number of parameters found from the measured data and optimizing their values by easily algorithmic simple methods, for example, the dichotomy method. To this end, the authors developed a method that compares the transient processes obtained from the measured coordinates and calculated on a fairly simple mathematical model for the operating conditions of the traction electric drive of an electric locomotive. The results of modeling transient processes in asynchronous engines of traction biaxial electric locomotives on a mathematical model on instantaneous and average values described by recurrence relations that allow calculating instantaneous and average values of coordinates corresponding to the coordinates measured by the sensors are considered. The application of the model of the proposed structure and the creation of a system based on the average values of the current electro technical parameters of traction induction motors will eliminate the interference that affects the accuracy of the system and increase its reliability in general.

    Keywords: traction drive, electric locomotive, transient processes


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    A manuscript entered release 16.03.16

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  • UDC 621.316

    The quality of electric energy should meet the requirements established by regulatory documents, since electricity is directly used for the creation of other types of products, has a significant impact on the economic performance of production, the quality of manufactured products. The article considers the essence of the problem of the deviation of the quality of electrical energy of industrial distribution networks from the standardized values. The aim of the work is to focus attention on the issue of insufficient regulatory and technical bases on the basis of which large industrial objects carry out activities to control and regulate the quality of electrical energy in power supply systems. It is determined that in order to reduce the specific energy costs and increase the energy efficiency of the enterprise, it is necessary to significantly improve the priority of energy management in the planning process of its operation, which in turn is impossible without an efficient and efficient system for monitoring and regulating the main parameters of the electricity supply system. Conducting continuous measurements in networks containing a sharply variable and non-linear load, using domestic PQE measurement devices, in accordance with the requirements of GOST 54149, is problematic. This is due to the fact that algorithms for averaging the results of calculations are applied in the software of such devices. As a result, only integer harmonics will be available to the user. By making appropriate changes to the software of measuring instruments, this problem will be removed. The introduction of such systems requires annual costs for their maintenance. The automated measuring system for monitoring the quality of electricity is a multi-level information and computer system with centralized control and a distributed measurement function, the number of levels and the architecture of construction are determined at the stage of development of the technical assignment and depend on the complexity and the number of energy objects. The appearance of the instrument base and the introduction into the operational practice of normative documents for the monitoring and analysis of the quality of electricity creates prerequisites for the organization of a system for monitoring and analyzing the quality of electricity from suppliers and consumers of electricity and the creation of control systems for the SCE.

    Keywords: energy quality control, energy efficiency, energy saving, power quality indicators, monitoring.


    1. Управление качеством электроэнергии/ Карташев И.И., Тульский В.Н., Шамонов Р.Г. и др.; под ред. Шарова Ю.В. – М.: Издательский дом МЭИ, 2006.
    2. CIRED, Vienna 21-24 May 2007, 19th International Conference on Electricity Distribution. Paper 0263. Roman Targosz (European Copper Institute – Poland), Jonathan Manson (JEL Consulting – United Kingdom).
    3. ГОСТ 54149-2010 Электрическая энергия. Совместимость технических средств электромагнитная. Нормы качества электрической энергии в системах электроснабжения общего назначения.
    4. Карташев И.И., Тульский В.Н., Подольский Д.С. Современные задачи управления качеством электроэнергии. Энергоаудит №3, 2007 год.
    5. Суднова В.В., Пригода В.П., Хакимов P.P. Принципы построения АИИС мониторинга ПКЭ и управления качеством электроэнергии. Промышленная энергетика, 2007, № 3.
    6. Управление качеством электроэнергии / Карташев И.И., Тульский В.Н., Шамонов Р.Г. и др.; под ред. Шарова Ю.В. М.: Издательский дом МЭИ, 2006.
    7. ГОСТ Р МЭК 61850-7-2-2009. Сети и системы связи на подстанциях. Часть 7. Базовая структура связи для подстанций и линейного оборудования. Раздел 2.
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    A manuscript entered release 26.04.16

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